DD's Progress Since January (Pics!)


New Member
Okay, so last night I had this all typed up and was ready to hit submit when my stupid laptop decided to navigate to another page (without saving my message). To say I was irked is a major understatement. So I decided to try this again today.:grin:

As some of you may already know, I started a progress album for my sweet pea back in January. It started with her first henna treatment, and then on to her twists (she's been sporting twists since January). Well, she couldn't get her hair twisted this weekend because our stylist had to go out of town. So I took this as an opportunity to do a length check (you know, just to see if I could see a little progress in her growth).

OMG!!! I could DEFINITELY see a difference! I don't know how to do the sided by side comparison, so I'll post the January pic first, then the pic I took last night.

Here goes:

January/March 2010 (Side view):



January/March 2010 (Side view from different angle...sorry I couldn't figure out how to rotate):



January/March 2010 (Rear view):



To say I'm happy is a MAJOR understatement!!! I was worried this morning that she would give herself whiplash the way she was slanging her head around! LOL! If you'd like to see more of her progress (because there are a lot more pics from yesterday), you can see them here:


Wow she is so pretty.
I thought she had a relaxer until I checked the other album. Great straightening job.
Tell you DD that her hair is lovely, natural and pressed.
Good job, Mom!

I've BC my oldest DD and the middle DD is in transition. If it wasn't for these types of threads, I wouldn't know what to do for their hair.
Thank you so much Nikki! She told me last night, "mommy, I didn't think it would be possible to grow my hair back." It nearly broke my heart. About two years ago, she was dying for micros. I broke down and got them for her. They turned out nice and everything, but when I took her to the african braiding salon to take them out, they cut my baby's hair!:angry2:

From that point on, her hair would only grow so before it would break off again. I'm just so thrilled that it's finally starting to grow back in. Every time I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes (tears of joy).:yep:

Wow she is so pretty.
I thought she had a relaxer until I checked the other album. Great straightening job.
Tell you DD that her hair is lovely, natural and pressed.
Sipp, I know exactly what you mean! Before joining LHCF I thought her growth was stunted. But now I know better. Knowledge is definitely power! :yep:

Good job, Mom!

I've BC my oldest DD and the middle DD is in transition. If it wasn't for these types of threads, I wouldn't know what to do for their hair.
aww ure such a good mommy taking care of your daughter hair properly it came out really nice keep up the good work and careful before she get neck pains from swangin all day lol
You did a great job again and WOW she definitely had significant growth in such a short amount of time

I said "awwww" out loud when I saw this
I started a progress album for my sweet pea back in January
How adorable. MY DD is 20 yrs old and I still kiss her cheeks LOL and do her hair every weekend. They never stop being our babies no matter how big they get.

What I find is that the more you do their hair the more they learn. Before you know it she'll be a DIY'er and posting here with us
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I already told you how how beautiful your daughter is and so is her hair--I love the color.

Great progress--you're doing a great job :up:
Maria, I still can't believe you have a 20 year old! I'm forever kissing DD on her little rosey cheeks, and I figure I'll be doing that until I'm well into my 90s. :grin:

As far as her posting on here, I can totally see that. When I finished with her hair yesterday she asked me if she was BSL...the child already knows the lingo!:lachen: :lachen:

You did a great job again and WOW she definitely had significant growth in such a short amount of time

I said "awwww" out loud when I saw this How adorable. MY DD is 20 yrs old and I still kiss her cheeks LOL and do her hair every weekend. They never stop being our babies no matter how big they get.

What I find is that the more you do their hair the more they learn. Before you know it she'll be a DIY'er and posting here with us
What I find is that the more you do their hair the more they learn. Before you know it she'll be a DIY'er and posting here with us
Yep, my sister is one of those up-and-coming LHCFers. She is doing her own box braids (FINALLY!) next weekend, and knows all about DCing, moisturizing and all that. The stories she tells me about her classmates' chewed up hair crack me up!!! :lachen:

Her hair looks greeeaaaattt, OP. She looks so happy!!!
DD came home today, happy as you please. She said her classmates were in awe of how long her hair was. When she wears her twists her hair barely grazes her collar. So they were playing all up in her head (boys and girls alike).

She's still walking around here giving herself whiplash.:lachen::lachen::lachen: