Damaged Natural Hair. What Next?


Well-Known Member
I kepp going through phases where I see a little growth an convince myself that my hair is doing amazing. I think I just need to face the fact that I need to do something drastic.

Areas in the back are thinning. Right now the back is overall shorter and looks like a grown out tapered cut in the whole area. Some areas are really thin. The front right side of my hair that is 4Z is extremely short and thinning. My edges are thinning all over my head. I'm thinking either take a shot at texlaxing or cutting it really short and wearing extensions.

Craziest thing is that when I have relaxed hair and didn't care for it the differences in lengths were never this bad. I don't know if its a combination of my past illness history plus having 4c/b hair but the ssks and split ends are really bad.

I really don't want to wear a TWA and I like wearing my own hair. So I'm thinking about texlaxing and getting a large trim. The benefits I have in mind are less shrinkage so I can moisturise regularly, less ssks, less breakage whilst detangling, being able to do braidouts and wash and gos without a lot of tension.

Has anyone had success with relaxing/texlaxing damaged natural hair? Which option would be the best for me?
If you do decide to relax, I think texlaxing might be best. However, do you know why your hair is breaking. You mentioned your health hx and your curl type being the issue but are you sure that's what causing the breakage? What's your reggie like? How do you normally style your hair? It doesnt make sense to relax your hair if your hair practices are bad; b/c you will just carry them over as a relax head. I would try to nurse your natural hair 1st before putting a relaxer in. @xxlalaxx
Im interested in the Reggie and products in rotation too.

Obviously relaxer will not fix the damage. Relaxing severely damaged hair could make it worse.

Are you still on medication? What aboutb birth control? BC can mess you up too.

Your edges. Are you sleeping with a cap or scarf? No scarf at all? Headbands? Brushing or combing them hard? I found these rub off my edges. Satin pillowcase fixed it. Rarely use headbands. Never brushes now.

That front right bit that's thinning and broken. Do you part there or lay it all the time?

How often do you trim or dust?
Just read an article on thinning hair this morning which advised to check your vitamin A levels to make sure you are not taking in more than 40,000 IU/day and also to check your iron levels. I had similar issues with my right back side which resolved when I started using a silk pillow case and/or wearing a silk bonnet. Regular dusting and religiously oiling my ends has also helped.
Getting a texlaxer/texturiser is not necessarily the answer unless you address the cause of your problem.

Many times, women will say that they are frustrated with their hair because it is a texture issue but the issue is not a texture issue it is about why your hair is not retaining length.

It takes about one year to see major difference in hair improvement. There is no way getting around the TWA stage unless you do wigs, sew ins or braided/twisted extensions, crochet braids.

You have to ask yourself do you do protein treatments followed by moisture treatments, do you wash your hair in sections? Do you use a lot of braid extensions? Are you under a lot of stress? How is your diet? Do you have a possible inflammation of the scalp which I understand many women have but it goes undiagnosed? Do you shampoo your scalp/cleanse your scalp at least twice a month?

Almond Eyes
Thank you for the responses.@pelohello @shortdub78 @DarkJoy @cynd @almond eyes. I really appreciate it.

My issues started around September when I started to do my hair more. Before that I didn't really do my hair regularly because I was still ill. Im Positive it is a combination of genetically fragile and kinky hair plus my previous health issues. I'm thinking that the damaged hair has been growing out and started breaking at my ends now.

I've tried everything from henna to roux porosity control to deep conditioning to hard protein treatments to constantly PS. I realise now that it probably isn't my regime thats the issue so I've stopped that all.

I wash every 1 and 1/2 weeks. I wash in sections. I deep condition on those days too. I moisturise and seal twice weekly. Its hard to do more than that coz of the shrinkage and my hair not always drying when I do braidouts. I fingercomb 90% of the time. I dust and trim. I do not part the front right side due to the thinness. Also some areas at my roots are looking spacey. I don't get pain or itching. I've been wearing a satin scarf for years.

This September I'm going into education/work full time and I'm worried about how my hair will cope which I doubt it will in this state. I'm thinking that what ever I decide now will take place in the mid summer.

Also I didn't mention that I'm around 1 inch past collarbone atm and that my crown is very very thick and strong compared to the rest?

Again thank you for taking the time out to reply.
I say get a trim an a steam treatment. Texlaxing can be just as much of an issue, like natural hair. I say if you are going to relax, go all the way.

What protective styles do you wear? Sounds like you need some moisture/water/hydration too.
As stated above, texlaxing would be a great option for your hair but you need to nurse it back to thickness and health before doing it. I recommend conditioner and grease. Those are 2 of only 3 products I use in my regime and my hair grows like crazy. Grease is nice and thick and it does wonders for thickening the hair and retaining moisture and length. Conditioner you can use with it to give it slip and to style it after wetting it. Wrap your hair up at night. Your hair will grow and thicken in no time.
Thank for the advice. I know how to care for my hair thats the crazy thing about it. My hair grows at amazing rates and my crown in doing very well. But its only my crown.

I've decided to relax/texlax and get a professional cut. If I don't like it I'm gonna wear extensions and/or BC. As much as I like length and my own hair I know my hair is just gonna suffer like this and its just gonna stress me out. At the end of the day it will grow back. This will probably commence in June/July time.