DDTA fear!!!!


Well-Known Member
okay so Saturday i went cruising to my local Dollar Tree. I decided to look for Daily Defense Tender Apple shampoo since i've heard so many raves about it. So i found it and proceeded to throw like 6 bottles into my cart.... then I checked out the ingredients list and it lists ALS and ALES as the 2nd and 3rd ingredients. :eek: Aren't these the 2 most drying and harsh surfacants? So I kindly and neatly placed the bottles back on the shelf and continued about my business. :lachen: I was afriad the shampoo would totally dry my hair out. Oh well, since i've heard so many raves i think i'll go back and pick up just one.... :look:
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Now i get it!!! :look: I couldn't remember if the raves were for the poo or the conditioner...when i saw the poo on the shelf, I just figured it was the poo that was supposed to be great. Well anyways, thanks for the info. :D
So do you all use the DDTA for conditioning washes or for a conditioner after shampooing?

I am curious. I have two new bottles and I want to try it!
bludacious said:
So do you all use the DDTA for conditioning washes or for a conditioner after shampooing?

I am curious. I have two new bottles and I want to try it!

I use it for both, but I only shampoo 2-3 times a month, and cw almost everyday
The conditioner is wonderful and gives great slip as all rave about. My new discovery as well. Never tried the shampoo.