Daily Co-washers...


New Member
If you wake up with soft hair, do you still co-wash? Why?

I use to co-wash everyday, but after I started using Care Free Curl Cold, I almost never co-wash, unless I use gel one day, and even then I end up shampooing. And when I shampoo, my hair stays soft throughout...maybe that's a problem lol.

But, the point of this thread is to question the effectiveness of our moisturizers. I believe Care Free Curl Gold is an awesome moisturizer, therefore, I don't co-wash as often as I use to. I like the feeling of just washed hair, but I don't want to waste product...so, ladies, if you had a moisturizer that kept your hair really soft for days, would you still co-wash?

[I wash & DC once every 3-4 days...my hair isn't dirty lol]
i cowash daily b/c of scalp itching

when i get a man.....:lachen::lachen: hopefully he can appreciate the smell:lachen:
i hate washing out my expensive moisturizers tho (qhemet, etc)
I co wash daily because it helps with my dry scalp. Before I did this, I would get flakes like 2-3 days after wash day. It was horrible... :nono: Plus it just feels nice to let the water run through my hair when I take a shower.
Since I hate combing, I do it to help get rid of shed hairs. My shed rate has decreased, so I skip days here and there.
I'd still have to co wash everyday. Its the only way I know how to achieve the style I like and I workout.
I cowash daily because I damp bun and because I work out almost every morning and need to get the sweat off of my scalp and hair. Also, starting out with wet hair makes my buns look much neater.
I co wash daily cuz i use IC or eco style gel to pull my hair into PS. and i love clean hair, And im doing a little experiment to see if my hair will grow faster washing it everyday.....