CW daily = crazy frizz and dry ends?


Well-Known Member
I know that a lot of ladies love their daily co-washes. But whenever I co-wash often, my hair just feels hard, dry, and frizzy.
Am I the only one or am I doing something wrong?
This happened to me until I clarified my hair and DC'd. Then, I was careful what I used to CW with, making sure it didn't have any protein. HTH
What are you doing AFTER you CW? I am CWing nearly daily and my hair is very soft. I put in a leave-in, do my moisture spritz and seal with JBCO.
What product are you co-washing with? I know that I use to have that problem as well in the beginning until I bumped into a product my hair liked (HE Hydration Condish). Yet my hair did not like the everyday bother :nono: so I switched to co-washing only 1 - 2x per week in between regular poo washing/dc'ing, and that's worked fine.

I think the key to everything is to listen to YOUR hair and adapt your reggie to what best suits its needs.:grin:
could it be the condish your using(protein)? or if you have hard water in your area, using it too much on your hair might do that?

:lol: @ your siggy
What are you doing AFTER you CW? I am CWing nearly daily and my hair is very soft. I put in a leave-in, do my moisture spritz and seal with JBCO.

I don't put anything in my hair except Chi Keratin Mist until it dries, then I use hawaiin silky 14 in 1 as my daily moisturizer.

What is JBCO?
could it be the condish your using(protein)? or if you have hard water in your area, using it too much on your hair might do that?

:lol: @ your siggy

I think you may have a point, lately I've been using a protein conditioner and moisturizing conditioner b/c my hair was starting to shed from using only moisture conditioners.

Also, I think I just may have hard water b/c my hair has been slightly off since I moved a year ago. That may be something I'll have to check out.

LOL@ your siggy.
I've been waiting for someone to use that smiley, I have no CLUE!