Daughter advice!


Well-Known Member
Ladies, If your daughter had a boyfriend she started dating, that constantly stressed he needs to be needed or needs a lot of attention, What advise would you give to her?

I told my cousin's daughter to run for the hills, because it speaks volumes about what type of burden it will present to her, trying to tirelessly provide it. Been there and done it! My cousin thought I was being negative because of my experience with someone with that same character trait and should have not said that! I swear to you I would tell my daughter the exact same thing! LOL!
I'd tell her to run for the hills. Needy men will drain you :nono: I'm 43 and trust I know better from experience!!!! Honestly, some women will put up with that type of behavior which is their right to do.....but I highly advise against it.
I agree...I told her I was telling her WHAT I KNOW!!! LOL! Lord...if I road that emotional rollers coaster one more time, I would have had a permanent botox look. The hot and cold swings, the silent treatments, the fishing for compliments, he was either the victim or hero constantly...whew lord it was too much work!

He is probably the reason I hate the word, "Hater!" Anytime, I disagreed with something or called him out I was the ultimate hater! LOL! Lessons...Lessons...Lessons!
I will never do clingy and needy again. At first the whole emo "you are my everything"-ness may come off as sweet..but it gets OLD and sux the life outta you REAL fast.

Never again. :nono:.

Why don't needy ppl ever date each other? Sounds like the perfect pairing to me.
if my daughter was any kind of teenager i would teach her at this age she neednt give two flying ****s what a guy wants out of a relationship, and needs to focus on what she needs and wants. of course as adults we learn to compromise but as a young adult there is no way i would not impress upon her early that relationships should not revolve around one person, particularly the man.
if my daughter was any kind of teenager i would teach her at this age she neednt give two flying ****s what a guy wants out of a relationship, and needs to focus on what she needs and wants. of course as adults we learn to compromise but as a young adult there is no way i would not impress upon her early that relationships should not revolve around one person, particularly the man.
Wise words
I don't understand why your cousin (her mother) doesn't see this is a problem.

Maybe instead of focusing on the obvious with him have a talk with cousin16 about what she wants in a relationship and what she should expect/demand. Maybe if she gets hip to her own rights she'll realize that needy dude isn't cutting it for her.