Dabur brand Vatika Enriched Coconut Oil

That's funny, I used it today for the first time in a few months. I think that it smells horrid. I mixed it into the cheapie conditioner that I bought at Trader Joe's.

I agree...I bought this oil to use as a pre-poo for my dry hair but i've never used it as i can't stand the smell. What do you all think about the smell?
I use this brand too. I also purchased some for my friends since its so cheap. It's $1.99 at my local Indian Store.
i dont think i used it right or maybe my something is wrong with my hair:

last night i washed my hair with CON, and condish. with V05 herbal escape with salt for 30mins (this really did make my hair smooth and soft, btw) then i sprayed my wet hair with my water/gylcerin mix then the oil. i roller-setted it and went to sleep in front of my fan. this morning my hair was shiny but my roots were hard (not really hard but just didnt feel like the rest of my hair). my hair was dry but in a greasy way...hope that makes sense...when i combed it, strands were coming out....actually this has been happening for a while but after the salt dc i combed with no prob....any advice? :sad:

eta: i rinsed my hair just now and its still greasy
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The smell of neem? Umm...slightly less offensive than durian fruit and worse than most anything rotted! The powder isn't nearly as bad (let's say you're making a facial) but I do have a huge amount sitting around my house untouched (powered and oil form). LOL, I didn't know how bad it smelled it until I bought it. ....
I'm glad it can be masked in some way (or you'd knock out large groups of people), but I bet the Sunsilk (wonderful stuff) ratio is WAY high. LOL
:lachen:Some people complain when i use cocoa butter! what they would say if i coated my hair with this :nono:

I always smell products before i buy them but this one has a huge seal on it. So i bought it thinking it would smell like coconut oil...

Oh yeah... Vatika oil :grin:. Am I the only one who thinks the smell is yummy :lick:? I :love: coconut oil, and that's mainly what I smell in Vatika oil.
Yes, I think the smell is very pleasant. :yep:
I think vatika oil smells nice, it smells like coconut.
:shocked::shocked::perplexed huh? I can't smell any coconut at all! To me it smells herby/medicinal/peanutty (im allergic to nuts)! :barf:

That's funny, I used it today for the first time in a few months. I think that it smells horrid. I mixed it into the cheapie conditioner that I bought at Trader Joe's.
Thanks LilChocolateMa and MizaniLocs, I will try mixing it with a cheap conditioner and see how it goes. I dont wanna waste it.
I use it and it works well for me. I use it and Amla oil as pre poos. I will even pour the Amla (although it has mineral oil in it) directly on my scalp as I am prepooing because it's cooling and tames irritation, even though it has mineral oil in it. Some people don't like the smell, but I like the smell better than Vatika.

Both my highlights and natural color have gotten darker since I started using the oils, so I'm not sure which one to attribute it to, but I'm sure it's both.

Overall, I've had great results with the Vatika oil. I just think I'm going to stop using it once I'm through with this (HUGE) bottle and my mini bottle, because I've found other oils that work better for my hair.

I'm part of an unofficial "glam squad" in my office. We (an East Indian, a Jew, a Caucasian, another sistah, and myself) wax poetic about new products and clothes and take lunchtime trips to Lenox or Phipps and email sales coupons to each other all-day everyday. We show off our new "babies"--LV bags, designer sunglasses, you name it--to myriad oohs and ahhs.

A couple months ago, the East Indian brought some Vatika for the Jew and the Caucasian. (I was wearing a sew-in at the time and didn't get any.) Their hair is now BLINGING! The Caucasian's baby-fine hair is more lush and has great "hang." The Jew's Victoria Beckham-type bob is fiyah!

So I got a bottle a couple weeks ago after taking out my sew-in. I'm using it for pre-poos (great results), but now I'm reading the older posts that it's good for the scalp. I need to regrow my temple and crown from the traction alopecia, so I'm gonna start massaging it in nightly to see how it works.

Y'all are the best-est!
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I love Vatika because it makes my hair feel more silky and when I use to use it regularly my hair color looked a lot richer. I stopped messing with it so much because one time when I was walking to lunch from my office, the wind blew and all of a sudden my coworkers started talking about coconut. I thought I was the only one that could smell it on my head but it really is noticeable. But compared to Amla Oil and some others, Vatika smells like heaven! To me it also has a strange note of curry or some other savory spice. I have been using it as a pree poo lately instead of as an everyday oil.
Pink Gator...your office sounds like tons of fun. Glam squad indeed! LOL I love feedback and ideas from all over....sometimes you find the best idea from the place you least expect. This oil is VERY good for the scalp w/ coconut oil and neem being the 1st 2 ingredients. Neem is wonderful for any skin issues and mixed w/ coconut, it's a powerful combo. Unless you have major scalp problems like excessive dandruff, ezcema, etc....bhringraj is the better option for you for growth, IMHO. It ain't called "the king of hair herbs" for nothing. Like all vedic herbs, it has a smell, but it's nowhere near approaching neem.

hairbrat_danni....I think you're just experiencing the contrast between your relaxed hair and the new growth. I don't think you're doing anything wrong, it just feels very different from each other.

Amethyst85....these are some good suggestions for using the bottle up, but RINSE RINSE RINSE when you use it because the neem smell can linger and show up UNDER the sweater smelling stuff.... LOL. Like you, I smell before buying....if at all possible....I'm very big on smell. If I dislike the smell of something, it's benefits are far less for me. When you finish this up, buy Parachute Coconut Oil (blue bottle). You get all the good coconut benefits w/ relatively no smell. You can add whatever powders/scents that you like cuz it's pure coconut oil.

Miamori...BOTH amla and Vatika will darken your hair over time.

FYI, if coconut smells are a problem, try a sesame oil base. Many vedic hair oils have a sesame base, so look for those if you're buying a premade oil.
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I love vatika oil and the shampoo. They really work nice together. I usually do an overnight prepoo with it . It is good for detangling. Somehow it is stimulating and soothing to my scalp. It can be a little too heavy for me otherwise, though.
This thread made me break my promise to myself not to buy any more products until I finish what I already have. :nono: After that I went on a product binge and bought everything I could get my hands on. :nono: :lol: I do love the Vatika Oil, It's really lite and gives my hair a nice sheen. Since the scent is a little strong, I will only use it when I'm not going anywhere for a while, but It's a great product.
I have this oil, but I don't use it that much because I bought it in the winter and I was trying to save on the gas bill so it was a little chilly in the apt and the oil stayed solid and hard to get out of the bottle. :lol: I'm going to try it again when I get back to the apt. :yep:
I have this oil, but I don't use it that much because I bought it in the winter and I was trying to save on the gas bill so it was a little chilly in the apt and the oil stayed solid and hard to get out of the bottle. :lol: I'm going to try it again when I get back to the apt. :yep:

I usually put the bottle under running hot water for a bit, and that will melt it down nicely.
I started using this w/ my last weave and my MTG Oil (revisted) and my hair is doing great. And it came out thicker than usual! Definately a keeper!
I really :love: this product - I use it a sealant mixed with castor oil, as a pre-wash oil, mixed with sulphur to grow out edges, or just directly on my scalp:yep:
This thread made me break my promise to myself not to buy any more products until I finish what I already have. :nono: After that I went on a product binge and bought everything I could get my hands on. :nono: :lol: I do love the Vatika Oil, It's really lite and gives my hair a nice sheen. Since the scent is a little strong, I will only use it when I'm not going anywhere for a while, but It's a great product.

Okaaaay! It's making me break my promise...I just found an Indian store locally that I see myself getting very familiar with:yep:

**adding Vatika and amla oil to my product to get list**
Okaaaay! It's making me break my promise...I just found an Indian store locally that I see myself getting very familiar with:yep:

**adding Vatika and amla oil to my product to get list**

sorry for makin ya'll break promises by starting this thread lol
just bought the vatika oil today - cant wait to see what this does....
also i saw the amla oil but doesnt that have mineral oil in it? i didnt get it so i dont have the bottle here.