deep condition braids


Well-Known Member
How do you deep condition your hair while it is in braids. Please give details. Do you dilute? Cover all of the braids? What do you do? Thank you for your help in advance.
I do. I mainly get the roots first. Then down the braid to wear my hair ends. This may not be a popular choice by others because some feel like its wasting D/C on fake hair. My hair is in there and I want to take the best care of my hair. I use the NTM mask. HTH
I deep condition the roots and scalp only and not, the hair but what I will do is make sure that I moisturize the hair ends with my homemade spritz. You are not wasting DC because you want to keep the hair moisturized. The thing that I recommend to keep the braids from frizzing when applying shampoo is shampoo with a pantyhose cap(cut pantyhose cap put hair inside--shampoo and water rinse.
I do. I mainly get the roots first. Then down the braid to wear my hair ends. This may not be a popular choice by others because some feel like its wasting D/C on fake hair. My hair is in there and I want to take the best care of my hair. I use the NTM mask. HTH

I do exactly this^^ except the NTM mask bit.
I do. I mainly get the roots first. Then down the braid to wear my hair ends. This may not be a popular choice by others because some feel like its wasting D/C on fake hair. My hair is in there and I want to take the best care of my hair. I use the NTM mask. HTH

thanks for sharing. I plan on getting braids soon and this is how I will deep condition. Do you dilute your conditioner at all before applying it to your roots/braids?

I am planning to use my spray bottle mix... Infusium, Rusk, water. Just spray on the length of my hair. I think I'm going to put in box braids this week.
thanks for sharing. I plan on getting braids soon and this is how I will deep condition. Do you dilute your conditioner at all before applying it to your roots/braids?


I am 21 weeks post and need the moisture so I dont dilute it persay but I do add some castor oil or honey to it for the added moisture. I MT at night and use a mixture of VO5,infusium, sta soft fro in a spray bottle and mist. I seal with coconut oil and baggie my head. In the morning I use OCT and go. I live in a tropical area so within an hour my head is dry from the baggie. HTH
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I started this with just my last set of braids (spraying roots as well as length with infusium 23, water, sta sof fro and castor oil) Did anyone noticed increased matting when doing this? I do not know if was the mix or if it was due to my hair seeming to slip in certain areas because that is the only place I noticed the matting, where the braids had slipped. I also only had them in for 6 weeks because I had an immense amount of new growth (that wasn't slippage, just some areas were lose in my nape area) and this time I am going for 12 weeks and I do NOT want it to mat up and I know my hair can do this because I have gone this long w/o washing or spraying anything in it and my hair was great. So this very long post is for people who wear their braids like 10-12 weeks and spray stuff in their roots do they notice more matting than when they do not spray anything in their roots?
Twice a week I try to dc my roots and the a good portion of the lenght of my the braids because the braids are much longer than my hair. I use a blend of clorestorol,honey,and emu oil. I sit under the dryer and for twenty minutes or walk around with with a bag for an hour. daily I use an aloe juice,glycerin and rosewater spritz and seal w/evco. So far my hair has not experienced any matting w the exception of the nape. I also have not had much shedding either.
Just got braids today and was wondering the exact same thing. Africa's Best is good for my scalp but it makes my hair very soft and my braids become looser. Never DC in braids but that was before LHCF. Thanks for starting and sharing in this thread.
How do you deep condition your hair while it is in braids. Please give details. Do you dilute? Cover all of the braids? What do you do? Thank you for your help in advance.

I apply conditioner the way relaxer is applied only using fingers instead of brush, taking a few braids at a time, and smoothing the product from about an inch from the base to the ends. I then squeeze them to get the condish to penetrate. Then I braid them together to get them out of the way so I can work on another set. I leave them hanging down so conditioner doesn't drip to the base or my scalp but rather drips towards the ends...if it does. I then put on a plastic cap and go under a dryer. I do not dilute the conditioner. Never have as I need all the goodness it has to offer. I do cover only the section of the braid that contains my hair and skip the inch closest to my scalp. HTH