Dating older


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I would never dream of dating older. But now that's actually my preference. My boyfriend and I are 6 years apart. At times I feel like I am too immature for him (just certain things I say sometimes) but for some reason it works. Anyone else in a relationship with an age difference? Are you older? Is he?
I think age difference is more pronounced when you're younger. Like a 6 yr difference when you're 20 and 26 is not the same as when you're 30 and dating a man who is 36.

I've always dated at least 3-4yrs older and now that I'm 31 my preference has skewed even older. My sweet spot is 6-8yrs older than me.
Dh is 6 years younger than me. I am 31 and he is turning 25 this month. I usually date older, but he is very mature for his age. He even looks older. Most people assume I'm in my 20s and he's in his 30s.
He is 12 years older.... He actually looks older than his age and I look a lot younger than my age.

We get a long great and age is not an issue because we have common ideals and interests. And men are big babies no matter what age they are.
I'm currently dating someone 14 years older than me...sometimes it affects certain things.

Lol...especially when I use slang, he'll be like "What?"

I usually date 3 years or so older. I've gone up to 8 years...twice. This is the oldest I've gone and I'll probably won't do it again.
I'm dating someone 10 yrs older than me. Im 43 so its not as big of a deal now that I am older. When I was in my 20's I did not date anyone older than a few years. My ideal now would be 5-7 years older, max is probably 12.
i dont like older men. every man ive gone out with that was significantly older than me annoyed me. they are corny and too eager for my liking.
Dh is 6 years younger than me. I am 31 and he is turning 25 this month. I usually date older, but he is very mature for his age. He even looks older. Most people assume I'm in my 20s and he's in his 30s.


Wow. Thats cool. Are you worried he might change and want someone younger? Its nice to see that he wanted marriage with you. Some men at that age is just too immature
Tried it once in my 20s, never again. He was crazy.

I had friends in highschool who dated older men and I never thought it was right so that's what really steered me away from dating older. I would ask "so what are ya'll talking about? What you did at school and what he did at work?" A few years is fine but anything over that, nope.

I'd do younger tho :lol::lol:
A close friend of mine is in her 20s and dating someone 20 years older. It's crazy because it started off sort of as a joke but then they ended up immediately hitting it off, falling in love, and have been together 2 years.

She's the main reason I don't believe in entertaining guys just for fun because you never know who you'll end up falling for.
My BF is 9 years older than me. It works. Most of the time I don't feel the age gap.... Until he mentions something that's "before my time" - like songs or movies or events that happened before I was born or too young to remember.
14yrs and older had been what I attracted and dated, which became a preference but their insecurities got in the way. I'm now dating someone my age.
I usually prefer 5-8 years older. It has worked out just fine. I like the fact that they are more sure of what they want (at least the ones I have been involved with). I recently tried my age (kind of experimental),that proved it self to be what I always thought. Lots of fun but too immature for my taste. Some of the things he focused on....I would be like still care about that (to myself of course). That was short lived. :nono:
you know whats funny is that i find older men who want to date me (usually between 5-10 years older than me) to be immature for their age. i would be expecting them to be MORE mature and they would not meet my expectations. if a man is almost 40 trying to date a woman in her 20s, that says a lot about his maturity level, and not good stuff.
I am 30 and my SO is 42. I have never dated a man more than 5 years older than me until I met him. We share all of the important ideals and I feel more "at peace" with him than I have ever felt in any relationship and I have had many.

We get along so well and while I have no real complaints about anything- I do wish he was younger just because it fits the image I saw for myself. I just happen to like the way I feel with him despite his age.

Women are funny though. When we are out and he introduces me to women he has worked with or went to school with they give me they once over and look confused. I can pass for 22 and he can pass for 50 lmao. The first couple of dates women would send him drinks from other tables.....

Men make smarts comments abut him to me too. Its like they are mad I am with someone older even though they never tried to be with me. Other than the few odd mishaps people usually treat us well. We look good as a unit.
I am 28 and my boyfriend is 35. This is perfect for me. Especially since I have kids. I had to grow up faster than most. That being said, I love that my boyfriend is old enough not to judge and has the ability to understand my life because he has been there done that. And honestly....I am always taking care of my boys that it's nice to have someone older to take care of you from time to time.
I generally like all men. However, I've noticed my want for an older man has decreased with age. Mainly because of the physical. If I date 15 yrs older now, many of the guys start to look a bit broke down as they near 50. It's not like when I was 20. There are exceptions, but in general they are losing their looks unless they are taking good care of themselves.

Within 5 years is still my age imo. Anyone I could have reasonably went to school with doesn't seem older. I could easily go 10 though. Early 40s guys still have a nice selection of hot dudes and decent maturity levels.
I prefer older. I'm 25 and I prefer guys around 28-32. Guys my age and younger are usually in a different mindset that I do not particularly find attractive.