>:< Decisions, AND about to Pull Hair OUT >:<


Well-Known Member
I am seriously goin crazy over here. ABOUT to yank hair out, becaus eof frustation.

Okay, I will SOON be getting a perm, but dont know what I will be using. I actually spent all day doin reserch on perms, and what people think are the best ones. BUT doin that only made me more unsure.
At first the choices were btw ORS's Perm, Profectiv's Perm, goin back to old perm, or Elasta QP perm. 3 are no-lye one is lye.

So I am searching, searching, searching, (on this board and others) and find that a lot of people think no lye isnt as good as lye because it drys hair out more, then I see people talk in about perms that made their hair super soft and silky. So Now I am taking THESE perms into consideration, and NOW my list is unbearable to look at, and I dont know what to do. I especially dont want to try every one out. but I know the task of finding the right perm is not goin to be easy.

I just switched from my old perm to Elasta QP extra body formula that caused unbearable burning after like 5-10 mins.

I just want a perm that I dont have to sit in more that 15-20 mins, I want sumthing that gets my hair str8, helps protect against over processing, doesnt have that many harsh chem's and/or has lots of good stuff in it.

I am sure my request is not that Outrageous / different / it is to much to ask for.

I think it is gonna be really hard to ge tall that in one relaxer. I think textures and tones will get your hair straight even in a lye formulation as well as Revlon Relaxer.
Hi Angel,

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my perm experiences. If you didn't read it then here it is again

Hi Everbody,

When I started my hair barely touched my neck (last summer) I now realize that my hair really grows fast, but when you don't take care of it you can't tell because the breakage makes it seem like you don't get anywhere. I use a protein treatment the week after my perm. And the week before my perm I do a thorough deep condition (to prepare my hair) I perm my hair every 6-7 weeks faithfully. I use PCJ pretty and silky (Yes it is a kiddie perm). I have been through so many perms in my lifetime that it wasn't funny. I have used
1. Just for me (that was my first perm ever age 9) I know that was way too early for me to get a perm!!!!
2. Cream of nature (from age 14-18) That was way tooooo strong and I never once in the 4 yrs that I used this perm went burn free.
3. I used cream of nature herba rich ( there is no difference btwn regular cream of nature and herbarich only the color in my opinion........I still burned.
4. I used Motions ( still burned)
5. I used Motions Oil moisturizer ( the worst) my hair was tooooooooooo oily.
6. I used Parnevu this perm is realllly good for sensitive scalp (if I didn't find PCJ I would use this)

Last summer I tried to do the whole thing of washing my hair 3-4 times a week. It was okay but I really couldn't figure out what to do with my hair. Then I started to wear weave ponytails for about 3 months (this really helped my hair grow because I wasn't playing in it everyday) The only bad thing about that was that it made the middle of my head sore. Then I started to get sew in weaves ( they really helped) I kept them in for about 4 to 5 weeks. I got sew in's for about 4 months. What was very important was that I would still get perms regularly. ( some may frown upon that but it helped me retain growth) After stopping the sew in's ( around January) I started to get wash&amp;sets. ( In NY there are so cheap about $12) so I would get my hair done every week and a half. I always made sure to deep condition. I don't have any permanent color. (just a rinse...by Avatar) the color is so rich it looks like color.. And here I am today, My hair is past my neck making it's way down my back. And that's my hair story!!!

My perm now is PCJ pretty and silky. The mistake that I was making before was that I would compare my hair to everyone else's. My hair isn't thick and I don't need a strong perm. If I was to use Affirm on my head I'd be bald and burned. You have to really analyze your hair and see it it needs something strong or mild. If you burn easily I'd recommend Parnevu or PCJ. I burn easily. I mean I bet you I burn faster than u. There have been times that I'd be in the shop getting my hair done and I'd run to wash the perm out because they wouldn't wash it out fast enough and the perm would only have been in my hair for 6 minutes. Another good thing I would tell you is that just because a "kiddie" perm works for kids does not mean it won't work for you. But again make sure you analyze your hair, and ask around. Find somebody that has healthy hair and ask them what they use. Don't let those so called beauticians put anything they want in your hair because they don't know it all sometimes. Good Luck!
have beedn reading that kiddie perms are no better than no lye perms, or sumthing like that

CBJ, I am not expecting all of that in one perm, but at least two of the qualities. I am heavily considering a lye, becasue it seems to be healthier, those that dont use lye, correct me if u are finding ur perm (no lye to just as good)

I might just end up using profectiv's perm, Hawian Silky, ORS Olive Oil Perm, or my old one, which was Ultra Sheen's Supreme perm
yeh, that might be my ultimate choice, although I did narrow it down to three, LOL
Decided to stay with no-lye it never did me wrong, THATS WHY I HATE THIS BOARD, people do different things, and their hair looks GREAT, so you want to be like them, but there are different strokes for different folks, just gotta do u.

Ultra Sheen's Supreme (my old joint)
ORS's Olive Oil (liking the ingredients might be the one I use)
Profectiv (have to go to store and look at the ingerdients, because I cant find them online)
I used Profectiv's one and my mother's hair came out underprocessed. I didn't realize it until later when it was time to wash her head again. It was like nothing was ever done to it. She has very small coils, 4a hair. Just a heads up.
It costs a pretty penny too - mine was 12.99. It comes with two containers for 2 usages, but if you have a lot of hair, you better believe you will probably be using both of those containers.

The best no-lye perm that I've used were Creme of Nature and Pink Lotion (preferably this one) - as far as getting my mom and my hair straight.
DARN, U KARONICA, I thought Profectiv was goin be the one I go with, but it is looking more like ORS's perm, or my old one, it might just be my old one because it was pretty inexpensive and two came in the box, LOL

yeh I am cheap, LOL
Well if it was working before, you shouldn't have stopped using it!
You were listening to the no-lye hype, weren't you?
I am 4b relaxed and affirm lye mild is DA BOMB. I never thought a "mild" formula would get my hair straight, but it does, just has to stay on about 5 minutes longer, which gives stylist more time to smooth and control level of straightness (I like 85% straight). Just my two cents. . .
I've used Revlon Regular (lye) for over 10 years and it's always been good to ME.

It is good that you are doing research, don't get frustrated! You can't always go by everyone else's experience with a relaxer because you may not have the same hair type as them. What have you used in the past? Why don't you want to use that again?
Re:UPDATE >:< Decisions, AND about to Pull Hair OU

OK, I have decided to go with affirm conditioning creme mild relaxer, does anyone know where I can get it in NY, manhattan....

I decided to go with lye because my friend just had to point out that my hair is getting stringy, thin, and I can tell it is damaged, and lye seems softer on the hair, and affirm, because I hear it is the nest.