Decided to get the Wash and Wear Relaxer


Well-Known Member
My hair has been natural for about 5 years and I finally decided, I'm tired of the braids, the wigs; I want to start wearing my own hair. I want the versatility of the straight look as well as the curly look. I found the Jazma website about 5 years ago where I saw the Wash and Wear Relaxer. That was the main reason why I decided to go natural 5 years ago so I could get the wash and wear relaxer. Then, you hear about how the chemicals can be damaging, and stuff and I was so unsure what to do. Well, I've made up my mind. I have a consultation the first week in March and based on what she says, I will make an appointment to get my hair done with the Kerasoft conditioning system the first week in April. Many may say why, but I feel that natural hair has it's problems, just as much as relaxed hair. I will meet in the middle. I love my natural hair, which is why I've decided to get the wash and wear because they work off the scalp, and they relax 25-70% meaning they leave alot of the elasticticy in the hair. I will be wearing my hair wash and wear most of the time, but I just want my hair to be more manageable. I am so excited!
That's awesome!! I'm glad you found something that will most likely work out really well for you. I bought the Video last year and used that technique for texturizing my hair, it worked really well, I especially like the off the scalp application, never any burns or scalp irritation. :up:
What exactly is the wash and wear? meaning is it a chemical process or not. I don't really know much about this but would love to learn. TIA
Check out the website. It's all explained there. Also if you do a search on this forum, you will find additional information.
VWVixxen said:
That's awesome!! I'm glad you found something that will most likely work out really well for you. I bought the Video last year and used that technique for texturizing my hair, it worked really well, I especially like the off the scalp application, never any burns or scalp irritation. :up:

Can you explain a bit more about what is meant by "off the scalp" technique. Thanks
Hello! I have the Wash and Wear Relaxer and I like it. I'm currently transitioning from straight relaxed hair to texturized hair. I have about two to three inches of texturized hair using the Wash and Wear Relaxer and three to four inches of relaxed hair. So far, my hair is working out fine and I'm not really experiencing breakage along the demarcation line between texturized and relaxed hair thanks to keeping my hair moisturized.

I chose the Wash and Wear Relaxer because relaxing straight was thinning my hair and I wanted a change. I thought about going natural, and I probably will go natural later on, but for now I think that the Wash and Wear Relaxer is a good choice. My stylist doesn't leave the relaxer on for 5-7 min and she keeps the relaxer off the scalp. An off the scalp application is where the stylist starts about 1/4 inch from the scalp to relax the hair, therefore, it's less likely that u will experience burns or irritation on the scalp. My hair texture is close to my natural texture and it is thickening up. And, I can stretch my touch-ups for about three to four months.

I really like it! :)
deborah11 said:
Can you explain a bit more about what is meant by "off the scalp" technique. Thanks

The application method that is used is as follows:

Initially the hair is cleased, yes shampooed immediately preceding relaxing! I don't recall if it is dried but the hair is then sectioned into desired sections. (I haven't watched the video in over 6 months). Using a fine tooth comb, the teeth end of the comb is dipped into the relaxer, when removing, scrape both the sides of the comb clean, what should remain is relaxer that is between the teeth of the comb. Using SMALL PARTINGSs, the relaxer is then applied approximately 1/4" for the scalp. The hair is NOT SMOOTHED but rather the curl is allowed to slowly release until the desired straightness/loosened curl pattern is achieved. The curl pattern can be tested by taking a few strands, separating them from the rest, slightly stretch them and release and see how the hair curls. Once the desired texture is achieved, rinse that section, and proceed to the next. When the whole head is done, neutralize and condition as usual.

Sazzy4Evr said:
Hello! I have the Wash and Wear Relaxer and I like it. I'm currently transitioning from straight relaxed hair to texturized hair. I have about two to three inches of texturized hair using the Wash and Wear Relaxer and three to four inches of relaxed hair. So far, my hair is working out fine and I'm not really experiencing breakage along the demarcation line between texturized and relaxed hair thanks to keeping my hair moisturized.

I chose the Wash and Wear Relaxer because relaxing straight was thinning my hair and I wanted a change. I thought about going natural, and I probably will go natural later on, but for now I think that the Wash and Wear Relaxer is a good choice. My stylist doesn't leave the relaxer on for 5-7 min and she keeps the relaxer off the scalp. An off the scalp application is where the stylist starts about 1/4 inch from the scalp to relax the hair, therefore, it's less likely that u will experience burns or irritation on the scalp. My hair texture is close to my natural texture and it is thickening up. And, I can stretch my touch-ups for about three to four months.

