Dark Hair/Light (Brown) Hair


New Member
I am somewhere between light brown and even lighter brown. I have been thinking about going darker.

I've told a few people that I am thinking of going darker and they all say the like my color and they couldn't imagine me with dark hair.

What are your perceptions of dark hair and light brown hair?

I thought dark brown would make my hair look fuller and healthier.

I like color but my roots are very dark and I am starting to get grey that I would like to control by rinsing.

Are there light brown rinses?
I am partial to dark hair. Something about it seems to look so healthy to me... maybe the density of the color. But, from your avi photo your light colored hair does look fantastic on you! Maybe give it a try just for something new?
I am partial to dark hair. Something about it seems to look so healthy to me... maybe the density of the color. But, from your avi photo your light colored hair does look fantastic on you! Maybe give it a try just for something new?

I think dark hair looks healthier too.
I love dark hair! I could care how harsh it may look on me. The light hair you have is cute on you. Give it a try if you want you can always go lighter. But maybe you should slowly go darker just to see what is within your liking.
I have light brown hair and hate it. I have been dying my hair in an off-black shade for a minute. Right now my roots are brown(auburn) and th grow out looks crazy at times!
I think no matter what you have you will always want something different to change it up. I have errr uhhhh... what they call.....dookie brown hair and I've been dying it jet black for years.

I just think that black hair shines a little more. People will sometimes tell you black hair can make you look washed out and they will also tell you not to go so dark in the springtime. I don't listen to that because it's about what I prefer. I just go lighter on my lip glosses and stuff in the spring but my hair will stay jet black.
depends on your skin tone. My color was such 4 in weaves and I also disliked it because it made the hair on my face look darker lol. So I died it black #1 and now I henna.