Damage From Henna? And Can You Use Commercial Dyes After Henna?


UK Blak
Hi ladies,

I'm wondering if henna is the cause of my numerous split ends and mid-shaft breaks and splits? I rarely use heat, deep condition regularly and try to be careful when detangling so I'm not sure what's up. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this as a result of henna? I've used it about 4 times since 2015, as part of the two-step process with indigo to cover my greys.

That said, has anyone covered their hair with black dye after henna? Or even just the roots only? A cosmetologist online said it can't be done and I'd have to either grow my hair out or cut it off, but I thought I'd check with you all :)
I've used the henna/indigo several times in 2016 and I've had to trim much more than usual. Could it be that our hair becomes dry from the combo and breaks and splits from the dryness?
I am not a henna fan because I believe it not only caused my hair to become dry thus more prone to splits and breakage it also changed my curl pattern which I didn't like at all. It was probably a year in between me using henna and using permanent color. I didn't wait because I was afraid to use permanent dye just wanted to nurse my hair back to better health before using dye. Did the stylist say why you can use dye after henna?

I have been using henna on my hair since 2008 probably. It does make the hair pretty dry but I find that You have to use a very deep moisturizing conditioner/treatment after having one done. As far as coloring my hair with a commercial dye.

I use Matrix demi-permanent color with a volume 10 developer. I use that about 3 weeks after a henna treatment and I have quite a bit of hair on my head to cover grays as well. Your hair will not be damaged this way if you used Body Art Quality Henna. They each have their benefits on my hair so I alternate them. If you want to color your hair with a commercial dye, it is perfectly fine. It won't cause any damage.

Now how often you color with a dye, I can't help with that since I alternate henna with my demi-permanent color which gives me a perfect color every time and lasts until my gray roots start coming out again.
I henna too, haven't dyed over it so I can't chime in there.

But +1 to using BAQ henna (I've used it and inferior qualities and you can tell the difference.)

I also cannot do henna alone. I always do a henna gloss with whatever conditioner I have lying around (samples, hotel conditioner, whatever). Right now I'm using Greaseless Moisture from HQSystems to use it all up (I love the stuff but seller is too unreliable so I weaned my hair off it). I tried henna alone once and my hair was So dry. Strong, dry, and angry. Never made that mistake again.
My hair also became dry, brittle and breaking after henna and indigo. It just doesn't work for me.

My hair does NOT need more protein, I think my hair is mostly protein lol!