Cutting out sugar


New Member
I'm a sugar addict and it's literally getting on my nerves now. I know the effects of sugar on the system and how it can effect the absorbtion of certain vitamins and minerals. I substituted a poorly cooked curry from the company restaurant in favour of some candy and a can of coke. What in the bloody hell am I doing??? When I was a vegetarian I was a lot more disciplined with my diet and looking back I'm sure that's when I had better results (when I was more disciplined as opposed to being a meat eater). I need some tips to cutting down or out the sugar and to be healthy once again.

**waits for PeachTree to tell me to rebuke the sugar in the name of Jesus**
Hey Hey Hey! Watch how you talk about us carnivores! *munchin on my bacon egg and cheese* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Seriously though, I've wondered about the sugar thing. I mean I don't really eat much sugar at all except in my morning herbal tea but I just wondered how much of an adverse affect it might be having. I'm sure in moderation it must be okay.
Eliminating sugar from the diet is one of the healthiest things you can do. I'm not much of an eliminator (LOL! I hate things that are so absolute) but a few years ago I had to regulate my sugar intake because I have hypoglycemia and I was having a really hard time - fainting and stuff. It was a hot mess.

When I discussed it both with an internist and an alternative medicine professional they BOTH said that sugar is like a drug or poison in the body. The body just isn't designed to metabolize it well without wreaking temporary havoc. Mood swings, energy name it - sugar is part of the cause. It has also been connected to the development in the long term of certain diseases - cardiovascular problems, diabetes, kidneys, cancer..... to name a few.

They both recommended I simply cut out refined sugars - candy, sweets, soda etc... anything white, or anything that converted to refined sugars - white potatoes and pasta. My health improved overnight. My Mom and boyfriend did it too - to support me - and they reported feeling like new people. Energy levels and mental clarity dramatically improved in them both.

I'm trying to move back to this way of eating now....
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**waits for PeachTree to tell me to rebuke the sugar in the name of Jesus**

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Okay, it's official, LondonDiva - you don't have a lick of sense. I burst out laughing in the office and it is quiet as a mouse. I saw my co-worker jump but she tried to play it off. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
that is what Oprah did cut out all white sugar and that is why she looks so fantastic! I want to move into this way of eating too. Alcohol is included in the list tho /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I've tried that I don't know how many times and can never stick with it.
Vevster, do you live in Houston? If not, your twin lives there. LOL
well, robin from the growafrohairlong says in her website that All natural sweetners Such as: Maple syrup, Cane sugar, Date sugar, Brown sugar, Molasses, Brown rice sugar, Honey, Stevia, Barley malt syrup, and fructose

high in vitamins and minerals
&gt;&gt;Vevster, do you live in Houston? If not, your twin lives there. LOL &lt;&lt;

Nope. I'm a New Yorker.. Do you have a picture so I can see my twin?? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
The general rule is that the more natural the source the better. So brown sugar and honey is BETTER than white sugar - but the true idea is not to seek out ADDED sugar.

Get used to things being less sweet. That's the plan anyway. It ain't easy - I know. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
One time, there was no white sugar in the grocery store so I bought brown unrefined sugar. It makes my morning coffee taste soooo good and I have never looked back since.
Vevster, sorry I don't but if I do I'll post it. I live in Austin but she is the cousin of my BF and I see her whenever I go to Temple for family functions. She has 2 daughters and the oldest looks like the little girl in your pic.
I need to join the club too! Count me in! I'm especially week for mint chocolate chip ice cream or anything chocolate for that matter!!
I wanna do this in be in the Sugar Busters club, but I might kill someone if I don't have my Ben &amp; Jerry's or Haggan Daas! /images/graemlins/mad.gif
I'm trying to cut out sodas and cut down on my refined starches as well.