Deep Conditioning on Dry Hair? Benefit?


New Member
I don't get it. Can anybody explain to me what is the advantage of doing it on dry hair instead of after a wash or co-wash? Everytime you go to a salon they wash first then dc. I just want to know what is supposed to be the benefit of doing it on dry hair. It seems to me like my hair doesn't absorb as much when i do it that way!!
My hair seems to absorb more.

The logic around it (as I understand it) is that hair only has a certain amount of 'free' room that a molecule (whether water or conditioner) can enter. If your hair is wet, then water is taking up some of that space. However, if your hair is dry, the conditioner can get to EVERY exposed spot of your hair - thus making it a deeper/better treatment.

I've found, that sometimes it's useful to thin your conditioner a TINY bit (like 8 drops of water to a handful of conditioner) and that helps it 'spread' better (since they make it of a thickness assuming that it's going to mix with a LOT of water on your wet hair).

I think the reason they do it on wet hair in the salons is convience - they are applying it AFTER the shampoo, ya know? Doesn't mean it's better.
i would think doin it after washing would be more beneficial since the cuticle opens up from the steam of the water allowing the conditioner to better penetrate. however i could be totally wrong lol.
For me, it is the convenience of not having to go in/out of the shower. However, I do condition both ways: on dry and wet hair.
personally, it just saves me a little time.

I can put on my conditioner (most times it is a protein one I do this with), do a workout DVD or run on my treadmill or something and then rinse it out and proceed with everything else. It just saves me from getting in and out or the shower. I do shampoo afterwards. Seems wrong, but it works for me. I rarely do my moisturizing deep conditions this way, though.
The only benefit to me is convenience and time saving as well. I don't have to rinse twice and get it over with all at once.
hmm all these interesting views... especially about what the cuticle can hold... i guess i've always thought similar to flawedbeauty. i mean ive tried it both ways and my hair just seems more moisturized when its wet first. i guess different strokes for different folks!!

people mostly say its convienent. There is no difference to me.

Right! The majority of us, if not all of us, wash our hair in the shower. So when you get in the shower to shampoo your hair you have to get out and apply the conditioner, sit under the dryer, then get back into the shower and rinse. When you deep condition on dry hair you're only getting into the shower once. Me, personally, I don't mind getting in and out the shower:grin: but sometimes I do get lazy:perplexed
i would think doin it after washing would be more beneficial since the cuticle opens up from the steam of the water allowing the conditioner to better penetrate. however i could be totally wrong lol.

OT: Your hair is coming along nicely Flawed. Keep it up girly. You'll be bs in no time:yep: