Daily Cowashers... what do you do in cooler months?


New Member
Hello everyone! This summer I have fallen in love with daily cowashing followed by wash n go's and wet bunning. As summer comes to an end, I'm trying to figure out what I will do with my hair as it cools outside.

I've been thinking, I could cowash nightly, loosely wet bun and wear my hair that way til the following night. I could cornrow biweekly and wig it, still cowashing nightly. I'm not sure what I'll do, just yet. What do you do? How do you cowash daily during the cooler months?
I'll probably do twist outs more than anything else during the cooler month. Wash at night and twist, then wake up to dry hair in the morning. HTH!
I only co-wash up until it gets to be like 25 degrees outside. After that any attempt to co-wash in the morning is worthless because the cold air won't let me retain moisture and my curls look a hot mess. Plus I catch a cold - I don't care what anybody says, walking around 20 degree weather with wet hair makes me sick - when I walk around with wet hair.

With that being said I usually will co-wash at night and just spray some water in the morning and add some shea butter. In the winter I usually have my hair rollerset Dec thru beginning of March. That's just me though. I say play it by ear and see how your hair reacts to the weather. Just don't use coconut oil in the winter because I found out the hard way it freezes in your hair LOL
Thanks for the great responses. I think I'll follow many of your leads and go with nightly washing. I just can't give it up now that I've tried it. My hair is loving cowashing.

Just don't use coconut oil in the winter because I found out the hard way it freezes in your hair LOL

Oh my, that's good to know!! I use coconut oil, too! Wow.... well, better make sure I hop on that order of Jamaican Black Castor oil. I'd been saying I'd try it, anyhow.
I cowash daily throughout the year. I prefer to cowash in the mornings.

Last winter, I tried cowashing at night, but gave it up after a few weeks because I don't like going to bed with a wet head. I wear cornrows under wigs, so my hair dries fast (i.e., I only have to wrap a towel around it for a few minutes to stop any dripping).
I usually cowash early in the evening around 6pm. My hair is always dry enough for me to bun and wrap by the time I go to bed at 10pm.
I usually cowash early in the evening around 6pm. My hair is always dry enough for me to bun and wrap by the time I go to bed at 10pm.

I really like this idea :yep: Right now, I work out in the mornings and cowash and dress immediately after. For Fall/Winter I'd considered changing my workout to after work since I wouldn't be cowashing in the morning anymore. It may make perfect since to cowash right after my workout still, so my hair can somewhat dry before bed time. Thank you!