Daily Co-Washing vs. Weekly Rollersetting

Which is more conducive to faster hair growth?

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I've been doing Daily CO-Washes for almost 4 months.
I'm thinking of changing my regimen to weekly Rollersetting.
Because I have to detangle my hair everyday in the shower,
I could be losing a lot of hair. If I did the rollerset I wouldn't
need to comb everyday and I can't do the twist or braidout thing...so...

Which method do you think is more conducive to
faster hair growth... Daily Co-washes or Weekly Rollersetting???

For me it's weekly rollersetiing, daily CO washes are just to much manipulation for my hair. I've gotten better results now that I cut down the manipulation.
Im more inclined to say stick with whats been working for you = co/wash.

You can do a trial on rollersetting but you dont want any setbacks so maybe just stick with the co/wash thru the summer and try to switch up in Fall....

Co/Washes guarantee no heat (since you do your pin up thing). But rollersettings can insight all kinds of urges.....
What work for me is I shampoo and conditioner on sundays and by mid-week like wednesday co-wash with conditioner and let my hair air dry. So gave this a try you might like it, I hope it works for you I find it to be a great moisturizer :yep: :yep: :yep: GOOD LUCK
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I picked daily condition washing. I used to rollerset weekly and I feel my hair grows a lot faster now.
At one point I was doing dail co-washing and it really grew my hair. I had the same concerns as you too. Detangling was a real pain, and I couldn't really tell how much hair I was losing in the shower. I stopped because of the hassle mainly, but I can say that's what grew my hair the fastest.
For me rollersetting is more harmful to my hair. As long as I stay on top of my daily co washing my hair does not get to tangled so it's usually a breeze to detangle. Now if I get lazy and only wash every other or every third day, that is a different story.
Rollersetting is too much manipulation with a comb in my opinon - when detangling in the shower I use my fingers (I never comb my hair unless I am going to wear it straight.) Plus you have to sit under the dryer with heat to get it to dry, and am trying to avoid heat as much as possible.
So anyway, short answer -
Daily co-washes :)
Detangling everyday can't be the best thing for your hair. I think you should give rollersetting a try and see how it works.
For me it's weekly rollersetiing, daily CO washes are just to much manipulation for my hair. I've gotten better results now that I cut down the manipulation.

DITTO. Plus, the longer my hair gets, the less inclined I am to spend hours washing and detangling it daily. I just don't have the time. I already wash once a week and that's already a job I love to hate! I don't rollerset, I wash and let hang until about 70-80% dry, then I tie down to smooth roots. But, at different stages on my hair journey, different things worked and daily co-washes was like the ish for like a minute, but then I had to switch up because of time. Go ahead and try the weekly thing for a couple of weeks and see, that's the only way to know what works for you.

Also, I don't thing frequent washing "grew" my hair. I now believe my hair is gonna grew pretty much the same no matter how often I wash or many vitamin I take (or don't take!). Retaining my growth is the challenge. . .
Daily (or frequent) cowashes promotes stimulation on the scalp which promotes growth. :yep: It also gently cleans your scalp and is good for those who exercise or sweat regularly. I don't get how weekly rollersetting promotes growth, though. :look: It also depends on how you keep up your rollerset throughout the week. If you wrap it every night using the old method you'll actually lose more hair due to thinning.:ohwell:
Huummmm, this is a good question b/c I've done both.
I think when I was condition washing daily my hair seemed to grow faster and I loved the feeling of a clean scalp and hair. However, the downside for me was having wet hair and putting my hair in a wet bun which looked :look:. Though I hate rollersetting my own hair, at least when it dries the ends are nice and smooth and I just pin my hair up somehow.
Do what you prefer ....
Daily (or frequent) cowashes promotes stimulation on the scalp which promotes growth. :yep: It also gently cleans your scalp and is good for those who exercise or sweat regularly. I don't get how weekly rollersetting promotes growth, though. :look: It also depends on how you keep up your rollerset throughout the week. If you wrap it every night using the old method you'll actually lose more hair due to thinning.:ohwell:

You can also promote scalp stimulation with a massage...so in effect it is the massage that happens when you co-wash not the actual co wash itself.

Weekly rollersetting may not "promote" growth, but may help RETAIN growth which is key. Seems like the OP has been successful with daily co-washes.

For me I do a scalp massage every nite and a weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) poo/con. I truly believe in KISS! It's effective for my hair...

Sometimes, I just wanna scream "STOP DOIN' TO MUCH!" LOL But I guess it works for some...
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You can also promote scalp stimulation with a massage...so in effect it is the massage that happens when you co-wash not the actual co wash itself.

Weekly rollersetting may not "promote" growth, but may help RETAIN growth which is key. Seems like the OP has been successful with daily co-washes.

For me I do a scalp massage every nite and a weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) poo/con. I truly believe in KISS! It's effective for my hair...

Sometimes, I just wanna scream "STOP DOIN' TO MUCH!" LOL But I guess it works for some...

I agree with every word of this and I do the same, KISS. Do what works best for you. I just found that daily co washing beats up my hair. This can be especially true for us fine haired girls.
I don't know how to rollerset unfortunately, so that isn't an option for me so I conditioner wash. I do agree with the ladies who said that daily detangling is too much manipulation though. I get around this by conditioner washing every two or three days, but combing it through only once per week. It doesn't get particularly tangled after only a week.

I don't know how to rollerset unfortunately, so that isn't an option for me so I conditioner wash. I do agree with the ladies who said that daily detangling is too much manipulation though. I get around this by conditioner washing every two or three days, but combing it through only once per week. It doesn't get particularly tangled after only a week.


I do this. I co-wash often throughout the week and detangle with my fingers. At the end of the week i clear out the shed hairs. this gives me the moisture, stimulation and cleanliness I need. I would love the rollerset weekly but all of that combing to get the hair smooth seems a bit much for me. Natural hair and fine tooth combs don't mix a lot. I may modify this with a braidout or something in the winter.
I co-wash daily and I see GREAT results with my hair.

It's not too much manipulation, depending on the products you use. I co-wash my hair in sections with a natural Biotin conditioner and rinse with a blast of lukewarm water, and switch up to cold water. This smoothens my hair, detangles, & softens. And ofcourse, i only detangle under the force of the water.

My leave-in (Giovanni direct) is a wooonderful detangler :love: that allows me slide my hand through my hair even with my NG :grin:
I do weekly rollersetting. Less manipulation and most importantly, for MY hair, NO HEAT! Co washes are okay, especially in the summer, but anything in excess isn't good. Washing and detangling everyday just doesnt seem healthy.
I'm sort of mixed. I think CO washes are great if you have the time, but roller setting makes a huge difference for me because I don't use heat (and haven't for years). I have much less stress breakage, and setting keeps my hair detangled nicely throughout the week.

The strange thing is that though roller setting may require tons of manipulation--and it does when I set my hair--I never lose more than 1 or 2 strands hair while roller setting. :perplexed *???...* Maybe it's the diluted Lottabody I use?

I have a pretty good growth rate, and my regimen looks like this:

Tuesday or Wednesday--CO Wash, Air dry or sit under cool dryer.
I then braid the middle and back of my hair (leaving the front out), pin the braids up, and wear a quick weave for work. I don't have to comb my hair at all during the week; just spray with S-Curl and wrap at night.

Saturday--Shampoo, DC, and roller set. I repeat the braiding and quick weave routine. Very little manipulation, and I spend less than a minute on my hair in the mornings. :yep:
I rollerset weekly. I only comb on wash days and I detangle with a mix of Cholesterol and EVOO. I think it works really well for me so far. :drunk:
You can also promote scalp stimulation with a massage...so in effect it is the massage that happens when you co-wash not the actual co wash itself.

Weekly rollersetting may not "promote" growth, but may help RETAIN growth which is key. Seems like the OP has been successful with daily co-washes.

For me I do a scalp massage every nite and a weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) poo/con. I truly believe in KISS! It's effective for my hair...

Sometimes, I just wanna scream "STOP DOIN' TO MUCH!" LOL But I guess it works for some...

Yep, Yep, everything she said, especially the STOP DOIN TOO MUCH!! But you know, I was kinda stubborn too at first. Once my hair started growing and thickening up, I just can't be bother with it every day, it's too long and too thick to handle on a daily basis and i know and thank the good Lord that's a GOOD PROBLEM!!!

Even caucasians and other non-blacks are finding out that washing daily is NOT necessary best for achieving long hair. Check out www.longhaircommunity.com which is predominantly caucasian and newbies there have fits when someone tells them to not wash daily and to go 2 or 3 days instead. LOL!
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Daily co-washing works best for my dry and frizzy hair. I had to find conditioners that make detangling a breeze and so I don't lose a lot of hair at all from doing this.

I do roller-set when I want a different style. But I have to wash by 3rd day anyway after a rollerset because my hair gets too dry and tangly.
I have noticed the most improvement in the condition of my hair by co-washing. I do it either everyday or every other day. There is not much manipulation since I co was often my hair is hardly ever tangled. Thanks to Trader Joes Nourish Spa con my hair is soft and tangle free. Co-washes have helped my tremedously with my dryness.
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I used to roller set weekly and I loved it but that was when my hair was bone straight. Now I'm texturized and I love to co-wash. Do agree that doing it daily means alot of manipulation so I try to do it every 2-3 days. i only detangel under the force of the water which makes it a breeze.