Damaged hair


Well-Known Member
For some yrs now, after i started thinning out at the nape of my hair, my hair is still affected by that. My right side always grows tc fine, but my left side grows in thinner and slower. I cut it even and my hair grew right back to that length but the left side was just thinner. Whenever i put my hair up one piece of my hair in the middle always is longer so i got tired and clipped it. So when i put my hair down, me cutting that long middle piece made my right side that is longer more obvious, so i trimmed it down so that my hair looked more even. Should i get a heavy protein treatment to help with the problem. I feel like i have a good regimne, you can look at my journal entries. What do you all recommend?
tinkat said:
For some yrs now, after i started thinning out at the nape of my hair, my hair is still affected by that. My right side always grows tc fine, but my left side grows in thinner and slower. I cut it even and my hair grew right back to that length but the left side was just thinner. Whenever i put my hair up one piece of my hair in the middle always is longer so i got tired and clipped it. So when i put my hair down, me cutting that long middle piece made my right side that is longer more obvious, so i trimmed it down so that my hair looked more even. Should i get a heavy protein treatment to help with the problem. I feel like i have a good regimne, you can look at my journal entries. What do you all recommend?
I would try a hair thickener and make sure that your nutritional intake includes Biotin or even the Hair Thick Shake (it has tons of vitamins & is good). I felt that my hair was looking thin & I just get the Nexxus Diametress Poo to thicken it, there are other brands as well that's not so costly. I think one of them that ladies on here speak of is from Suave.
But concentrate on what you eat & drink to help the hair that begins to grow come out a little bit thicker... Once it's out of your scalp, nothing else will help but a hair thickening product to give it the look of thickness.
Also remember that different sections on your scalp are in the different growing stages. So the longer you allow it to grow out the better it will get. I suggest letting it grow past where it is now, then see how the hair is looking.
-HTH :look:
I just want to say that I stopeed wrapping my hair at night for over a year now because I felt that it was making my hair thinner (too much manipulation). My hair thanks me now :)
Nice said:
I just want to say that I stopeed wrapping my hair at night for over a year now because I felt that it was making my hair thinner (too much manipulation). My hair thanks me now :)
I had to stop because when I had NG it was murder on my tresses. I thought it was just me. :look: Now I just throw it in a bun & place my scarf on tight! :)
tinkat said:
what do you do to your hair at night

I do the half and half method. What I do is I separate my hair at the nape into 2 parts, then I bring the left side over to the right and pin it. I do the same thing with the right side. I then tie it up with a satin scarf :) . I think that I take some pictures and place them in my album tomorrow.
One suggestion that I got form the ladies in here was to take Vit B5 Pantothenic Acid. Also carrot juice might help. Good luck