I really like it! :)

Do you use the Kerasoft products to maintain your wash and wear? Do you use their shampoo and conditioner, or do you use another brand? I know they recommend you use their Quench moisturizing spray, the curl revitaliser, and the Actisilk. I will ask these questions on my consultation, but since you already have it, I thought you would know just as well. When I spoke with the lady, she said that many people really love the wash and wear and she assured me that I would love it as well. I'm just looking for manageability and easy hair care and wash and wear sounds like it to me.
I can't speak for the products, whether it is just a texturizer or relaxer, or if there is technically really a difference between the two.

But, by the method of application, the relaxer being left on a very short time (few minutes) AND the sure SOUNDS like a texturizer.
fancypants, I have only used the Quench spray. I really like it. It's for moisture and it smells really nice! I use other products for shampoo and conditioner however. I don't think that u need to use the Kerasoft products though. I guess u can just pick and choose what u like. But, my hair still has relaxed ends so I have not used the Kerasoft products for a wash and go bcuz my hair would not look right at all. :lol:
DDtexlaxd said:
So this is basically a texturizer, right?:confused:

The answer is yes but technically the process they use is different. They have a unique application called "off the scalp" and I don't think other texturizers follow this method. Also, i've heard many, and some on this hairboard who has had bad experiences with using a regular relaxer and leaving it on the hair for only a few minutes. They wound up with hair that is underprocessed, which then leads to two different textures and we all know that that leads to breakage. Asha from the Jazma website has forumuated this kerasoft conditioning relaxer system specifically to use as the wash and wear relaxer, so I do believe it is a texturizer, but the application is different. Curves salon has something called a "silkner" which also is probably a texturizer. I decided to get the wash and wear and I am so excited. I want manageability, less shrinkage, and my hair still in somewhat of a natural style. I will find out more when I meet with this lady in March, but I am so excited that I decided to finally start wearing my own hair. Alot of times I just didn't know how to style my natural hair. I'm hoping that once I have some manageability to my hair that this problem will be eliminated. Anyway, to each their own. Some may prefer to use a regular relaxer to obtain the texturized look, others may prefer to get a silkner by Curves, however, I've decided to get the Wash and Wear.
Sazzy4Evr said:
fancypants, I have only used the Quench spray. I really like it. It's for moisture and it smells really nice! I use other products for shampoo and conditioner however. I don't think that u need to use the Kerasoft products though. I guess u can just pick and choose what u like. But, my hair still has relaxed ends so I have not used the Kerasoft products for a wash and go bcuz my hair would not look right at all. :lol:

Thanks for responding. You know many times they try to push their own products, but I was just wondering if I could use another shampoo and conditioner. I will try their products once, (they're very expensive) and if I can find something cheaper I will use them. Can you tell I am so excited. I can't wait!
So it's basically a liquid relaxer, like Vigoral, this is the same thing you do when you apply Vigoral, except Vigoral leaves the hair soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dry, you have to do everything to put the moisture back ASAP. Is this wash n wear relaxer drying?
VWVixxen said:
The application method that is used is as follows:

Initially the hair is cleased, yes shampooed immediately preceding relaxing! I don't recall if it is dried but the hair is then sectioned into desired sections. (I haven't watched the video in over 6 months). Using a fine tooth comb, the teeth end of the comb is dipped into the relaxer, when removing, scrape both the sides of the comb clean, what should remain is relaxer that is between the teeth of the comb. Using SMALL PARTINGSs, the relaxer is then applied approximately 1/4" for the scalp. The hair is NOT SMOOTHED but rather the curl is allowed to slowly release until the desired straightness/loosened curl pattern is achieved. The curl pattern can be tested by taking a few strands, separating them from the rest, slightly stretch them and release and see how the hair curls. Once the desired texture is achieved, rinse that section, and proceed to the next. When the whole head is done, neutralize and condition as usual.

I've always wanted to see a 'real life' person with the wash and wear relaxer. I hope it turns out nice. Pretty please post pics! :grin:
BeautifulWideEyes said:
So it's basically a liquid relaxer, like Vigoral, this is the same thing you do when you apply Vigoral, except Vigoral leaves the hair soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dry, you have to do everything to put the moisture back ASAP. Is this wash n wear relaxer drying?

