Day 5 ...Lent thought for today..Dr Norman Vincent Peale


Well-Known Member
Mark 11:24
That is why I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

To pray successfully you must employ affirmation and visualization.
Form a picture in your mind,not of lack or denial or frustration or illness
but of your prosperity,abundance,attainment,health.

Always remember you will receive as a result of prayer exactly what
you think.... not what you say
Practice believing even as you pray that you are receiveng God's boundless blessings
This info from Norman Vincent Peale is blessing me immensly. Do you mind giving me the name of the book or where this is coming from?

I would love to have a copy.

Everyday I am looking for your next post by him, I am Loving this.

I am fasting during this Lent season and this info seems so extra powerful for me right now.
Do you mind giving me the name of the book or where this is coming from?

I would love to have a copy.

Oh...of course! :)

Norman Vincent Peale's

Guideposts Outreach

they are small book/lets ..only a dollar...sold at my church
where he was the pastor before retirement

if you have any trouble getting it....
pm me
Kayte, my first thought when I read this was loa (law of attraction). Maybe I'm not understanding this devotional. I do know that we must believe that we'll receive what we are asking for but I also think God does sometimes answer you even when you don't believe that you'll get what you are praying for. It's His way of showing you who He is. I do love these Lent devotionals. Please keep them coming.
Kayte, my first thought when I read this was loa (law of attraction)
I think loa is a commercialized concept borrowing heavily from the bible but does not give
proper credit and practice where it is due to the One who created us...
and instructed this way of teachings as integral to the Christian principles of faith,hope love

...the abraham people's (loa elders) most popular book is ask and receive(!)

Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positive Thinking decades ago l
long long before loa
and back when Secret was a only a deodorant

TPOPT... based on Christian biblical principles,Dr Peale took it further as an active hands on practice

I also think God does sometimes answer you even when you don't believe that you'll get what you are praying for.

oh absolutely..I've been blessed this way

Mercy withholds from us what we deserve
Grace gives us what we do not deserve

Romans 5:20

I do love these Lent devotionals. Please keep them coming

Everyday I am looking for your next post by him, I am Loving this.

oh... very committed!
most certainly for me too...
forty days :)

very grateful the devotions are speaking to us......
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