DD diagnosed with eczema. Her poor scalp!!


Well-Known Member
Please help!

My DD (2.5) was diagnosed with eczema earlier this week. She has been scratching her scalp like crazy. As a result, she has developed awful head sores. I have been using coconut oil on her scalp.

Do you ladies know of anything that will help ease my DD's discomfort. It is so troubling to see her in this state. If you have recs to help minimize her itchy skin, that would be great too!!

Have any of you dealt with this personally or with a loved one. It really does hurt me to see her like this. Thank Ladies!
Sorry to hear about your daughter's eczema. I have also had this problem since I was a baby.

How about allergy testing? I suspect my eczema is triggered by dairy products.

Frequent washing with a good shampoo helps. That cowashing stuff does not work for us, and in fact will make the eczema worse...There are also strong medicated shampoos (Sebulex, Nizoral) she can use but since she is a just a baby...I don't know if it's okay for her.

Tea tree oil is kinda funky but I applied it to my entire head, left it on for about 30 minutes and washed, conditioned my hair. That was in September and I have been eczema free until a couple weeks ago when I started eating a lot of cheese...

Good luck....I hope you get more answers!!
Poor baby, the doctor didn't prescribe anything? If not, I'm a bit surprised.

I'll co-sign on the Nizoral (if approved by her doctor). A good home remedy would be to use olive oil (instead of coconut oil) with a few drops of tea tree oil. Or if you can get your hands on some neem soap, oil or powder that would be even better. When I have scalp issues those are what I use.

One thing with the nizoral, while it took care of my dry itchy scalp, it left my actual hair dry.

:bighug:I hope your baby starts feeling better soon.
Hi OP,
I'm so sorry to hear that your little one is suffering with eczema - I use to have it and it's an itch that can drive a sane person crazy. Finding her eczema triggers will be the main cure so she is rid of the itchy flare ups forever. For my cure, I found anything with perfumes and too many dairy products were the triggers.
I know that a lot of natural eczema treatments have oatmeal or oat flour in them. Also, I remember whenever I had an itchy flare up my Mom would put oat flour in my bath -which was the only natural itch relief that actually worked for me. Oats have fatty lipids that are soothing, healing, thickening and strengthening for the hair and skin.
I pray she's better soon! x



ETA: I recommend you avoid any medicated treatments , esp ones with steroids at her age. Steroids (ie cortisone) can permanently thin out the skin and disrupt her body's endocrinological system causing other long term problems. Also, some of the other harsh medicated treatments can cause rebound flare ups, so choose carefully. :)
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I have eczema but didn't get it in my hair until reaction to indigo, nizoral didn't work for me but as adults we are not as sensitive to products as children. Flucocide work for the scalp its strong but some kind of steriod imo is needed not for long term. I cowash now and poo twice a month. I switch dr until i got better treatment, don't settle, not all derm treat blacks and whites the same, our hair dries up using that medication poo, my hair came out using it. I hope you find a solutions and give her loss of hugs, eczema is a strange diseas and itching drives us crazy, it can be uncontrollable especially in the winter.
Well I never had much of an issue with my scalp because I use to oil it, but my skin...another story!! I will say this brand called dermarest makes great lotions and creams for break outs. The lotion is far superior to the moisturizer though. You may want to try both though because I know everyone is different. It's approximately 15 a bottle but well worth it. I preferred this to the prescription creams they use to give me. I would put it on an eczema patch and within a few days it would be gone, and the itching had subsided. Maybe as she gets older it won't affect her, I guess I'm cured because I haven't had an episode in many years! Maybe you can use the unscented terressentials mud wash for her hair! It should eliminate most irritants being on her scalp. I second the comment on oatmeal baths too. Those were a great cure to an itchy day.
Heres the link...


Hope everything gets better! Let me know if it works :)
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exederm makes a baby line specifically for this issue. No sls, parabens or the like and it works well. not sure where you live but its carried by duane reade, shop rite, giants, a&p and meijers plus you can find it online at places like the drugstore.com. they have shampoo, conditioner and moisturizers of various kinds. hope that helps and good luck to your little one.
I want to thank EACH OF YOU LADIES for taking the time to comment. It REALLY mean a lot to me!!

Her Dr. did not prescribe anything. She told me to give her Benadryl and Zyrek? Her reasoning was that prescriptions arent really as strong as OTC for someone so young. I will be making an appt Monday to see a derm and we shall see what happens from there.

Once again, I really appreciate the responses. ((HUGS))
Hi nessa, so sorry about your little one. My daughter has had problems with eczema mainly on her body since she was born. She is 7 now, i use dreft on her clothes, nothing with perfume in it and also i wash new clothing before she puts it on. I use aveeno baby wash and shampoo for her hair and skin (been using it for years) and the aveeno baby lotion cream that has no fragrance. Also only natural oils in her hair and i use suave coconut conditioner on her hair only, not the scalp. I wish you luck and hope that some suggestions on here help you and your little one.:bighug:
Please help!