No, it is not like Vigoral! I put vigoral on my hair years ago and I will neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr do it again. You are right, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry drying and I paid for it big time. The Wash and Wear uses a "lye" relaxer (sodium whatever the technical name is). The method/application of doing this type of relaxer is different. On the Jazma website they have a video clip that you can watch. I was trying not to obligate myself, but when I go to get this process done, (sometime around april 8th) I will try to post pictures. I will ask the lady to take pictures when she is finish.
Oh okay, thanks, I hope it goes well and can't wait to see the results. :)
fancypants007 said:
No, it is not like Vigoral! I put vigoral on my hair years ago and I will neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr do it again. You are right, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry drying and I paid for it big time. The Wash and Wear uses a "lye" relaxer (sodium whatever the technical name is). The method/application of doing this type of relaxer is different. On the Jazma website they have a video clip that you can watch. I was trying not to obligate myself, but when I go to get this process done, (sometime around april 8th) I will try to post pictures. I will ask the lady to take pictures when she is finish.
I go to Jazma as well. I've been transitioning from my relaxed hair to wash and wear for the past year. Its still not at a length where I'd want to wear it wash and wear so I can't say much about that. I consistently roller set.

What I have noticed is just how much thicker my hair has become. Not just in body but my hairs strands too. Before you would easily distinguish whose hair was left in a hair brush mine (relaxed) or my sisters (natural). Now you can't really tell. My hair has become sooo much stronger.

When I first started going there I used the Kerasoft products. I really liked the conditioning shampoo!But now I dont use any of their producs. I'm a PJ...right now I'm using Nexxus.:)

Even though my hair has really improved, I dont know if I can say its all because Ive been going to Jazma. I started goign to Jazma around the same time I found this forum (April 2005). So I would say LHCF has been equally important to my hair journey.
I got the Wash and Wear Relaxer in January and I'm loving it. They are pretty clear that it is a texturizer. It's just that the technique they use pretty much guarantees that your hair won't be overprocessed and the curl will be consistent throughout. I believe the same basic technique is used to achieve the Wash and Wear look and the "Curve" look. I prefer the Curve products to the Kerasoft products.

My hair is still very, very close to my natural texture. I was a 4a before the process, and now I am a looser 4a. It comes down to the tops of my shoulders in it's curly state. I think a lot of people think that the process is going to dramatically transform your hair. Really, the change is going to be very slight if the procedure is done right, so it helps if you are comfortable dealing with your natural hair.

I've heard that some have problems with dryness, but I haven't had any problems with that.
caltron said:
I got the Wash and Wear Relaxer in January and I'm loving it. They are pretty clear that it is a texturizer. It's just that the technique they use pretty much guarantees that your hair won't be overprocessed and the curl will be consistent throughout. I believe the same basic technique is used to achieve the Wash and Wear look and the "Curve" look. I prefer the Curve products to the Kerasoft products.

My hair is still very, very close to my natural texture. I was a 4a before the process, and now I am a looser 4a. It comes down to the tops of my shoulders in it's curly state. I think a lot of people think that the process is going to dramatically transform your hair. Really, the change is going to be very slight if the procedure is done right, so it helps if you are comfortable dealing with your natural hair.

I've heard that some have problems with dryness, but I haven't had any problems with that.

What products do you use from the curve salon? Does the products help in making your hair manageable? Are you going to keep your hair in the Wash and Wear?
fancypants007 said:
My hair has been natural for about 5 years and I finally decided, I'm tired of the braids, the wigs; I want to start wearing my own hair. I want the versatility of the straight look as well as the curly look. I found the Jazma website about 5 years ago where I saw the Wash and Wear Relaxer. That was the main reason why I decided to go natural 5 years ago so I could get the wash and wear relaxer. Then, you hear about how the chemicals can be damaging, and stuff and I was so unsure what to do. Well, I've made up my mind. I have a consultation the first week in March and based on what she says, I will make an appointment to get my hair done with the Kerasoft conditioning system the first week in April. Many may say why, but I feel that natural hair has it's problems, just as much as relaxed hair. I will meet in the middle. I love my natural hair, which is why I've decided to get the wash and wear because they work off the scalp, and they relax 25-70% meaning they leave alot of the elasticticy in the hair. I will be wearing my hair wash and wear most of the time, but I just want my hair to be more manageable. I am so excited!

