Debut -- Mzjones w/pics


New Member

I'm finally posting my pics after lurking for more than a year. The pics were taken March 21, 2004; November 1, 2004; and January 17, 2005. Between Nov. and Jan. I trimmed my hair twice 1" - 1.5" each time, totalling 2"-3". I needed it and my hair was breaking like crazy despite daily moisture and washing once ea. week. And I'm not sure if you can see it but the Nov. pics had tons of broken hairs. The first trim (I did myself) was in Nov., which I regretted, and after that I increase my weekly washings to 2-3 times ea. (I only wash once ea. week with shampoo). I also wore braids, I did them myself, for 6 weeks. My hairdresser did the second trim when I got my touch up. I asked her to. I have to say that my hair definately prefer the extra washings (even though they can be a pain). This is the healthiest and prettiest my hair has ever been. But I have to admit that I'm sad to see that extra length go. I hope that in five months I'll regain and surpass what I lost. :grin:

Forgive the busted lip and old bra :lol:
password: iwill
OMG!!! You've made staggering progress in 9 months, your hair is so much fuller and longer wow!!! its so gorgeous, what did you do to achieve this much success? Thanks for sharing. your a great inspiration.
Thanks Everyone! :)

Den1: I don't use heat at all except a hood bonnet whenever I do my treatments and rollersets. I don't really know how to style my hair so I usually just wear it in a bun, and in September I started to doing the baggy technique 24/7 (night-only whenever I have braids). I also wore braids or cornrows with extensions. During the nine months I wore braids/cornrows for a total of 24 weeks (6 months). But lately, washing frequently seems to help the health of my hair. I've also discovered ;) coconut oil; a messy but great mixture made with molasses, egg yolks, jojoba oil, and aloe vera juice; ACV rinses; and in November I learned how to limit the number of times I comb my hair during washing to only once [right before I rollerset; this was a godsend]. Before, I used to comb/detangle with comb three times during washings and would get LOT of breakage.

Thanks again everyone and for all who say my message a few weeks back that I would stay away from LHCF until February -- I couldn't do it. :lachen:
Thanks for providing information on your regime, its solid and very simular to the methods I imploy for hair growth and thickness. I also wear the baggie, combine my own treatments and follow a modified vwesion of the crown and glory method. Your method appears to be working very well, good luck with your goals!!!

mzjones said:
Thanks Everyone! :)

Den1: I don't use heat at all except a hood bonnet whenever I do my treatments and rollersets. I don't really know how to style my hair so I usually just wear it in a bun, and in September I started to doing the baggy technique 24/7 (night-only whenever I have braids). I also wore braids or cornrows with extensions. During the nine months I wore braids/cornrows for a total of 24 weeks (6 months). But lately, washing frequently seems to help the health of my hair. I've also discovered ;) coconut oil; a messy but great mixture made with molasses, egg yolks, jojoba oil, and aloe vera juice; ACV rinses; and in November I learned how to limit the number of times I comb my hair during washing to only once [right before I rollerset; this was a godsend]. Before, I used to comb/detangle with comb three times during washings and would get LOT of breakage.

Thanks again everyone and for all who say my message a few weeks back that I would stay away from LHCF until February -- I couldn't do it. :lachen:
Although it's shorter, it looks really nice and thick. You are doing a great job!

BTW, I love your signature and the comparison shots.

You have made OUTSTANDING progress in 9 months. Your hair is much thicker and looks really healthy. Keep on growing girlie!
Thanks again everyone :D . I've been looking forward to post my pics for a while, but boy was I nervous
Great Job,

Dont worry about that trim, it has done your hair the world of good. Its so heathly now you can go for LENGTH!!!!
Thanks for the well wishes,

I give credit to you all because I really I could not have achieve that growth or health without this board. This is the best source of information for women with our hair type believe me I was searching for YEARS before I stumbled, yes stumbled, on LHCF.

Thanks again yall... :)