My DD (2.5) was diagnosed with eczema earlier this week. She has been scratching her scalp like crazy. As a result, she has developed awful head sores. I have been using coconut oil on her scalp.

Do you ladies know of anything that will help ease my DD's discomfort. It is so troubling to see her in this state. If you have recs to help minimize her itchy skin, that would be great too!!

Have any of you dealt with this personally or with a loved one. It really does hurt me to see her like this. Thank Ladies!

Hi I'm so sorry to hear your baby is suffering from this. Maybe you can take a look at chagrin valley soap, they have alot of natural soap and shampoo. HTH.
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baking soda. get the big thing from BJ's or costco and use about a cup in warm bath water.

it dries it up. i dont know if she just has it on her scalp but you can give her a bath with it, NO SOAP in the water and rinse her scalp with the water. if you have some shea butter put it on her scalp afterwards.

SO did this with all of his kids that have eczema and it cleared it right up, you cant even tell that the second one had it really bad. He used to scratch his legs and they scarred up so bad.
Thanks Y'all!!

I did a search and ordered neem and tea tree soap from Chagrin Valley. I will also be giving her a bath in the baking soda today and see what happens from there.

I swear the Ladies on this board are so helpful!! Thats why this was my first choice of resource .
I had this as a child... the middle of my head went bald for a good year :/ I think you will get good tips. Nothing to add in terms of advice I don't know what my mom put on it. My the good thing is children usually grow out of eczema. I am 22 and have dryer skin in the winter but not full on craziness that I went through as a child :nono:
Oil Blend for Eczema

Tamanu Oil- antineuralgic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibiotic and antioxidant properties.
Emu oil- Relieves itching
Tea Tree Oil- Healing and so many other wonderful benefits.
Chamomile essential oil- soothes the scalp by relieving itching
Aloe vera Juice- soothing and anti-inflammatory, best put on the scalp when cold.
Rosehip seed oil- Restores moisture/hydrates the scalp, keeping it from drying out/flaking.

Fill up half a spray bottle with aloe vera juice. Add 5 drops of chamomille essential oil, 3 drops of tea tree essential oil (it's strong), 1 teaspoon of tamanu oil, 3 tablespoons of rose hip seed oil, 1 teaspoon of Emu Oil. Shake before each use, all the time or it will separate a bit. Store it in the fridge, don't leave it out.

This concoction should relieve the itching/minimize it, heal her scalp sores and hydrate her scalp so it isn't dry.

Also, you should really get into Goats milk. You need to find a Goats Milk Soap that your daughter can use on her scalp. I believe Chagrin Valley has some soap bars that contains goats milk that isn't drying. If you can't find a conditioner or shampoo with goats milk, you may have to buy pure goats milk and do rinses on your DD's scalp. Goats milk has a long wonderful history with eczema.
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Poor baby, the doctor didn't prescribe anything? If not, I'm a bit surprised.

I'll co-sign on the Nizoral (if approved by her doctor). A good home remedy would be to use olive oil (instead of coconut oil) with a few drops of tea tree oil. Or if you can get your hands on some neem soap, oil or powder that would be even better. When I have scalp issues those are what I use.

One thing with the nizoral, while it took care of my dry itchy scalp, it left my actual hair dry.

:bighug:I hope your baby starts feeling better soon.

...tis very true.

I wish my mother could remember the name of this stuff she used to get for me when I was a kid. She says she got it from a Jamaican herbalist and it really stunk! Cleared up my eczema though.
I want to thank EACH OF YOU LADIES for taking the time to comment. It REALLY mean a lot to me!!

Her Dr. did not prescribe anything. She told me to give her Benadryl and Zyrek? Her reasoning was that prescriptions arent really as strong as OTC for someone so young. I will be making an appt Monday to see a derm and we shall see what happens from there.

Once again, I really appreciate the responses. ((HUGS))

I had eczyma very bad as a child and I took benadryl regularly and it didn't help AT ALL. My son also has eczyma and as a baby I used Johnson & Johnson Baby Eczyma Cream. It really worked. We tried olive oil and it made it worse.

Your Dr should`ve given you some type if cream. I hope the derm gives you something.

