Dating While In College


Well-Known Member
Hey are there any ladies here dating while in college? What age are you and what are your dating paths? Are you on the path of dating for marriage ? Like any potential date that segues into a relationship is someone you would strongly consider for a husband. What about the other path of dating for fun? Dating someone you enjoy for lovely company, romance, counting the relationship as serious but not serious enough to consider marriage material.

I have so many more questions but I will just stop here for now.

Thank you in advance
Warmest Regards, signed lonely virgin
enjoy it...leave the jocks alone and focus on the smart guys!

try not to get you heart happens but ya know...manage it a bit...

college dating should be fun, great way to understand the different types of men you like/not like, make sure not to get a reputation and be safe/use condoms.

Be mindful of your alcohol consumption during dates.

Dont be doing anyones homework. lol

What I enjoyed about college dating when I was in college, the men who became very successful ( again the smart guys), I knew them from college so they enjoyed that we had a great relationship when they didn't have a pot to piss in, so when they did make it big, they went back to the lady who rocked with them before it all.
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I am currently in college.
Don't date exclusively, don't get wrapped up in one boy because 9/10 its going to end.
College is a time to have fun, be sexy, learn more about yourself and the opposite gender.
Become a serial dater, be a heartbreaker, be a slut, do whatever you want but grades are always 1st priority.

I date for fun exclusively. I'm not interested in being tied down or being someones "ride-or-die". My school has a lot of late night parties, formals, etc and its nice to bring good company. Men are easy in college, be a pretty face with a nice laugh and its a wrap. I haven't paid for a meal on campus or my books since I started, I have a lot of friends :look::look::look:

I also left a trail of heartbroken idiots behind me during my first two years of college, but later learned I can network with my men, and keep an eye to see if they become successful by always checking their emotions and letting them now I'm about that life right now. :angel:

I have no perceivable plans to get married any time soon, or ever.

Always remember your self worth, always try and be the best woman you can be, don't lose yourself in others, instead become an unattainable force.
I dated 1 guy seriously in college and it didn't end well. I was mainly focused on shopping, hanging out and traveling back home on a regular basis. I friend zoned pretty much everyone...

Then 2 months after graduation I met my husband.
personally I didnt date really in college not because of age or whatever but college is generally the first time youre living away from your family youre really discovering your individuality(cliche I know lol) but its so true plus college is tough plus work and social life theres little time for dating.

But if you do date ITA dont go for the jocks, greeks, the forever turned up, marching band dudes, dude trying to start his rap career, djs, sga :look: lol making a generalization just dont date anyone who is extra visible on campus. find a semi cute studious young man who no one seems to know. trust me :cry3:

but I will say make friends with those dudes though theyre typically generous with tickets to events and party supplies(nothing illegal obvi) and random snacks lol

I also wouldnt suggest doing the bedroom boogie in college especially the first 2 years and not unless dude is your long term bf spending holidays together and stuff.
I didn't date in college. My school was the worst for the gender divide and the guys took total advantage. I had lots of guy friends but they were either gay or not SO-material so they were friend-zoned. The women I knew with a SO either met off campus or she came to school in a long-distance relationship. The small handful of men I met who I was interested in dating were when I studied abroad although one was American.:look: But honestly my focus was on my classes and getting into grad school. I really loved my major, I studied abroad twice and knowing how I am in relationships, having a SO would've affected my decision making.

My sister is in college now and is similar to me. She's about to graduate and is focused on grad school and working. She has been able to find guys she likes (unlike me) but they're either taken or once she gets to know them she finds some kind of deal breaker.
Okay I am finally replying in my own thread.

I guess my situation is a bit different. I casually dated all throughout college. Freshman year one relationship ended before the summer and I have been single since then. I have one more year left and no grad school for me (for now).
I dated in college and married my college sweetheart. It was a great environment to meet people who had the same goals and were as smart if not smarter than I am. I had so much time to get to know guys in a relaxed environment. I knew whether or not they were slobs because I could drop in unannounced in the dorms and see how they lived. I knew what classes they took and how they behaved around other men/women.

My advice is to identify your deal-breakers, go on out on dates with several guys (no sex). I think it is a wonderful opportunity to meet the right guy.
I was in an exclusive relationship during my freshman year of college (He was a Junior)...5 years later and were still together... (Married w/Kids)
I didn't date at all in college and I regret that because you need the social skills to deal with a romantic relationship. I don't believe in dating exclusively/seriously in hs/college. Find something in the middle