Dating/Relationship Patterns


Well-Known Member
In my younger days (between 21 and 24 especially), I would let guys do all the pursuing (approach me, make the calls, initiate the dates, express their feelings first, etc.) It became a problem in a couple of past relationships. They would sometimes accuse me of having "walls up." On two separate occasions, I've heard them say, "You think that just because you're pretty, guys will want you and you don't have to put in work." That wasn't my state of mind/thought process, so I just brushed it off.

Years later (between 26 and 29), I decided to not look for a relationship until I got my personal ish together. Once in a while, I would date, usually older men (early to mid 30s). They were all respectful, chivalrous, and did most of the pursuing - but not in an aggressive/intense way (like in my younger days). I enjoyed their company and had some decent conversation.

Flash forward. I just turned 30. This past summer, I met this guy (a couple years younger than me) who approached me while I was at an event, would text me constantly (I know now that no calls = red flag) but would always leave it on me to decide when and where we would get together. I had never been in the dominant/decision-making role before but I went along with it. It was a turn-off and -- in retrospect -- hinted he wasn't serious about me. Needless to say, when I finally realized it, we stopped talking.

More recently, I have been talking to an old "friend" of mine. We dated YEARS ago and he was always the aggressor. He would be the one calling me, inviting me out, expressing his feelings, etc. We've been hanging out again but it's me that's been texting/calling lately. He's always saying "Text/call, ask to get-to-gether whenever you want to. I want you to." but in the back of my mind, I'm like, if he really liked me, he'd want to initiate sometimes. I kidded myself into believing that because he's been pursing me off and on all these years, he's currently enjoying having it the other way around, and that's all there is to it. But, like the other guy, he's probably just not into me.

Present day... I met this guy at the gym. I would see him whenever I was there, and he would always approach and flirt with me. When he told me I wouldn't be seeing him around as often due to work-related issues, I asked if there was any other way we could keep in touch, and he told me I could get his number through so and so.

I texted him to say hi a few days after I had gotten his number, letting him know that I'd like to touch base sometimes. He was like "When and where do you want to meet up?" I was like, "I don't want to meet up right now, just trying to keep in touch." He was like, "Cool. Let me know when you do."

So I texted him the other day and said I was open to meeting up sometime during the day. I figured he may not be a phone person and would want to get to know me better before he considers me a friend. We've acknowledged a day we're both free, but he's leaving it up to me to decide where we meet/what we do.


I've always been a pretty passive individual. Why am in these situations where I'm constantly having to be the decision maker/initiator all of a sudden? I don't know whether it's good that I'm developing enough self-confidence to take the lead and go after what I want OR whether I need to fall back because women who "pursue" men come off as desperate/devalue themselves.

What do you think of this recent pattern of mine?

And are there any patterns you carry that you've come to terms with or wish you could break?
I hate it when the guy expects me to make all the decisions or call all the shots. It makes me feel like they want me to pursue them.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I hate it when the guy expects me to make all the decisions or call all the shots. It makes me feel like they want me to pursue them.

That's exactly what it is....Opster, you are attracting men, that want women to do all the work.
MarriageMaterial said:
That's exactly what it is....Opster, you are attracting men, that want women to do all the work.

I think it's a new age dating thing. Men are getting lazy as hell. I need to get out of Alabama too...location is everything.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Many men are like that because there are women that do that ish. When a guy says call me, I tell them "no you call me". If they dont call, good.
:perplexed at that guy from the gym. Once he told you he wasn't going to see you as often HE should have asked you for your number. Did you give him a chance to ask you?

Men have tried the same ish with me and I just :lol: and don't even pay them any mind. I will "help a brother out," but I won't do a man's job for him.
I asked if there was any other way we could keep in touch, and he told me I could get his number through so and so.
not only did he not ask for your number but he didn't even bother to give you his... you had to go thru another route/channel to get it when he was standing right there talking to you:nono::nono::nono:... i don't understand this???
no thank you!
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UPDATE: Hey everyone. I've been thinking a little about the past few guys I've been dealing with. I think I have issues with loneliness. I only have a few close friends and they don't share the same interests as me. They'll sometimes even invite me out and I won't go because they'll want to do something I've outgrown like hit up the mall or just sit and chill.

Guy #1 was interested in attending all these summer events together. It was exactly what I needed at the time. I thought it would be cool if things progressed from dating to girlfriend/boyfriend mode (since I hadn't had a BF in a while)... which it never did.

Guy #2 (my ex) has basically been telling me he still thinks about me/cares about me/whatever for years. Sometimes I need to hear that. It makes me feel good.

Guy #3, I felt an insane attraction to. Him flirting with me made the few months he was around (he worked at the gym) exciting/enjoyable. I wanted more of that attention.

I didn't meet up with guy #3 the other day/deleted his number from my phone, and haven't been talking to my ex lately. I figure I need to let whoever does not want to be in my life drop out of it. Right now I'm just trying to keep myself busy.

I want someone who takes me seriously and will do the pursuing/spoil me. The way I had been acting, it wasn't going to happen.
Try not to look at a possible relationship as completing or fulfilling your life. Look at it as a complement to something that already has it going on!:yep: If you're lonely go out with with your friends to the mall or to sit & chill even if you don't want to. Enjoy them, their conversation, introduce yourself to a few cute guys in the mall (practice flirting), initiate a conversation with sales people or the barista if they aren't busy. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. And it develops your social skills.
As for guys 1-3 chile, I would have called ALL of them and dated ALL of them until I replaced each one with another guy or got a boyfriend. (dating doesn't equal slobbing down, petting or sex in my book) Dating helps build confidence with the opposite sex, helps you practice social skills and gets you in touch with your likes and dislikes. Just because this person doesn't have the boyfriend/future husband qualities you're looking for doesn't mean you can't have a great day at the beach (amusement park, donut shop, jazz set, coffee house, bowling alley, skating ring, etc)...together
I think women do a great disservice to themselves waiting for and basing who they spend time with on 'The One'. 'The One' is going to show up at his appointed time. Until then live, learn and be happy. Do it for yourself AND 'The One'
not only did he not ask for your number but he didn't even bother to give you his... you had to go thru another route/channel to get it when he was standing right there talking to you:nono::nono::nono:... i don't understand this???
no thank you!

Just had an awkward experience at the gym. I saw guy #3 and he apologized for not texting me lately (said he was having a bad week) then went on about some job-related stuff and finished up by saying that he's actually trained people from home and that maybe I could come over to either work out or chill one day. I told him I had to meet someone (which was true) and walked away. I could not get away fast enough. I don't think I hid the shock on my face very well.

I knew he wasn't serious about me but never pegged him for a D-bag. Oh well.