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i just started talking to this guy hes african and after talking to him he seems arrogrant to me should i give him a chance since we only just started talking or should i go with my instinct.
If he is arrogant and that is a trait you do not care for, I think you have your answer. Arrogance is not something that usually fades away if the person does not recognize it is a flaw.

Are African men known for their arrogance? Just curious.
go with your instincts and drop him. he's already acting like it's all about him and it's too early in the game for that.

you possibly can't be that hard up.

drop him.
INSTINCT!!! Always go with your instinct!!!

I was talking to a guy and I hated his arrogance. And he was pushy. It lasted one week. Next!
I don't mean to stereotype, but in all encounters I've had with african men...they've
been arrogant. Not sure if this a cultural thing or not but it was a major turn-off for me.
I guess I'm in the minority on this one. I need to know what you mean by "arrogant" before I say yay or nay. And certainly, saying he's "African" (btw, wtheck?) doesn't give much to go on. What did he say that was arrogant?

If your instinct is that you two won't click, then go with your instinct, I guess.

But if your instinct is really based on a stereotype about Arrogant African men, then slow down and maybe give him a chance.
I read OP's reference to his being African as a description of who he is. Not as a reason for his arrogance.
i guess i'm not understanding, what does his being African have to do with his arrogance?:perplexed

ITA arrogrance knows no race, color or creed.
Totally! I have known arrogant AA men, arrrogant A men, Arrogant WM Arrogan Asian Men and Europeans etc...... Saying he's African and he's arrogant, wat does dat have to do with anything?

I guess I'm in the minority on this one. I need to know what you mean by "arrogant" before I say yay or nay. And certainly, saying he's "African" (btw, wtheck?) doesn't give much to go on. What did he say that was arrogant?

If your instinct is that you two won't click, then go with your instinct, I guess.
But if your instinct is really based on a stereotype about Arrogant African men, then slow down and maybe give him a chance.
^^^^ TTA with the bolded above
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If he is arrogant and that is a trait you do not care for, I think you have your answer. Arrogance is not something that usually fades away if the person does not recognize it is a flaw.

Are African men known for their arrogance? Just curious.

I've dated every kind of black man out there - African, AA, Caribbean and as far as I can tell they are all arrogant...

I find it to be quite an attractive trait really - if the person has the goods to back it up. IMO arrogance and confidence are sometimes interchangeable.
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i concur--for me personally his arrogance wouldnt bother me since im quite arrogant myself...

but i say go with your instincts--if his personality is not ya cup of tea then next...

I've dated every kind of black man out there - African, AA, Caribbean and as far as I can tell they are all arrogant...

I find it to be quite an attractive trait really - if the person has the goods to back it up. IMO arrogance and confidence are sometimes interchangeable.
My ex boyfriend of 3 years was African and very strong willed. Sometimes he could express an air of arrogance but I never outright concluded this was the case because of his nationality/background. Hell I did and said a lot of crazy stuff so I couldn't fault him for acting arrogant.
If he is arrogant and that is a trait you do not care for, I think you have your answer. Arrogance is not something that usually fades away if the person does not recognize it is a flaw.

Are African men known for their arrogance? Just curious.

Ummmm, YES!! (And I am Nigerian American)
I read OP's reference to his being African as a description of who he is. Not as a reason for his arrogance.
Then adding African was not necessary. She could have said, are corporate lawyer's arrogant, are garbage men arrogant. I think the "African" reference just rubbed a few of us the wrong way.

It is a racist as all black women are angry itches.
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Then adding African was not necessary. She could have said, are corporate lawyer's arrogant, are garbage men arrogant. I think the "African" reference just rubbed a few of us the wrong way.

It is a racist as all black women are angry itches.

Yeah I get that most did not like the way she phrased it. I've read and re-read the op but I just don't see it. He's African and he's arrogant. I don't see the leap to all Africans are arrogant.
:lol: There is this African guy I met Sunday, cute, but I'm giving the run-around all week (hopefully he'll take the hint) because he was too arrogant when we "of course you want to go out with me". I say, trust it.

ETA: Btw, my opinion of him isn't based on some Arrogant African stereotype, because I didn't know that one existed. :spinning:
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Africa is a LARGE continent. So one cannot justifiably assert that African men are arrogant just because some men from a particular country are arrogant. The African men in my family are not arrogant. I have also met some African men who are very arrogant.

OP, you would have to be more descriptive than just saying he's African. You've essentially given us nothing on which to base our advice besides your personal opinion that he is arrogant.

If arrogance is a deal breaker for you, don't get with him. If it's only a minor irritation and he has potential otherwise, give it a shot.