Dating life and Dental Braces


Well-Known Member
I am back doing online dating. Been chatting with this guy for the last week and half. He did ask me out for a date this weekend. At this point I am a bit self conscious about my appearance because it is day 4 into me wearing dental braces. My mouth is still very sore and teeth painful because of the pressure. Haven't had a good meal since Monday the day before me getting the braces so naturally I am a bit cranky. Just want to eat some real food that doesn't involve drinking it out a straw:yep: I am wondering if I should even bother to tell this guy I have braces now. All of my pictures don't obviously picture me with braces. Folks at work haven't noticed them because I have clear ones up top and metal at the bottom. My coworker thought I had started wearing a retainer. I have had to point them out to people because it has affected my speech slightly. I don't know just getting worked up and anxious about these things now when it means going into public and really interacting with the opposite sex.

I would love to hear experiences from those who have had dental braces and how it may have affected their personal life/dating life. On a positive note I am turning 35 next month and feel I have done something positive about my oral health and improving my self.
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It is so funny you post this because I am getting braces soon and I am currently single but I keep wondering like what will I do if I meet someone I like and I am still wearing them. How will I even kiss them, I would scared of cutting their lip.

I am stalling on getting them but I need to get a move on. I think of it this way, if they are so superficial and can't accept you with braces then move on they are not worth your time. This is my mentality now cause I don't have time to please others. In 2 years your teeth will be perfect and that is all that matters.
Good move on getting the braces! They changed my life!

I got my first ever boyfriend while I had them, but then again, I was 19. :lol:

What you could do the next time you two talk is mention them casually when you two talk about what restaurant you plan to go to on the date. Whatever place he picks, you can say, "Anything is good with me! I'm looking forward to eating some real food since my new braces made it hard for me to eat last week!"

Or, you could just not say anything. I don't know if too many mature adult men would rule you out just because you have braces. He saw your picture and liked what he saw... can't see him going, "Uh uh uh, she was cool in her picture, but those braces? Ah hell nah!"

Have fun and good luck! Both of you!
Thanks so much. I though the same thing. If it's a problem for someone then obviously they are a bit shallow. It's not like I will be wearing these things for the rest of my life. At some point they will come off.

Kinkyhairlady don't wait too much longer if you really do need them. Get them on and get started with your treatment. I was supposed to have these on last September but had some personal issues going on that prevented it. Wish I would have just got them on. I would have been so much further into my treatment by now.
I got them when I was in my early 20s. I had them taken off about 1.5 years ago. I never had an issue dating with them on. I agree that it was a wonderful investment.

I think I'll go to another orthodontist to get the top redone. I only wore my retainers in the beginning and my teeth shifted majorly. It definitely doesn't look the same.
I've never met a guy that cares I had braces. They said they made me look really cute actually. They make your lips poke out a lil more, so I lot of them told me all they could do was think about how cute my lips were
I don't think it matters but then again this is from my point of view. When I see a guy with braces I think that he's improving himself and takes pride in his appearance. Nothing wrong with that. My coworker had gotten braces on and he was still as fine as ever. lol. He looks even better now after he got his braces off because his teeth are straight.
... On a positive note I am turning 35 next month and feel I have done something positive about my oral health and improving my self.
I don't have any input about dating with braces (I had them when I was a teenager), but I had to give you :up::up: on the bolded. It's never too late to do something to make you feel better about yourself and I'm sure you'll be really pleased with your new smile. :yep:
Hey OP!

I am 24 and I got braces put on last Dec. Like you, I have clear on top and metal on the bottom. In the beginning I was self-conscious, but I came around to it. I've met and dated men with no problem - in fact, several have commented how "cute" they look on me. The only thing that was slightly negative was people assuming I'm younger than I am and therefore not approaching me as a result. Most people think I look younger than I am (which is really aggravating at times) so the braces added to this. I remember talking to this one guy at a bar. He thought I was younger than I was and I snuck into the bar! He just wouldn't believe that I was older than him. Whatevs.

I think you will be okay - you are very attractive and you have a pretty smile. I avoid bright colors on my lips and ordering food that gets stuck in my braces during dates. Also, it helps to always have water at the table for dinner dates so you can swish your teeth discretely - just to get rid of anything left behind. Other than that, give a big smile and hold your head up high! :-)
Good move on getting the braces! They changed my life!

I got my first ever boyfriend while I had them, but then again, I was 19. :lol:

What you could do the next time you two talk is mention them casually when you two talk about what restaurant you plan to go to on the date. Whatever place he picks, you can say, "Anything is good with me! I'm looking forward to eating some real food since my new braces made it hard for me to eat last week!"

Or, you could just not say anything. I don't know if too many mature adult men would rule you out just because you have braces. He saw your picture and liked what he saw... can't see him going, "Uh uh uh, she was cool in her picture, but those braces? Ah hell nah!"

Have fun and good luck! Both of you!

Thanks Bunny. I really value your opinion and advice.

I got them when I was in my early 20s. I had them taken off about 1.5 years ago. I never had an issue dating with them on. I agree that it was a wonderful investment.

I think I'll go to another orthodontist to get the top redone. I only wore my retainers in the beginning and my teeth shifted majorly. It definitely doesn't look the same.

Your smile and teeth are beautiful. I hope my teeth do not shift after these are removed. The ortho already said he is putting permanent bonded retainers on the uppers and lowers. I will deal with the hassle of flossing with them to avoid having do braces at a second point in my life.

I've never met a guy that cares I had braces. They said they made me look really cute actually. They make your lips poke out a lil more, so I lot of them told me all they could do was think about how cute my lips were

That is what I hate. The increase of lips poking out. I am hoping when my teeth move back a bit where they should be that I won't notice it as much.

I don't think it matters but then again this is from my point of view. When I see a guy with braces I think that he's improving himself and takes pride in his appearance. Nothing wrong with that. My coworker had gotten braces on and he was still as fine as ever. lol. He looks even better now after he got his braces off because his teeth are straight.

The more I hate these things I keep telling myself to be positive and look at the bigger goal in sight.

I don't have any input about dating with braces (I had them when I was a teenager), but I had to give you :up::up: on the bolded. It's never too late to do something to make you feel better about yourself and I'm sure you'll be really pleased with your new smile. :yep:

Thanks. Looking forward to a different transformation. I am sure I will look back on this experience after it is completed and be glad I took a chance on correcting my bite and smile.

Hey OP!

I am 24 and I got braces put on last Dec. Like you, I have clear on top and metal on the bottom. In the beginning I was self-conscious, but I came around to it. I've met and dated men with no problem - in fact, several have commented how "cute" they look on me. The only thing that was slightly negative was people assuming I'm younger than I am and therefore not approaching me as a result. Most people think I look younger than I am (which is really aggravating at times) so the braces added to this. I remember talking to this one guy at a bar. He thought I was younger than I was and I snuck into the bar! He just wouldn't believe that I was older than him. Whatevs.

I think you will be okay - you are very attractive and you have a pretty smile. I avoid bright colors on my lips and ordering food that gets stuck in my braces during dates. Also, it helps to always have water at the table for dinner dates so you can swish your teeth discretely - just to get rid of anything left behind. Other than that, give a big smile and hold your head up high! :-)

Thanks I appreciate the encouragement and compliment and advice. Really needed that as I was feeling a bit down over this entire experience so far.
I am 33 and have had my braces on for almost 2 years. I was self conscious at first but believe me, no one cares! My dating life is fine, better actually because my teeth are much nicer.

I have been told a million times by people that they even FORGET that I am wearing them. And I have the old school metal kind.