Hey fancypants. Haven't talked to you in ages.
You sound like I went with the middle ground as well. :)

Let us know how it goes.
fancypants007 said:
The answer is yes but technically the process they use is different. They have a unique application called "off the scalp" and I don't think other texturizers follow this method. Also, i've heard many, and some on this hairboard who has had bad experiences with using a regular relaxer and leaving it on the hair for only a few minutes. They wound up with hair that is underprocessed, which then leads to two different textures and we all know that that leads to breakage. Asha from the Jazma website has forumuated this kerasoft conditioning relaxer system specifically to use as the wash and wear relaxer, so I do believe it is a texturizer, but the application is different. Curves salon has something called a "silkner" which also is probably a texturizer. I decided to get the wash and wear and I am so excited. I want manageability, less shrinkage, and my hair still in somewhat of a natural style. I will find out more when I meet with this lady in March, but I am so excited that I decided to finally start wearing my own hair. Alot of times I just didn't know how to style my natural hair. I'm hoping that once I have some manageability to my hair that this problem will be eliminated. Anyway, to each their own. Some may prefer to use a regular relaxer to obtain the texturized look, others may prefer to get a silkner by Curves, however, I've decided to get the Wash and Wear.

Can the silkener or this Kerasoft be purchased?
caltron said:
I got the Wash and Wear Relaxer in January and I'm loving it. They are pretty clear that it is a texturizer. It's just that the technique they use pretty much guarantees that your hair won't be overprocessed and the curl will be consistent throughout. I believe the same basic technique is used to achieve the Wash and Wear look and the "Curve" look. I prefer the Curve products to the Kerasoft products.

My hair is still very, very close to my natural texture. I was a 4a before the process, and now I am a looser 4a. It comes down to the tops of my shoulders in it's curly state. I think a lot of people think that the process is going to dramatically transform your hair. Really, the change is going to be very slight if the procedure is done right, so it helps if you are comfortable dealing with your natural hair.

I've heard that some have problems with dryness, but I haven't had any problems with that.
What isthe tehcnique? The same on Vixxen posted?
VWVixxen said:
I can't speak for the products, whether it is just a texturizer or relaxer, or if there is technically really a difference between the two.

But, by the method of application, the relaxer being left on a very short time (few minutes) AND the sure SOUNDS like a texturizer.

I can speak for the products and the application etc...
I've been going to Jazma for a wash and wear for a year now.
A wash and wear is exactly a relaxer... The girl who does my hair told me that because my hair is wet when they put the relaxer on, it just processess a little slower.
it is their own special relaxer though, that asha researched, and had the concentrations perfected... so maybe it is considered a 'texturizer' because of it's lye percentage.. etc.

but they straight up call it a relaxer in the salon, because that's essentially what it's doing...

She leaves the relaxer in my hair for 10 to 15 minutes depending on the area of my hair and then they wash it out, and voila!

I can say that my hair is still very close to natural, especially when i go to another salon to get a blow out, and they're telling me that if they didn't see with their own eyes the demarcation point on my hair (the area where one texture meets another)
they'd assume i was fully natural...

I am finding, a year later, that I am experiencing some major breakage...
I don't know if this is my fault, (i'm not deep conditioning as often as i used to) or just the texturizer's fault, or a combination of both...

oh yea. i don't use the kerasoft products anymore... i still have some left, but for the curl and style i want to achieve, i find it cheaper and easier to use other products...

(i love their 'shapes' setting lotion though...)

Feel free to look about in my album under the texturized pics from december...
Faith said:
Can the silkener or this Kerasoft be purchased?

Hey Faith, I'm sorry about your mishap with the zipper, what a bummer. Anyhow, yes if you go to website, they have their products that you can purchase. I have my consultation this Saturday and i think the lady sells the products as well. But somebody said they prefer the Curve products; i.e., curly pudding, curly buttercream, opposed to the Kerasoft products. I think I may use the curves product and just use the Kerasoft Quench moisturizing spray. I haven't wore my own hair for almost six years, and I am just so excited. I'm just praying that it will be all that I want it to me and then some.

