December update & BC Central


old head
Yes, it's that time again--time for BlackCardinal's progress update (2 months goes by fast, doesn't it? :lol: ).

Let me start by saying "my bad," as I'm usually pretty good about making sure my green "hair picture" camisole is clean when it's time for progress pics. It's in the hamper and I was feeling too lazy to do laundry today. Sorry. I am wearing a green t-shirt :look:

This also marks the opening of the new BC Central (link in profile) :) If you don't know what BC Central was, don't worry about it :lol: It was only around for a little while before the journals went down. I'm now up and running on, and you can get to my fotobay album from there. Progress pics are in the journey to waistlength album.
I took my standard bangs and nape pics as well as a back view pic. I think my hair has slowed a little bit since the weather changed, but I haven't bothered trying to figure out how much. I think I'm about an inch and a half from bsl in the back :up: Still growing along...

Happy Holidays!
Thank-you, ladies :)
MSee: I wouldn't say there is anything particular that I do to retain growth. I just try not to do things that will cause my hair to break. For me that means going easy on the products, keeping it moisturized (I condition just about every day), detangling mostly with my fingers, and otherwise just leaving it alone. I usually wear it in a puff or loose with a headband. I also never sleep on a cotton/rough pillowcase, just in case my scarf/bonnet comes off at night.
Wow, I'm in awe of your pictures every time you update...your hair grows really fast. I may have asked this before but do you take any supplements or even a regular multi-vitamin at all to help with your growth? Also, is conditioning {conditioner wash} your main way of getting moisture into your hair?
Thanks for the info. I'm transitioning and need all the helpful info I can get to retain length.
Looking good BC. Your hair is growing really fast. If it keeps this up, you be near wasitlength at the end of next year :)
Wow! Your hair looks great! I love the site and the photos. Great progress. Keep up the good work!
Lanelle said:
Wow, I'm in awe of your pictures every time you update...your hair grows really fast. I may have asked this before but do you take any supplements or even a regular multi-vitamin at all to help with your growth? Also, is conditioning {conditioner wash} your main way of getting moisture into your hair?

Well, the short answer is "not really" but the long answer is: I've tried, but I haven't stuck with any one regimen for very long. I'm not taking anything right now.
I do know that my growth isn't due to vitamins, though--it didn't start growing faster until I started con washing daily. I have vitamins that I'm going to start taking on the 1st and I've promised myself that I'm going to be super diligent so I can see for sure if they affect my hair. I already know they'll affect my skin and nails because I've taken them before; I just wasn't paying attention to my hair growth rate then, and I might not have taken them long enough anyway.

And yes, for me conditioning is the best way to keep my hair moisturized. I use giovanni leave-in and jojoba oil on damp hair after each wash. But I don't apply anything on dry hair. My hair gets weighed-down/greasy feeling pretty easily and I've found that using minimal products and only on damp hair seems to work best.
BlackCardinal said:
Well, the short answer is "not really" but the long answer is: I've tried, but I haven't stuck with any one regimen for very long. I'm not taking anything right now.
I do know that my growth isn't due to vitamins, though--it didn't start growing faster until I started con washing daily. I have vitamins that I'm going to start taking on the 1st and I've promised myself that I'm going to be super diligent so I can see for sure if they affect my hair. I already know they'll affect my skin and nails because I've taken them before; I just wasn't paying attention to my hair growth rate then, and I might not have taken them long enough anyway.

And yes, for me conditioning is the best way to keep my hair moisturized. I use giovanni leave-in and jojoba oil on damp hair after each wash. But I don't apply anything on dry hair. My hair gets weighed-down/greasy feeling pretty easily and I've found that using minimal products and only on damp hair seems to work best.

Thanks for answering. Keep up the good work; it is really paying off :).