Sent from Topnotch1010's Samsung Galaxy Tablet using LHCF

I've got 2 daughters who both had eczema.. I tried a lot.. Untill i met this doctor who also does acupunture( dont know the name in english) he has a device that he puts on your skin.. This way he knows what triggers the reaction on your skin( the scalp in your situation) after that he tells you what not to eat for 30 days and gives you a homeopatic drink.. After 30 days it is all gone and the best of all: it never comes back!
Maybe you can find someone who has the same practice.. The doctor here in holland is Doctor Soema in Den hague. Maybe you can google it and find more information about his way of working.. I hope this helps some..
I use Psoriasin for my seborrheic dermatitis which only acts up in colder months. It works for eczema and psoriasis as well. It's OTC at Walgreens. It stops my itchies immediately and stops flaking. I shampoo with Head & Shoulders for Itchy Scalp Care as well.
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if you can get your hands on some haitian castor oil but would be great.

otherwise i'd try using jamaican black castor oil. try to find it in its purest form. there was a haitian woman whose daughter had severe eczema. she made this concoction where the base was l'huile maskreti (the haitian castor oil version) and her daughter's condition totally cleared up. she then started a skincare line. i'll try to look it up and will post here.
Probiotics. I could write a book on what I went through with our children with eczema.

Short version, chlorinated water, sugar and antibiotics upset the natural bacterial balance of the intestines. Normal ratio should be 85/15 good to bad. When the balance is upset, even slightly, the result can be as minor as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, athlete's foot and even bad gas to as severe as miserable eczema to mimicking diseases.

About 7 years ago, I was led to this information and put my kids on an antifungal and probiotics (with the anti-yeast diet restrictions) for several weeks. Eczema that had been so severe that they had scratched their eyebrows almost off, nails worn down from scratching and they would wake up with blood spots on pillows from scratching was better within a couple of weeks. Within almost two months they were healed. No eczema since in two of them (this was about 7 yrs ago) and the third only has minor problems when she has had too much sugar (there is an allergy connection in some because this child has allergies to certain fish and nuts - the other two don't).

Whatever you choose to do, don't use the corticosteroids - over time they worsen the condition with repeated use by contributing to the yeast imbalance.
I want to thank EACH OF YOU LADIES for taking the time to comment. It REALLY mean a lot to me!!

Her Dr. did not prescribe anything. She told me to give her Benadryl and Zyrek? Her reasoning was that prescriptions arent really as strong as OTC for someone so young. I will be making an appt Monday to see a derm and we shall see what happens from there.

Once again, I really appreciate the responses. ((HUGS))

DD has serious eczema, food allergies, she had rsv, and now it looks like she's developing asthma. We've been through the crazy itching, bleeding, scarring, etc. Now she's under control, but it was the Allergy doc who really helped the most, not the dermatologist. I still think I want to try eliminating dairy (in addition to her current regimen). She's not allergic to dairy products, but I've read a lot of success stories about families who cut dairy and the eczema went away. DD is allergic to eggs and peanuts.

DD had bad reactions from Johnson & Johnson products, including Aveeno. We use prescription creams and Aquaphor. I also use Aquaphor body wash/shampoo. Thank goodness her eczema has never been above her neck!!!

Good Luck OP! Feel free to PM me if you need to talk. I know it can be scary. We had all these problems before DD was even crawling.
I was wondering could you explain this a bit more for us who are wondering what brand and when you started seeing results? I hate watching dd bleeding from the scratching :(.

sent from the nebula quadrant 2-4-niner-foxtrot
I had it on my scalp. As long as I don't use shampoos with SLS in them I'm fine. If I go to the salon or I forget and use the wrong thing, it'll come back.
Damn near cried myself to sleep last night from an itch that wouldnt stop. Derm asked if wanted more treatments, I said no. I've done allergy testing and the whole gamut of treatment.

I'm asking God to heal me.
The bad news is she has it for life. The good news is there are plenty of remedies to work with the problem. My DD is now thirty and she is still plagues with the dry skin. Martine uses sesame oil
In her lotion of choice currently it is the equate equal of lubiderm It works great she bathes only with the black African soap, it is a fatty soap. She still rinses the laundry twice. This is the only way she knows to wash lol.
"Eczema is asthma of the skin" the MD told me that years ago when DD was 10 or eleven months old. He felt that way and said because bad lungs and bad skin run in families We have always treated it as such, trying to prevent breakouts and attacks
Once you get a routine you'll do great Stay positive

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if you can get your hands on some haitian castor oil but would be great.

otherwise i'd try using jamaican black castor oil. try to find it in its purest form. there was a haitian woman whose daughter had severe eczema. she made this concoction where the base was l'huile maskreti (the haitian castor oil version) and her daughter's condition totally cleared up. she then started a skincare line. i'll try to look it up and will post here.

Oooh, ooh...does it smell strong? I wonder if this is the stuff my mom used on me...
ETA: I recommend you avoid any medicated treatments , esp ones with steroids at her age. Steroids (ie cortisone) can permanently thin out the skin and disrupt her body's endocrinological system causing other long term problems. Also, some of the other harsh medicated treatments can cause rebound flare ups, so choose carefully. :)

I cosign this. My DS had is on his face and like a fool I let the doctor give me steroid creams. Now he is 12 years old and his skin is still discolored (hyperpigmented) in some spots even though I stopped using the steroids a long time ago.

Be careful, or maybe find a black dermatologist if you can.