Just like to add that I bought her Nourish Oil and Sheanourish Amla Creme... BIG THUMBS UP TO DEN'S PRODUCTS AND CUSTOMER SERVICE! :up:

I purchased them all as well. Took me 8 days to receive them. I just started using them today, and so far so good. My hair :love: the sheanourish alma creme already.
I just ordered mine today, and I hadn't even seen this thread. I was searching about sulfur mixs and came across a older thread.:grin:
Any updates?

Faith: Has your hair ever been growing. It looks like it stayed strong. I remember when you were texturizing, then relaxed, then transitioning. Did the relaxer cause any permanent damage? If I remember correctly you had two textures going on for a while and I think that the hassle is what prompted you to transition to natural. what do you believe gives you such quick growth? Thanks for reply. bonjour
Hello, ladies
if it seems that your items are taking a while to arrive, this is because I was out of stock for a while and awaiting packaging from my suppliers. All orders from 20 May-2nd of june were dispatched last week. Unfortunately, i have no control over the postal service, many people should receive their items this week. If some of you don't, receive you items, please wait an extra few days before contacting me.

Once items are in stock,uk and international orders are dispatched by the following day. Items usually arrivesto their destinations within 5-7 working. on my site I state 10-14 days to account for any delays in the postal service and allow us enough time to process orders.
thank-you for your patience and understanding.

God bless

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Faith: Has your hair ever been growing. It looks like it stayed strong. I remember when you were texturizing, then relaxed, then transitioning. Did the relaxer cause any permanent damage? If I remember correctly you had two textures going on for a while and I think that the hassle is what prompted you to transition to natural. what do you believe gives you such quick growth? Thanks for reply. bonjour

Hey girl :)

No the relaxer didn't cause any permanent damage. The damage that was happening back in 2006 was to my strands not my scalp so all is well again :) I had 3 It was horrific. My growth hasn't been that significant really. I got about 4-4.8" a year. I'm hoping on this challenge I have undertaken I can get 6" a year (at least). Oh and the reason I think I got the 4.8" in some areas is the sea kelp I take. I took it for about 3 months and it seemed to help a bit then I stopped and now I'm back on it until Sept.

It's back in stock! But instead of black cherry fragrance, it will be lavender or peppermint. I wanted mine to smell like marzipan :ohwell:

Any updates?
i read the website, she is still going to do the black cherry fragrance

vesta, how is the sheanourish going?

i'm awaiting mines
i read the website, she is still going to do the black cherry fragrance

vesta, how is the sheanourish going?

i'm awaiting mines

WHAT! I want marzipan :cry:... :look:! *clears throat* SORRY!
Yeah, well I've nearly ran out of the SheaAmla Nourish Oil because I liked it so much but I'm in this ' BUY NOTHING IN JUNE CHALLENGE' :wallbash: so I guess I won't be buying anything for the next couple of weeks :wallbash:.
It's very moisturising!
Black Cherry huh! :blush:
WHAT! I want marzipan :cry:... :look:! *clears throat* SORRY!
Yeah, well I've nearly ran out of the SheaAmla Nourish Oil because I liked it so much but I'm in this ' BUY NOTHING IN JUNE CHALLENGE' :wallbash: so I guess I won't be buying anything for the next couple of weeks :wallbash:.
It's very moisturising!
Black Cherry huh! :blush:

yeah black cherry is the marzipan scent :lick:
Hi, I'm new to this. I believe my hair is at shoulder length and its relaxed. my goal is to get to bra strap. Anyways, I'm so amazed by your progress and passion. Can you tell me about your previous sulphur oil regimen. Did you use it every evening and wash it out in the morning ... i'm totally clueless .. especially since it appears that you may no longer use that regimen anymore .. .SOS ..
New and Confused!
Bumping for the person who asked about adding Indian herbs to sulfur. I'm going to mix this next week after I hit the indian store on Thurs
Bumping for the person who asked about adding Indian herbs to sulfur. I'm going to mix this next week after I hit the indian store on Thurs

Thanks Ms. Tiki. I wish the ladies would have came back and told us how it worked. Maybe since you have bumped vestaluv1 or one of the other ladies can let us know. You never know.