Dandruff/flaky scalp


Hi I'm new to this forum after many many years of being a severe lurker (lol). So here's my first question: What can I do about my severely flaky dandruff ridden scalp? I have been to the doctor and he game be Nirozal (ketoconazole, I think that is how its spelt). It worked but if I don't wash with it every singled day then the dandruff returns with a vengeance.. The problem is I don't want to use everyday because washing my hair every day with a shampoo that contains SLS would be very detrimental to my hair. Does anyone have any idea how I can solve the dandruff problem.
I use tea tree oil on my DD's scalp every few days. Works like a charm. When I remember, I also mix a bit in her SLS-free weekly shampoo (we use Jane Carter). This works great too.

I used this suggestion by Traycee from K.I.S.S./LHCF member and it pretty much cured my dandruff when I first started my HHJ: http://keepitsimplesista.blogspot.com/2008/10/top-2-questions-asked.html



Moisturizing Conditioner
Coconut Oil (optional)
Peppermint Oil
Rosemary Oil( Do not use Rosemary Oil if pregnant)
Eucalyptus Oil


Treatment is used as a prepoo overnight..Can be done before a Co-Wash or Shampoo...
There are no measurements because it has to do with tolerance...Peppermint , Rosemary and Eucalyptus Oils all give a cooling and menthol feeling...Start of with maybe 5 to 10 drops of each to test tolerance in your conditioner

Part hair in small sections...Cover scalp and apply to hair down to the tips...Cover with plastic cap and cover that with a scarf...Use a old pillow case..In the morning rinse and shampoo or co-wash hair..

I recommend doing this at least 2x a week ...( I will be doing this 3x a week)
For me chagrin valley poo bars help a lot and then an acv rinse afterward. I used nizoral a while but it just made it worse. Try Giovanni Triple Treat if you want a liquid shampoo and I use the conditioner with eucalyptus for cowashing. I also do a water spritz with a little lavender.
Jojoba oil or olive oil for a pre poo is good too.
that's about all I do and it stays under control also try being stress free
I used diluted Apple Cider Vinegar ( or witch Hazel/Astringent) to rid my scalp of dandruff and build-up.It actually cured it. I also found out that Shampoo causes dandruff in my hair so I only cleanse my scalp with ACV ( Apple Cider Vinegar) or plain water.

That Nizoral stuff did not do any justice for me at all.
I put warm Jamaican Black Castor Oil on my scalp the night before I wash. During my DC, I put Keracare Dry and Itchy scalp conditioner on my scalp. Works wonders and I've had dry scalp problems my entire life.
I was wondering do you use the tea tree oil undiluted on your head or diluted in a carrier oil? like olive oil or similar
I have used RX and they never helped.

A few years ago I used a mix of tea tree oil and cocount oil and it helped a lot.

Now I use KeraCare shampoo for dry and itchy scalp and it has worked wonders. Even my hairdresser noticed. You do have to be consistent with it.
Thanks for this thread. I have this issue. I have been using Nizoral and it helps but I don't like that it's full of all sorts of chemicals. I use mostly natural products so I will be trying some o these suggestions.

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