Dedicated MTG Users...Please check in


New Member
I've been so curious since a lot of us have discovered MTG.
Check in please with us all just to let us know your results of usage.

As for me, I've seen great results since my use in August.
My hair=line has filled in
My hair is thicker, and my growth rate has seemed to increased. Seemed to because I can't tell right now due to shrinkage. I don't straighten it dry very often.
Whazzup, HP! I have to say my hair grew faster w/ MTG when I was texturized. Now that I am natural, the back of my head actually grows faster than the front. My sides are growing in faster and the overall length of my hair is almost even. When I was texturized, growth for the front and sides were more pronounced. I think this is the thickest and healthiest my hair has ever been. My stylist and others have noticed and now I am too. I love my MTG and I will be doing my double whammy challenge. Surge and MTG used together. I'll post my results soon. I can't really tell how to measure my nat. hair,but I am almost able to put it in a pitiful ponytail. :lol: When I bced 6/15/05, I didn't even have enough hair to hide my scalp! I am definitely progressing in my natural journey. I thank all of u for your hair care tips. Keep em coming.
me 3!

bald patches grew in (hair used to be shaved to a shadow)
pronounced growth
nice texture, curls and sheen
fuller hairline
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Re: Dedicated MTG Us s...Please check in

just going on my 2nd week. i'm about 5 weeks post relaxer, i apply mtg to scalp 2x a week so far. it makes my hair soft and shiny and i have gotten used to the smell as well. i am watching the sides of my scalp for new growth because thats the last place i get it. so far its just fuzzy, but my crown is definately feeling thick.
My hair grew really fast and filled in on the sides and in back. My hair is already thick and MTG made it thicker.
I'm not sure. I have braids in. It definitely looks like it's working in the back. I'm not as sure about the front and sides. I'll let you all know when I take them out in a few weeks.

Also, do you all use MTG every night? I have been using once a week, and sometimes 2 times a week. Just curious if frequency makes a difference.
I just started using MTG saturday....My hair is now very thick and hard to manage..I met with my girlfriend who I gave a applicator bottle full of this and hair hair was a thick mess too. I had been wearing my phony pony and my hair would look nice. Now my hair looks like a thick mess...What I am I doing! Im alsao using surge 14, mango butter QP restorative
Hey everybody I want in:eek: I need to know what is MTG and where can I get it from. I'm anxious for some new growth. I need to stimulate growth and strength, I've been wearing braids and it I think its what I'm looking for:cool: .I'm a new user and want to be mid back by December. HELP me Help Me:grin: please.....
cicilypayne said:
Hey everybody I want in:eek: I need to know what is MTG and where can I get it from. I'm anxious for some new growth. I need to stimulate growth and strength, I've been wearing braids and it I think its what I'm looking for:cool: .I'm a new user and want to be mid back by December. HELP me Help Me:grin: please.....

MTG is a product for horses, but many people have found a lot of growth with it.
I have been using it for 1 week now and the back of my hair is touching my collarbone when i stretch it ..the longest my hair has been since 1998. I also just cut about 1/2 inch before the mtg came in the mail. so it working , it is a definate keeper my hair is also really soft, too bad for my boyfriend (he cannot stand the smell ) ..yall know I have been growing my hair for the longest while and my nick is still DEESHORTEST I may have to change it in a few months ..thumbs up!!! FINALLY
i've been using MTG since mid-august and my edges have filled in!!!!!! they were a horiible, horrible mess and i was embarassed abotu them. they are now back to normal in less than 2 months. My new growth is coming in very wavy. my last relaxer was on september 8 and my mom has noticed how much longer my hair has grown since then. i love MTG
Thank you cocoberry. I visited the link you posted and will be ordering soon. I think this is what I've been looking for:lachen: ..
I fell off the MTG wagon for 2 months. :p Now, I am proud to say I am 2 weeks into being back on the wagon. I had 1/8th an inch of ng in the front at the beginning of the 2, my ng is at 3/4ths in the front, 1 1/4th in my top crown, 1 inch in the back.

