Dark and Lovely Conditioner


New Member
Has anyone ever used this?? I have a friend who uses the Dark and Lovely no lye and they have the moisture seal instant conditioner included with the kit. After using this her hair stays soft and moist for a few days...so I bought a bottle. The ingredients aren't anything to jump about, but I'm hoping it'll work ok...anyone ever try it???
I used this conditioner in the past and loved it. Now that i think about it, i don't know why i stopped using it. It works great as a deep conditioner while under a hooded dryer. I always mix my conditioner though, but this one i remember using straight.
I saw this in CVS yesterday, I think it had brand new packaging, either that or it was just a new collection from the D&L line. Looked interesting, but I'm not looking for new products right now.