Deception Planner..."Today's Agenda"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
:lol: Lord have mercy upon us.

Do you know that we all have a "Deception Planner"?

Yes :yep: We ALL Do, and our names have been engraved upon them...planners, personalized. And we utilize them each and everyday.

When the Lord showed me that I had one, I said "Naw -Uh', how so? Surely not me. He said, 'Oh yes you do, as do all of my children and even those who know or chose me not. The entire human race has a Deception Planner and when left unchecked, each moment and each hour layed out in the grid lines of each page will surely be filled in with divers means of planned Deception which you will be a party to. "

Of course I needed scripture to 'believe this.' :lol: The one that I thought of immediately was this one (one we all know and quote)

Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like
a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him,standing firm
in the faith. 1 Peter 5:8-9

God smiled at me and said, "Nope!" And I said, 'No way'! He said, I'm not going to make this easy for you, yet it is still very easy for you to figure out." With lifted eyebrows, I thought....Ohhhhhhhhh.

Then He reminded me of these words: "The Accuser of the Brethren".

Now, there's more to this scripture below, but this is what I was lead to focus upon from Revelation 12:10

"...for the ACCUSER of our brethren ... which accused them before our God day and night."

The Lord showed me that we cannot be 'accused' unless we have been deceived. Hence we have all been given a Deception Planner, so that satan has a basis to accuse us upon. And you know what? We all really do follow it.

Before the day has even begun, whatever agenda that has been laid out in our Deception Planner, it is a written guarantee, that most if not all will be fulfilled; we will be deceived in some way or fashion or another before each day ends. And Day and Night, satan stands before God, boasting of himself, for being able to deceive and to disparage us before God.

For you see, if he can deceive us; he can disparage us, and in so doing, he is also disparaging God; for we are God's beloved children and no Father enjoys hearing anything negative about His children. It's painful, it's grieving, for satan himself is attempting to make the cross of Jesus a mockery.

HOWEVER, there are some changes in the agenda, that we have been given full control of; by learning our deceptions, and learning how to not give yield to them. It always begins with prayer.

"Precious Lord and Heavenly Father, before I start this day and before I end this night and even while I am sleeping, what has satan been able to accuse me of? Where have I been deceived?

With all of my heart, I do not want you grieved. For Lord, only you are my God and there is no other who can match you; come before you, let alone do I adore any other than you.

Dearest Lord, I allow you to guide me to be, the wonder that you have created in me. The wonder of love, from your Heaven above.

From your word I pray:

"That which I see not teach thou me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more. " (Job 34:32).

Lord protect me from deception in every manner and form there is, for without your wisdom, I perish. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Jenaee said:
Thank you Shimmie for this Word!!

:kiss: God loves us. He really does. And He's out to protect us from enemy, who's seeking to weaken our testimony and the power we have in Jesus.

God bless you, sweet lady. ;)
You're so welcome darlins'.... God loves us so much. AND guess what?

I love each of you. Yes I do :yep:

And that STAYS on my deception at all. ;)