Dating and Fine Hair DO NOT MIX! (All Naturals Plz Help!)


Well-Known Member
I am currently going out on dates with this guy that's kind of awesome :look:. The problem is I have no idea what do with my hair. My hair is super fine and APL natural in its natural state and I've had a lot of breakage since from wearing my hair out more frequently. I feel like I look dynamite with my hair out and he fervently agrees lol. Any fine hair naturals or naturals in general have any hairstyles/tips to use for dates? Btw I have a date tonight so we are on a bit of a deadline :lachen:.
Lmao! I too have this problem. Men love that swang, nah mean? But I think a high bun is just as flattering. Wash and go's are not but maybe twistouts? Guys love my textured looks but sleek and straight just slays... Keep us posted.
:lol: I'm sure you look fabulous with your hair out, but you can also look fabulous in twists and pinned-updos. I know how you feel as another fine haired natural that loves to whip her hair. :lol:

My not boyfriend likes my hair in a high bun. I don't have to worry about my curl pattern being perfect and my ends are protected, but there's just enough curliness for him to appreciate.
lol. Understood. My hair is fine too and it stays curly and in a PS because I'm afraid of heat damage and breakage. Date nights is a cute updo done with a braid out, the most that is different is that I'll leave a tendril or two hanging at the sides. Otherwise it stays in a side braid or a bun.

Yes OP, hit youtube for some good tutorials on styling natural hair with minimal heat maybe. There are loads!
Bless your heart. I co-sign the flexi rod set or just pin your twists up.
Besides, there's no point in starting something you aren't willing to keep up.
I caved in :lachen:. For tonight I will blowdry my hair. I blow dry it mainly on cool and 2 passes on high and then another two passes on cool. I want to be va-va-va voom tonight and I don't think an updo will cut it tonight. He hasn't seen we in like a week and a half so I want to remind him what he missed.
Do a braidout on that blowout and put perm rods on the ends. Add a holding product.
And snap a pic :)

Sent from my phone-typos to be expected :)
As long as you keep it moisturized it should be fine. At one point I stretched my hair with heat for about a month with no adverse effects.

Have fun!
I caved in :lachen:. For tonight I will blowdry my hair. I blow dry it mainly on cool and 2 passes on high and then another two passes on cool. I want to be va-va-va voom tonight and I don't think an updo will cut it tonight. He hasn't seen we in like a week and a half so I want to remind him what he missed.

Lol that line above cracked me up! :lachen:It's good that he already likes your hair as it is though! Post a before & after!!!!
I blow dried and put my hair out in Bantu knots. When I took them out I looked mf'n good :look:. My camera phone stinks so I will have to upload a pic tomorrow. Ooo I'm excited because I know he will be basking in my ambiance! LOL