Dare I Say This?


Well-Known Member
After raving about Salerm being the best thing since sliced bread, I believe I have found something that works better for me. A few weeks ago I bought NTM poo and mask and I loved them. Today I decided to buy the leave in and serum. OMG! I immediately felt a difference the second it touched my hair. I am in love. Does anyone else like NTM better than Salerm? Please Salerm lovers don't hurt me!
LOL!!! There are some more ladies who like the NTM serum better than Salerm 21. I've never tried Salerm. I've tried NTM serum and it is the bomb!
I used NTM first before I bought Salerm and I tell you it is a tough act to follow. Its not that I didn't like the Salerm but I am in looooooove with the NTM line!
I only wish I had tried the NTM first because now I have one brand new bottle of Salerm and one half used one. Do you think I can use it for something else other than a leave in?
I like Salerm leave in better than the NTM leave in. I love NTM serum and NTM poo is ok. The poo doesn't lather as much as I would like for it to.
YAY Supergirl!!!!!!! Thanks for that thread! Now I have to watch out for Allandra
I'm feeling a little better now that I see I have back up! LOL
i like salerm when i go to the salon bc im scared ill use to much and wind up with a sticky mess. but the hair stylist used the salerm on my daughter,whos natural and i hated the way it came out. i love the way it is on me=)

i just got ntm silk touch leave in and air dryed and i love it too=) so ill use salerm for the salon and ntm when i do my own hair
I've never used Salerm but I love the NTM line. My salon uses salerm...but they never use it on my hair so maybe it's not for me anyway.
how much NTM are you all using? I know u are only supposed to use a dime size of Salerm(making it last quite a while too)...I have both and really like both, but for some reason I think my hair might air dry better with the salerm. But I use quite a bit more of the NTM (quarter size or two)....

Also, are u mixing it with the serum or using the serum after the hair is dry?
Reginia said:
I like Salerm leave in better than the NTM leave in. I love NTM serum

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Same here.
thx, Ill have to try it like that, I think I used too much before, my hair was kind of hard when it dried....

brwnskin, yep, its a leave in but they have a whole line....Shampoo, Conditioner, Leave in, Hair Mask, and Serum