"dear Demetria, My Husband's Cousin Grabbed Me And Said They Shared Women In The Past..."

Have you ever been approached inappropriately by your DH/SO (ex incuded) family or friends?

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Quick and dirty:

Hubby's cousin fell on hard times and moved in with them. The cousin grabbed her and said "me and your husband used to share women". She left and wants to know how to tell the hubby.

Letter is here.

I sent the link to a couple of friends. The guys responded back in shock. I told them that this happens more than they (men) believe.

Have you ever been approached, hollered at by your SO/ DH (ex included) family or friends?

I have had exbf's boys, cousins, uncles...
I responded after reading the FB post with the question " What would you do?"

.. And yes my ex's younger brother (he was still older than me but only by 2 years) tried it when we first started dating and so did one of my ex friends...

I thought guys were loyal to each other..not.

Brother even talked ish about his own brother. Sad.

I told him on both accounts. Didn't care about the outcome.. He was a new relationship and I thought the entire exchange was strange..
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Some of them are trifling cheaters but not at that level.

DH's colleague cheated with his wife's family member and ended up with an STD and getting blackmailed.
I'm just waiting for the fallout since he feels the need to update DH who told the guy before all of this happened to not let that woman move in with them.
She flirted with him multiple times before asking to move in.
This has never happened to me. Although there was a guy whose cousin got mad when he found out we were talking because he met me first and thought I knew he liked me. :rolleyes: (This was when I was in high school.)
Nah. But my trifling ex's best friend stayed looking at me and giving me those "little hints". I never entertained them, but ya know...I should hit him up just to piss my ex off:lachen:
Never mind. That's the petty & bitter portion of me trying to sneak out. I'm 90% over him so I'll be good!
This has never happened to me. Although there was a guy whose cousin got mad when he found out we were talking because he met me first and thought I knew he liked me. :rolleyes: (This was when I was in high school.)
This is just jealousy and regretting he didn't go for you hard enough.
And maybe some competition with the cousin.
Sounds like they had a bet out on whether all 3 of them could hit it.
This is what I thought when I worked near a Gallery with three artists/gallery owners and all three hit on me.
I'm like, don't ya'll talk or is there some kind of bet as to who will get my tail?
I was attracted to two of them but they were all serious playas.
Yes there were 2 times in my life when the attempt was made with past relationships ..both times were brothers of the person. And folks need to be careful..sometimes your SO is setting you up to see what kind of loyalty you have. You may never find out about that part. So for those who feel it's wrong to not say anything...he may already know.

Also more men did this women sharing in their hay days than they'd ever admit to their SOs...especially if they were cute, popular and single with lots of homeboys who like to trick and the like.
Yes there were 2 times in my life when the attempt was made with past relationships ..both times were brothers of the person. And folks need to be careful..sometimes your SO is setting you up to see what kind of loyalty you have. You may never find out about that part. So for those who feel it's wrong to not say anything...he may already know.

Also more men did this women sharing in their hay days than they'd ever admit to their SOs...especially if they were cute, popular and single with lots of homeboys who like to trick and the like.


Men know what type of dudes are around them. Just like we know which one of our friends is the freak/heaux of the group:look:

If it happened, your SO already knows or knows it's possible because he knows that man well. Don't be fooled.
Yes, my boyfriend's uncle tried that years ago. He was an automobile dealer and I was an assistant controller of a dealership. My boyfriend encouraged us to keep in contact because his uncle would be a fantastic reference. The uncle started with compliments that later started escalating to what he wanted to do to/with me. I had to shut it down. I never told my ex.
Yes...a huge amount of men have frenemies. Even their blood relatives whom they are close to are quietly jealous a lot of times. Men are naturally competitive, and if that isn't corralled the correct way, they can turn into seething mitches.
Every relationship that I've been in, there has always been at least 1 close to my SO that I knew was jealous of him. I don't say anything anymore. I've never been wrong. It always comes out.
They even go so far as to try and ruin the relationship (which sounds like the most likely scenario happening in the OP) because they want what he has. Like, EXACTLY what he has.