DDTA Users: Patene Daily Moisture Renewal is the BOMB!!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

After reading all the great posts on DDTA I decided to try and find some to add it into my cowash conditioner rotation. Anyway lo and behold I couldn't find any since it's discontinued. Anyway I read on a thread that Patene Daily Moisture Renewal and DDTA had the same ingredients and were made by the same company. Anyway I bought some and tried it for my cowash 2 nights ago. It was great I'm 11 weeks post relaxer and using this conditioner I lost only a few hairs, I think it even reduced regular normal shedding. Mind you, I really worked it into my roots to make sure they got as much on them as possible. After letting it sit as I washed my body, I started to detangle standing under shower water (I always do this), Anyway as I was combing through my roots I lost only a few strands (much less than I usually use). This shampoo provided EXCELLENT slip. I think I will use it after my regular shampoo and deep conditioner 1x per week as well.

Anyway just wanted to share, this is great for those who like to cowash and need something to soften their roots.
I discovered that conditioner about a week ago and have been using for my daily cowashing. Oohh the difference!!! My hair is so soft and healthy just from using it for the past week. This is going to definately become a staple in my hair routine.
wicky2828 said:
I discovered that conditioner about a week ago and have been using for my daily cowashing. Oohh the difference!!! My hair is so soft and healthy just from using it for the past week. This is going to definately become a staple in my hair routine.

wow, now I have GOT to try this!
I'm still using it for cowashes, and I've also been using it after my shampoo and deep condition routine, to get the slip that it provides. I love it and will be buying it whenever I find it onsale.