Day 13...Lent thought for today..Dr Norman Vincent Peale


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For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

11 Timothy 1:7
Your fears can be healed by this text. It tells us, first, that fear is overcome by power. What power? There is only one force more powerful than fear, and that is faith. When fear comes to your mind, counter it with an affirmation of faith.

Second, love overcomes fear. By love is meant trust, confidence, complete dependence upon God. Practice this attitude and fear will diminish. The third element is to attain a sound mind in which there are no complexes, quirks, and obsessions.

Live with the thought of God, and you will develop a sound mind where no shadowy fear can lurk. Whenever you are afraid, verbalize against the thing that you fear, using the words of this text.
Thank you kayte. This is something to be practiced. I hear lots of preachers say don't do this or that. Or do this or that. But they never tell you exactly how to or not to do it. I think in pictures so many times I need a visual in order to "get" it, understand it. I'm a thinker so I usually need to know exactly how and why. So I can print this out and read it over and over again and practice it. Thanks