Checking the local ads today, I saw that CVS has the big bottles for Tresemme for $2.99, Sunsilk is BOGO free, Vive Pro 3/$10, and Organix $4.99 $10 Extra Care Bucks w/$20 purchase of Nexxus products
I then look @ theTarget ad and see $.88 Suave, K-Mart has 3/$5 Suave, Garnier Fructis 2/$7 and on and on...when you see all the sales, do you make a list (like me) or just get in the car and go where it leads you? 
ETA: Rite Aid has a good sale too: GF 2/$6, Giovanni, Vive Pro, MnT, Organix all BOGO free! It's enough to drive a PJ insane!

ETA: Rite Aid has a good sale too: GF 2/$6, Giovanni, Vive Pro, MnT, Organix all BOGO free! It's enough to drive a PJ insane!
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