DEEP CONDITIONING-NATURALS spare a sec please?!?


New Member
Ok basically, i thought my hair needed protien.... and well it didn't it showed me by breaking off some more and tiny bits of my ends snapping off!!! :perplexed

so i need to hydrate it asap, so far my hair is responding to very creamy deep conditioners and carot cream, perferctive split end mender and mega moisturizer, amla oil, jojoba oil, honey, avacado oil, castor oil, shea butter lotion by kids organics.

but my question is: how many times a week can i deep condition and cowash?

im tinking of cowashing everyday and deep conditioning 3 times a week. is this too much and has anyone done this before, i know the more moisturized my hair gets i will need to bring back the protien bit by bit, but my hair is breaking ya'll BREAKING!!!???!?!
I just want long hair, :afro:

but i keep messing it up!!?!?
IMHO...less is more. wash and deep condish once a week and use hydrating leave ins. and use a sulfate shampoo (once), you may have buildup and nothing is penetrating the hair shaft.
If you cowash with a moisturizing conditioner everyday then it shouldn't be necssary to DC that often during the week. Start off DC'ing once a week and see how your hair reacts.

What product are you using to deep condition? Whatever it is I don't think your hair likes it.

If DCing 3x a week is causing breakage then I would cut back to once a week for now. Maybe your hair needs a break from all that daily manipulation. HTH
i never cowash/wash more than once a week. but if i were in your situation where my hair was so dry it was breaking, i would dc on dry hair. before going to bed, i would slather on my MOST moisturizing conditioner (that may include mixing up a number of things to create your own super concoction) and sleep in it (i sleep in my conditioners every time i wash). in the morning, rinse and go about your normal routine that you do after you wash for styling. i would probably do this 2-3 times in the week depending on how the hair is responding. i think washing too often (whether it be co-wash or poo wash) may cause a drying effect on natural hair. you must allow the hair time to create its own oils.
i've never had to recover from a protein overload. But if you're trying to load moisture into your hair to prevent further breakage, I say do what you have to do. Cowash everyday and DC until you feel that your hair is back on track. I don't think anyone can tell you what's too much or too little-- just listen to your hair.
protien is th cause of my problem my hair was breaking after a weave take down so i used aphogee 2 step, then the recon a few days later.

my products are good at the mo, i just need to up my moisture big time!

is cowashing 3 times a week and deep con twice bad?
protien is th cause of my problem my hair was breaking after a weave take down so i used aphogee 2 step, then the recon a few days later.

my products are good at the mo, i just need to up my moisture big time!

is cowashing 3 times a week and deep con twice bad?
-- no it's not bad

if i were you i'd prepoo with coconut oil (it's light) cowash (with silicone free conditioner) and DC every other day till the hair feels normal again. And in the future use mild proteins, if any (and especially don't follow them back to back)
Can you spray your hair with a water based moisturizer (saturate if need be) and apply your DC as a leave in, then seal with an oil or butter? That is what I would do and I would repeat that as frequently as needed through the week. I would only cowash once a week and be extra gentle If your hair is breaking, IMHO, I would be careful about too much manipulation until you get the moisture level up.
thanks ladies, i think i will do a westNDNbeauty and put my deep con in overnight and rinse in the morning. but i would need to cowas first as i use gel in my hair.
I live in a VERY dry climiate so I deep condition every 3 times a week; do a hot oil treatment once a week. Plrobably a protein treatment once a month.

It ha helped my hair.