Day 9 ...Lent thought for today..Dr Norman Vincent Peale


Well-Known Member
If God be for us who can be against us?
Romans 8:31

Imagine yourself looking at all your difficulties like an army lined against you. Then realize you have a backing that can overcome them all. As you face these enemies, discouragement, anxiety, frustration, disappointment, hostility, weakness

Ask yourself
What shall I say to these things?
and the answer is: If God be for us, then who can be against us?

Now spend a minute realizing God IS for you and say this affirmation..

God is with me God is for me God is greater than all these things

Then visualize the enemies way before God's power.

Personalize the text saying

if God be for….. your name
then who can be against your name?

This will give you a sense of God's presence and power of victory
Apologies for the lapse in one day. I will make it up by posting on Sunday when I ordinarily would not post we can catch up Day 10 and still be on track by Monday with our forty day Lent devotional vigil.
