Dating after Marriage


Well-Known Member
I'm single and just curious. Do you and your spouse still go out on dates? Who initiates you or him? How important is this you? Any advice for the newly married still trying to juggle married life with new responsibilities and making time to work on the relationship itself?

On Jarrid’s blog post titled, “I’m Dating Someone Even Thought I’m Married,” he writes:

“I have a confession to make. I’m dating someone even though I’m married.
She’s an incredible girl. She’s beautiful, smart, cunning, strong, and has an immensely strong faith in God. I love to take her out to dinner, movies, local shows, and always tell her how beautiful she is. I can’t remember the last time I was mad at her for longer than five minutes, and her smile always seems to brighten up my day no matter the circumstances.

Sometimes she will visit me at work unannounced, make me an incredible lunch, or even surprise me with something she personally baked. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be dating someone even though I am married. I encourage you to try it and see what it can do for your life.

Oh! Did I mention the woman I am dating is my wife? What did you expect?

Just because you’re married, doesn’t mean your dating life should end.
I need to continue to date my wife even after I marry her. Pursuing my wife shouldn’t stop just because we both said, “I do.” Way too many times do I see relationships stop growing because people stop taking the initiative to pursue one another.

Dating is a time where you get to learn about someone in a special and unique way. Why would you want that to ever stop? It shouldn’t. Those butterflies you got on the first date shouldn’t stop just because the years have passed. Wake up each day and pursue your spouse as if you are still on your first few dates. You will see a drastic change for the better in your relationship.

When it comes to any relationship, communication and the action of constant pursuit is key. Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn’t want to pursue them whole-heartedly. I encourage you to date your spouse, pursue them whole-heartedly, and understand that dating shouldn’t end just because you said, “I do.”

- Jarrid Wilson”
Married 9 years here and we go out on a date at least twice a week. Honestly we never stopped dating and we never will. If it's a work day, we either meet for lunch or dinner. On the weekends, we catch a movie and brunch, day trips to New Orleans, rent movies and order pizza or other adventures. The other adventures include zip lining, weekend cabin getaways, at least 1 romantic Vacay a year where we fly somewhere, horse & carriage rides, couples cooking classes, coffee house conversations, yogurt place conversations, music and food festivals and bike rides. LOL! From the outside looking in, you would think we are really on a date.

We both decided that even though dating is Expensive, to put it in our budget because it is so important to both of us and the overall health of our marriage. COMMUNICATION is key. We make sure to have constructive dialogue about each other, our issues, strengths, weaknesses, the future and more. You are least likely to yell and act a fool in public I hope.

We don't have kids yet but when we do, we plan to still date. Not as often and not as many adventures but at least once a week. My mom lives close to babysit or if it's feasible we will bring them along.

We both plan the dates. Sometimes he surprises me and I Love those dates more. I know what makes me happy but he has to know as well and execute putting it in action and he has!

We occasionally double date with couples having issues in their marriage to mentor them and help them. I can say that they all are still together even though the situations were messy. It's easier knowing that other couples went through what you are going through and we are not ashamed to speak of the issues we overcame.

Hope this helps.
We've been married 5+ years and we go on a weekly date. He plans them and they are always fun and romantic. He also plans our vacations b/c he pays more attention to detail than I do. He's constantly surprising me and I love it.
Been married 3 years (yes I know that's not a long time :lol: ) but we go on dates all the time! We go out to eat, gym dates, sight seeing, dates with other couples, etc. We both have busy schedules so we try to go out at least once a week together.
It'll be 13 years this May and DH and I still date. We're both really busy, but make it a point to go out at least twice per month. In between those times we have "stay-in" date nights, where we'll have a quiet dinner, dance, watch a video together, etc.
In addition, we always spend the 30min-1 hour before bed with the TV off just chatting and catching up.
He also still "courts" me by doing things like buying me flowers, leaving little notes or rigging my computer to play a sweet song. All of those things make me WANT to do things for him.

Jeesh. I need to go find him and give him a kiss. I love that man! :love:
He was not down at first but after he realised that dating makes me a happy wife he acquiesced. We compromised by ensuring he meets them first.
We have a date night at least once a week. Sometimes we meet for lunch, go out for drinks, stay in and watch a just depends on how we feel at the time
He was not down at first but after he realised that dating makes me a happy wife he acquiesced. We compromised by ensuring he meets them first.


We've fallen off of date night, it's been harder to get a sitter with two toddlers so we put the kids to bed early and pop in a redbox movie and order in.