Dd doesn't like her new hairstyle


Well-Known Member
Because "its too puffy". I'm giving her the sideeye right now.

I washed her hair a couple days ago so she didn't want me to wash it. I did a quick fix until this weekend.

Anyway what do y'all think

ETA: after reading several responses, I should have included its a 3/4 wig.



Can you tell she is annoyed?

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I have always loved big, poofy hair. What's with our youth today? LOL!!!

It looks good to me. I wish I had it.
I like her hair, personally I think it looks cute. :sad: All that thickness, she doesn't know what an asset she has.
She doesn't like big hair which confuses me because she also wants to sport a Afro. I will put a little oil sheen in the morning to couple with the big hair.
Aireen said:
Oh then is she worried about it looking "wiggy" because it looks like it could be her hair to me.
eyunka show her this thread so she can see that she's really wrong about it not looking good. I'm exhausted now and can't think of the gorgeous big-haired ladies of LHCF that you could show her so she can see she looks like the best. :up:
her hair looks really good and if that were my niece i would punch her in the face

:lol: i wouldnt but i would definitely have a talk with her about why its not appropriate to covet straight hair
Its a work in progress. She does ok but still has a long way to go. She likes it straight for the most part with bangs. I'm trying to introduce variety to her
hairmaster said:
She looks like she is old enough to do her own hair, what does she want her hair to look like?
You know @ this age (15) they value what their friends think is cute.
meesch said:
her hair looks really good and if that were my niece i would punch her in the face

:lol: i wouldnt but i would definitely have a talk with her about why its not appropriate to covet straight hair
They don't value 'good hurr' anymore? :look: It look like she got dat good hurr :look: :lol: What is she talking about 'big hair'? What is 'big' about the hair in the OP? :lol:
They don't value 'good hurr' anymore? :look: It look like she got dat good hurr :look: :lol: What is she talking about 'big hair'? What is 'big' about the hair in the OP? :lol:

@qchelle, you're silly! :lol:

@eyunka, tell her this is big hair. :giggle: She can complain if you do her hair like that.

In the light of some of the PPs it just occurred to me that we're all turning into our mothers--remember how the didn't GET what's cool. Our idea of cute may not mesh with theirs. So scrap my idea to show her what we think of big hair.
Dd is a 4b. I try in cycles to allow her to manage her own hair but it gets damaged. I've been teaching dd haircare since i've joined this forum (4-5 yrs...I think) but she still isn't getting it. Then I usually take over nurse it back to health and start all over again.

But ummm yeah she likes straight hair so the half wig is too puffy. If she only knew I could b one of those mothers who didn't care about her appearance. I've tried but only could last couple days.
qchelle said:
They don't value 'good hurr' anymore? :look: It look like she got dat good hurr :look: :lol: What is she talking about 'big hair'? What is 'big' about the hair in the OP? :lol:
Dd is a 4b. I try in cycles to allow her to manage her own hair but it gets damaged. I've been teaching dd haircare since i've joined this forum (4-5 yrs...I think) but she still isn't getting it. Then I usually take over nurse it back to health and start all over again.

But ummm yeah she likes straight hair so the half wig is too puffy. If she only knew I could b one of those mothers who didn't care about her appearance. I've tried but only could last couple days.

Yea, but I meant that the wig hair (the hair in the OP) looks wavy like type 3 hair. I just thought this hair type was highly coveted in the black community, especially with teenagers :lol:
Ok I'm a little slow in the late night early morning. This weekend I will spend more time with her to create a different look in the front
qchelle said:
Yea, but I meant that the wig hair (the hair in the OP) looks wavy like type 3 hair. I just thought this hair type was highly coveted in the black community, especially with teenagers :lol:
I don't think making a young girl wear a hair style she isn't comfortable with is a good idea. We are all individuals, including mother and daughter, and we don't all like the same hair styles. At her age i wanted to be comfortable in my own skin and I liked braids and short hairstyles. Did me and mother always agree? No way, she tried to talk me out of the chemicals and hair cuts. What I'm trying to say is, Op, at your daughter's age she should feel confident about her hair, not that she should do anything against your wishes but whats wrong with individual style? Just my little two cents.
DayDreamist said:
I don't think making a young girl wear a hair style she isn't comfortable with is a good idea. We are all individuals, including mother and daughter, and we don't all like the same hair styles. At her age i wanted to be comfortable in my own skin and I liked braids and short hairstyles. Did me and mother always agree? No way, she tried to talk me out of the chemicals and hair cuts. What I'm trying to say is, Op, at your daughter's age she should feel confident about her hair, not that she should do anything against your wishes but whats wrong with individual style? Just my little two cents.

I agree. Everybody doesn't like big thick hair.

I completely agree. For the most part her hair is styled the way she wants it. I allowed her to pick her own wig. She thought it was cute but after I put it on it was a different story. Because she didn't want me to wash it snd the style she had previously would have taken time she has to deal with this one until the weekend
DayDreamist said:
I don't think making a young girl wear a hair style she isn't comfortable with is a good idea. We are all individuals, including mother and daughter, and we don't all like the same hair styles. At her age i wanted to be comfortable in my own skin and I liked braids and short hairstyles. Did me and mother always agree? No way, she tried to talk me out of the chemicals and hair cuts. What I'm trying to say is, Op, at your daughter's age she should feel confident about her hair, not that she should do anything against your wishes but whats wrong with individual style? Just my little two cents.

I completely agree. For the most part her hair is styled the way she wants it. I allowed her to pick her own wig. She thought it was cute but after I put it on it was a different story. Because she didn't want me to wash it snd the style she had previously would have taken time she has to deal with this one until the weekend

Are you open to allowing her to have a full sew-in with the straight hair and bangs she likes? It may be a good way to avoid damage to her hair by keeping her hands out of it for a while. Boy I am not excited for when my daughter grows up. As obsessed as I am with my hair I am with her hair. I can only hope she wants long hair when shes a teen and not get a relaxer and the t-boz cut like I did lol.
Check out some of my older post or my fotki. I do her sew-ins and braids
DayDreamist said:
Are you open to allowing her to have a full sew-in with the straight hair and bangs she likes? It may be a good way to avoid damage to her hair by keeping her hands out of it for a while. Boy I am not excited for when my daughter grows up. As obsessed as I am with my hair I am with her hair. I can only hope she wants long hair when shes a teen and not get a relaxer and the t-boz cut like I did lol.

you have always done a great job with your daughter's hair.
I have copied the last style on my 13year old. She also likes the straight look. not so much this look. it must be their generation look.