dairy foods and hair growth


Well-Known Member
I read an article on hair growth I can't find it now but it said that if we cut out processed foods, sugar, bleached flour, caffeine, and dairy foods from our diets that our hair growth would improve but my question is what's wrong with eating dairy how does it hinder hair growth has anyone heard this before?
I doubt that it hinders it. Maybe it's just that it grows faster when it isn't consumed. But then if we don't consume it, we have week bones.

I remember the "Milk does the body good" ads from long ago and they used to say it was good for teeth and bones and hair.

If you supplement with a good calcium / magnesium supplement you will be fine.

Cutting out all of those 'badies' would do wonders for your hair, skin, nails, energy level and weight it that is an issue.

It is sooooo easier said than done....