So many of my friends keep telling me that my hair is so long, (they have seen it once or twice in that 6 year period in it's natural state) but I don't think my hair is long. If I stretch the back piece, it hits me a little pass my bra strap. I know I will have to get some cut off, but I'm hoping she will not cut off alot of my hair, you know, the SHS (scissor happy stylists). I will post pictures after the process is done. Faith are you going to get your hair professionally done, or are you going to do it yourself?
fancypants007 said:
Hey Faith, I'm sorry about your mishap with the zipper, what a bummer. Anyhow, yes if you go to website, they have their products that you can purchase. I have my consultation this Saturday and i think the lady sells the products as well. But somebody said they prefer the Curve products; i.e., curly pudding, curly buttercream, opposed to the Kerasoft products. I think I may use the curves product and just use the Kerasoft Quench moisturizing spray. I haven't wore my own hair for almost six years, and I am just so excited. I'm just praying that it will be all that I want it to me and then some.

So many of my friends keep telling me that my hair is so long, (they have seen it once or twice in that 6 year period in it's natural state) but I don't think my hair is long. If I stretch the back piece, it hits me a little pass my bra strap. I know I will have to get some cut off, but I'm hoping she will not cut off alot of my hair, you know, the SHS (scissor happy stylists). I will post pictures after the process is done. Faith are you going to get your hair professionally done, or are you going to do it yourself?
Thanks :) I do my hair myself since the 2x in the 1 1/2 years my hair has been relaxed/texturized that I have gone to a hairdresser hasn't gone well.
Hi Fancypants,

I actually got the wash and wear done about 4 months ago. I returned home with hair that had been blown dry and hot curled; something I had not hoped for. I wanted to be able to wet set hair that had been 70% relaxed. The cosmetologist who put the product in did not leave it in long enough because she did not have the delitex (or mild) so she "nervously" applied the regular. I love the concept behind wash and wear and I think the cream relaxer is good also but I ended up waiting 4 months and just getting regular texturizer (Arosci). My hair has been through a little trauma but its ok because I did not use anything too harsh (ie regular relaxer). ALSO, I wanted to mention if you want (tell anybody else as well) to save money, I could sell you my entire set (4.5 lbs of the wash&wear relaxer and all the maintainence products) for much cheaper than $199. Let me know. I only used a small amt of the relaxer to further relax the roots that were about 30% relaxed. Good luck and take care!

LongerHair said:
Hi Fancypants,

I actually got the wash and wear done about 4 months ago. I returned home with hair that had been blown dry and hot curled; something I had not hoped for. I wanted to be able to wet set hair that had been 70% relaxed. The cosmetologist who put the product in did not leave it in long enough because she did not have the delitex (or mild) so she "nervously" applied the regular. I love the concept behind wash and wear and I think the cream relaxer is good also but I ended up waiting 4 months and just getting regular texturizer (Arosci). My hair has been through a little trauma but its ok because I did not use anything too harsh (ie regular relaxer). ALSO, I wanted to mention if you want (tell anybody else as well) to save money, I could sell you my entire set (4.5 lbs of the wash&wear relaxer and all the maintainence products) for much cheaper than $199. Let me know. I only used a small amt of the relaxer to further relax the roots that were about 30% relaxed. Good luck and take care!


Thank you, but I no longer use the Wash and Wear Relaxer. I switched to Silk Elements lye and just touchup my hair myself. I am very glad that I originally got the wash and wear relaxer to soften my natural hair, opposed to using a regular lye relaxer to get the texturized look. My hair has grown so much since March of last year and I keep my hair moisturized and in a bun 99% of the time. I still have some kerasoft products from last march, do you believe it, because I don't use them that much. I remember someone here said they substituted other products such as Curl Free Curl activator and gold spray and I have been using them with success.
wow, that sounds so complicated, but interesting....

VWVixxen said:
The application method that is used is as follows:

Initially the hair is cleased, yes shampooed immediately preceding relaxing! I don't recall if it is dried but the hair is then sectioned into desired sections. (I haven't watched the video in over 6 months). Using a fine tooth comb, the teeth end of the comb is dipped into the relaxer, when removing, scrape both the sides of the comb clean, what should remain is relaxer that is between the teeth of the comb. Using SMALL PARTINGSs, the relaxer is then applied approximately 1/4" for the scalp. The hair is NOT SMOOTHED but rather the curl is allowed to slowly release until the desired straightness/loosened curl pattern is achieved. The curl pattern can be tested by taking a few strands, separating them from the rest, slightly stretch them and release and see how the hair curls. Once the desired texture is achieved, rinse that section, and proceed to the next. When the whole head is done, neutralize and condition as usual.
