Deep conditioning for maintenance?


New Member
Any ladies out there who deep conditioned a few times per week to re-build their hair (for months or whatever) and then dropped the frequency down (like once/week or 2x/month) to maintain the hair's health? I am considering doing this, as my hair is fine-textured and I don't want to do more harm than good now that my hair is healthy.

Any thoughts ladies? :)

well we both are fine 3c/4a and I deep condition once a week: one week i'll dc w/ protein and the next i'll dc w/ moisture: doin more than once a week of protein: my hair felt hard & w/ moisture it felt mushy: since i wash my hair 2x a week my hair stays soft and well balanced: ~HTH~

ETA: since ur hair is already healthy: u only need 2 dc once a week: i do feel if u do more: it is more harm than good.
A friend of mine has fine color treated hair. After she got her color she noticed alot of damage/breakage. So she DC'd once a week under the dryer for 30 mins w/ Redken (not sure which exact conditioner). She did it for about 6 weeks before her hair returned to its normal health. Now she only has to DC every other week or once a month. She has FINE hair so I think dc'ing too much weighs her hair down, I dunno.

HTH somehow..
i do a dc probably 2-3 times a week with no problems. I use ORS Replenish Pacs and leave on anywhere from 1-3 hours. i cover my head with a shopping bag and just sit around and watch tv until i feel like rinsing it out. i havent had any adverse effects from doin this. Oh, and my hair is also very fine :)
Thanks chicas!

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I've been stretching my washes out a little bit to every 4-5 days instead of every 3, and cutting down my DC time. I think I will see how DC-ing once a week goes, and who knows maybe I'll go every other week :eek:. I'm so used to doing it 2x/week, it'll be hard not pulling out the hooded dryer on wash day :lol: .
I feel you... Im sitting here now KNOWING that I just DC'd last Wednesday, but still looking at my dryer like hmmmm.... hmmmmmm.. :lol:
I might have to do that now, since the ApHogee treatment that I used is very strong. But, I also alternate with baggying and co-washing.
4N6_Gyrl said:
well we both are fine 3c/4a and I deep condition once a week:

ETA: since ur hair is already healthy: u only need 2 dc once a week: i do feel if u do more: it is more harm than good.

I agree with this. When I was relaxed and my hair was damaged, my stylist had me come in every week for a month for a dc treatment. Then she just dced every time I came after that which was usually every 2 weeks. Once I started handling my own hair, dcing once a week kept it nice and soft. Anything more than that made it feel nasty. I still DC weekly now that I'm natural. But I don't do protein anymore.
I did when my hair was damaged. I deep cond w/plastic cap under the dryer Mon, Wed, Sat w/o fail for 6 mo at least (Cathy Howse tip). During this period, I did quite a few aphoghee treatments. Now I maintain by deep cond with my Wed and Sat wash. My hair loves this schedule. You should be able to deep cond just once a wk and be fine.