And, today, while twisting my hair for a twist out (after doing a co-wash), I noticed my TEMPLES on BOTH sides had 1 1/4th inches of OBVIOUS ng! I was shocked, amazed and awed. Esp. since the rest of my front does not have that much. I am chalking it up to the MTG. :D

Dangit, I shoulda' took a pic! I'll take a pic when I wash my twist-out later in the week. BTW, I did a twist out on semi-damp hair using a leave-in and, when I was done twisting, I could not resist but to grab my beloved MTG and just apply it to my scalp in the parts lightly. I hope it doesn't affect the outcome of my twist-out in the morning when I take them out. :cool:

Here's one additional tip ladies....I add peppermint and eucalyptus eo's to my MTG because the peppermint wakes my scalp up and makes it tingle. For some reason, I feel like it is awakening those follicles so that the MTG can just seep in extra well. Just a thought.
Does MTG leave a sulphur residue in the hair? i know its oily, but are there white/yellow bits in your hair afterwards? or does the sulphur dissolve completely into the oil?
asphyxxia said:
Does MTG leave a sulphur residue in the hair? i know its oily, but are there white/yellow bits in your hair afterwards? or does the sulphur dissolve completely into the oil?

I haven't seen any residue...
Blossssom said:
I haven't seen any residue...
ok great. i've bought some sulphur powder and i'll be making my own MTG when it arrives. too bad sulphur wont dissolve in water. oil annoys me.
do you put it on your scalp? do yall mix it with surge? I am ridiculously poor right now so I cannot jump on the bandwagon, but when I do scrape up some extra cash, I am gonna get me some of this stuff and mix it up with something whose smell is tolerable :)
asphyxxia said:
ok great. i've bought some sulphur powder and i'll be making my own MTG when it arrives. too bad sulphur wont dissolve in water. oil annoys me.
Where do you buy sulphur powder? Would msm powder work? It is odorless. I take msm powder (nasty) but it has absolutely no odor and it completely dissolves in hot water (if its pure w/ no fillers)
asphyxxia said:
ok great. i've bought some sulphur powder and i'll be making my own MTG when it arrives. too bad sulphur wont dissolve in water. oil annoys me.

What is your recipe for making MTG? Let us know how it works out, too...
ftballwidow said:
Where do you buy sulphur powder? Would msm powder work? It is odorless. I take msm powder (nasty) but it has absolutely no odor and it completely dissolves in hot water (if its pure w/ no fillers)
i'm not sure if MSM would work the same, but its worth a try! there are many MSM shampoos and conditioners out there. i may try this too. i've got a lot of MSM powder to use up!

i got the sulphur powder from Baldwins. It's really cheap:
Brinasia said:
I just started using MTG saturday....My hair is now very thick and hard to manage..I met with my girlfriend who I gave a applicator bottle full of this and hair hair was a thick mess too. I had been wearing my phony pony and my hair would look nice. Now my hair looks like a thick mess...What I am I doing! Im alsao using surge 14, mango butter QP restorative[/QUOTE

Any suggestions
I'm very pleased with the results. I have ordered my second bottle and I still have the first. I am very very very pleased to see how my back hair has grown. Yep it's a keeper.
I mixed it with peppermint, rosemary, orange and rose oil and the smell is still lingering. I haven't put it in my hair...I'll wait until Friday night to see what it smells like on Saturday just in case I have to wash it out, but just curious to know what you're mixing it with...
asphyxxia said:
ok great. i've bought some sulphur powder and i'll be making my own MTG when it arrives. too bad sulphur wont dissolve in water. oil annoys me.

I made my own...only thing is I'm not sure how fast or slow my hair grew before so I don't know if it accelerated it or not. I just bought MTG and plan to compare the growth between my own mix and MTG. I have a little recipe in my fotki...
I'm using MTG faithfully. About 4-5xs per week at night. I "grease" my scalp with it. I did the BC to about 2 inches all around in May, got the MTG in June and now I am at 6 inches all around. I had braids in July and I've been lazy so I haven't taken pictures yet. I haven't measured in about a month either, just baggie & phony pony daily. Between May and Sept, I gained 4 inches and I would say a great deal of it is due to MTG. I'm getting braids next week so I'll update with pics of current length to compare when I'm out.
MTG is definitely a keeper for me though. My hair is a lot thicker and my kitchen area has grown from little stap crackle pops to about 2-3 inches. :lol: