Dealing with negative comments


Active Member
How do you deal with people making negative comments about u when it comes to you walk with God? in the last month i have been called Mary Poppins, Preachy and have had non believers try to "catch" me sinning. I almost went off on a co worker yesterday that tried to quote scripture to me telling me that I have to like everyone and everything and if i didnt like something it wasnt "christian like" She said it was the first commandment of jesus.

How do you deal with such negative comments? I emailed a friend and she gave me really good advice. I just wondered if this happens to anyone else frequently. Its been happening ALOT lately which i guess is a good thing because that means people can see that i am really trying to live right.
Well your co worker is sooo wrong. You have to LOVE everyone and treat them as such but LIKE is a another ball game. Satan always tries to bring doubt and confusion but you as a woman of GOD know your stance and don't be ashamed. If you mess up and sin, repent (means to change,never to do again,no wishes/desires of it)then move on. If they hold on to it and keep reminding you of it, thats the devil and that is in the bible. Satan wants to always remind us of our past so he can detour our future. Apparently, GOD has great plans for you and satan knows it and he is trying to use whatever tools he can to discourage you and make you lose hope in your faith walk. All I can say is trust GOD and pray for your friends that, they too find Jesus.
I've been called everything from a Bible thumper, Bibler THROWER, Holy War starter, Holy Roller, Chistian Zealot, Christian Fundalmentalist, Chrisitan Extremist, and much much more!:lachen: You're not alone girl! Jesus said we are to be the light of the world. Think about that. What does light do? It exposes what's in the dark. Sinners love the darkness and hate the light so asa direct result you'll be hated for His Namesake, but take comfort that they can't touch you, and don't take it personal, they aren't fighting you, they're fighting God.

I recently went through (and still going through) an issue where several women are making false allegations against me, trying to cause me to lose my business, but you know what? GOD is in control. So forgive and pray a blessing over those coworkers. In doing so you'll heap hot coals on their heads and God will bless YOU!:)
mblake8 said:
How do you deal with people making negative comments about u when it comes to you walk with God? in the last month i have been called Mary Poppins, Preachy and have had non believers try to "catch" me sinning. I almost went off on a co worker yesterday that tried to quote scripture to me telling me that I have to like everyone and everything and if i didnt like something it wasnt "christian like" She said it was the first commandment of jesus.

What has happened in the last month that made these comments start?
Chile just stay strong in prayer and don't go preachy on those fools. We are all human. Whatever happened in the last two weeks is just a test on your faith. If your coming off as a bible thumper you might try mixing up your conversations with your faith, spirituality and IRL stuff with people. That doesn't lessen your faith or spiritual walk. Just my02cents. :)
JCoily said:
What has happened in the last month that made these comments start?[/QUO

I have been more comfortable talking about God and having a true personal relationship with him. I will say God is good and praise God and so forth in front of anyone now where i use to be kind of scared to do so. I guess people are noticing it to and are trying to tear me down. Oh well its not going to work!
Girl that just means that GOD is working through you. We are the salt of the earth which means that others may have to come and take a light so that can realize they are missing out on the true water of Jesus Christ and will finally go and take a drink. Trust me I know how you feel, I would simply just correct those people in a polite way and tell them "no I am not Mary Poppins, I am human but striving to be perfect like Jesus was". This lets them know that you still acknowledge the Lord in your life but also that you are not better than anyone only striving toward being who GOD called you to be. Just keep your head up, pray for them and trust that those same people will one day come back needing you to pray for them. They will remember your testimonies and the times you did not go off on them when they worked your nerves. Be blessed Q
I think people who make negative comments like this do it because they know deep down that they to need to work on their relationship with God, or are trying to privately justify and action that they know better about.
mblake8 said:
JCoily said:
What has happened in the last month that made these comments start?[/QUO

I have been more comfortable talking about God and having a true personal relationship with him. I will say God is good and praise God and so forth in front of anyone now where i use to be kind of scared to do so. I guess people are noticing it to and are trying to tear me down. Oh well its not going to work!

Wow and that is the reason for calling you stupid names:confused: because your life and thought process is changing. You need to surround yourself with like minded folk ie:believers and followers of Christ. I know that isn't always possible but they are being disrespectful. Don't tolerate or play into their silliness. Pray for them.
I just smile and pray for them. It's hard to battle with someone over a set of beliefs b/c we ALL believe that we're right based on the set of rules/norms we adhere to. They can have just as many facts/history/proff as you did against your beliefs. I know it's tempting to fight with them, but it's pointless. If they can't respect you right to believe what you want, then walk away. Or bring her you Bible and ask her to point out said passage for you. She'd shut up real fast then :lachen:

ETA: Well another thing to think about is, "are you behaving in the manner that you describe the other person?" Think carefully about what you're saying to people. I don't know if they're commenting on things you're doing in private or if you're ministering to these people or what. But think about how you approach people about Christ. We can spread the Gopsel in many many ways, and not always by preaching to people or throwing their sins into their face. Not that you're doing that, but if it is a situation that is similar to this, maybe try a different approach so they don't feel attacked/ambushed, and more like you're helping!
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When this happens to me I take it as a compliment. I notice alot of times, people try to make you feel bad about your relationship with God, because they envy yours, are uncomfortable because the level of yours is higher or shows cracks in theirs and they are not ready to change.
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You know it may not just be them actually, but the spirit in their lives or in them, working through them. Sometimes people do things and they don't even know why. Rebuke it, pray for them and keep it movin'!

I'm saying rebuke the spirit which would cause' them to say that, not to their faces but during prayer.
The devil loves to try and 'shame' us for our faith. For if he can do this, then he feels he has won us back into his camp.

We don't have to 'do' anything to bring on the verbal comments. The devil is always ready to set aim at the very name of Jesus.

A perfect example in the natural is when someone can't get to us directly, they will attack one of our loved ones, most often one of our children.

satan cannot 'get' to God directly. He tried once and failed totally, so his revenge has always been against us.

I keep loving Jesus all the more, for did they not do the very same to Him when He walked the earth and especially when they beat Him and as He hung upon the cross? Because we are His, the same persecution comes to us and the source is always the enemy...a defeated foe who is unable to lose gracefully.

"Child of Love...continue on with and in your faith..." ;)