DC- PART III-Optimum Dryer Time


New Member
Well ladies, as I sat under the dryer yesterday I wondered what amount of time is most beneficial when DC. :perplexed I know lots of ladies DC as a pretreat, some do 15-20 minutes , some do 30-45, still others do a full hour under the dryer. So question for you guys:

What is it more benficial to healthy hair and growth?

1. DC less often-for more time (e.g. 1x per week for 30-60 minutes)?


2. DC more often-for less time (e.g. 1-3x per week 15-20 minutes each time)?

Do you believe DCing more often can yield faster growth results?
I don't know what is more beneficial, but, I DC 2x per week for 15-30 minutes. At least 15 minutes of that time I'm under the dryer. So far my hair loves it.
I dc once a week for 15-20 minutes. I wold think that the hair can only absorb so much, so I'm not sure if more time is necessary.
Hi HERicane10:wave: No, I don't think the dcing has anything effect on growing your hair faster. I think it will just help in retaining length by keeping the strands nourished as well as keeping them strong and supple especially if you are alternating between a protein and a moisturizing condish.