DC/MD/VA Naturals ... Where Do you Get Your Hair Cut?


Hi Ladies,

Since going natural I have always done my trims/dusting and other maintenance myself, however I believe my hair is now at a length where it could benefit from a good professional precision cut.

From my excessive lurking and fotiki stalking :sekret: :look: I have come across many naturals with fabulous cuts, so I figured I would come here first for recommendations in the DC Metro area. So, if anyone could provide me with the name of a good salon and stylist in the area I be forever grateful! :yep: (A website would be great too if available.)

Thank you so much!

I've been wondering the same thing, I've gone so far-I'm stopping people in the grocery store asking them who cut their hair:grin:
I also, go to Yodit and Salon Revive. She is my go to for cuts and color. If you can't get her (she's stays booked and currently out on maternity leave until end of June) the other stylists are good too. Huit (not sure I sp her name correct) has done my hair with good results.


your hair is beautiful, I stalked your fotki to see if you had pics from the salon.

I read your comments about your dom. stylist's assistant and the rattail comb. :nono:

No, no, no to combing my hair with that rattail comb. Honeychild, "I don't think so." "Here, I brought my own comb!!":lachen: