Daily and/or Frequent Cowashers, may I...


New Member
have a moment of your time?

How in the world do you get your hair to dry in a timely manner cowashing frequently? Is there a particular technique that I should know about?
Or do you just leave your hair damp throughout the day?
I'm natural. I've been cowashing and then twisting my hair in the evening, so I can wear a twist out the next morning, but my hair ends up being damp, which kinda throws my twist outs off.

Any suggestions ladies?

Thanks so much.
It stays damp. That's why I stretched out my co-washes. I only do them once or twice a week now. After I co-wash, if I do it in the morning, I put it in a bun and style at night. I don't even bother trying to wait for it to fully airdry, it never does.
if you want it close to dry in the morning, you will have to cowash as early as possible the day before. i don't mind if mine is still a bit damp in the morning because my hair is always bunned. I am now rocking a low, side messy bun. I cowash at night (around 7pm-8pm-ish) and set the hair in 2 pocahontas braids and wrap with my satin scarf. in the morning i take them out, do my bun, and keep it moving.
I co wash at night, rollerset and place a satin cap over it. In the morning it is 98% dry. Sometimes I might have to bust out the blow drier to help the 2%.

Can you try sitting under the drier for the first 15 minutes after cw'ing?
I have a twa, and I live in FL, so I cowash in the AM, do a quick plopping to remove the excess water and then just airdry at work.

Before my BC I would cowash at night and in the morning the middle would still be damp, and I'd just bun it.
I do cowash at night sometimes. In order to be dry by morning I make sure to do it a bit earlier, instead of right before I go to bed.

Also, I wrap my hair in a t-shirt for like 15-20 minutes so that it's not soaking wet before I put on my bonnet. That gets a lot of the water out so that my hair is dry before morning.
It stays damp. That's why I stretched out my co-washes. I only do them once or twice a week now. After I co-wash, if I do it in the morning, I put it in a bun and style at night. I don't even bother trying to wait for it to fully airdry, it never does.

I see. I can accept it.

if you want it close to dry in the morning, you will have to cowash as early as possible the day before. i don't mind if mine is still a bit damp in the morning because my hair is always bunned. I am now rocking a low, side messy bun. I cowash at night (around 7pm-8pm-ish) and set the hair in 2 pocahontas braids and wrap with my satin scarf. in the morning i take them out, do my bun, and keep it moving.

Or I can bun it.

I co wash at night, rollerset and place a satin cap over it. In the morning it is 98% dry. Sometimes I might have to bust out the blow drier to help the 2%.

Can you try sitting under the drier for the first 15 minutes after cw'ing?

Or soft bonnet dry it.

...Wow, I can't wait till my hair is long enough for me to bun without pulling on my edges. It seems like the most reasonable solution, but my edges can't take the traction. I'm nursing them back to health in a serious way. :yep:

Thanks for all the suggestions. I think stretching my cowashing and then doing a fifteen minute stint under the bonnet dryer might be my best bet.
Appreciate ya, ladies. :yay: