Cutting Natural Hair (Short to Medium)


Well-Known Member
So the last time I got my hair cut was in April. She cut my hair really short and gave my hair some shape. Fine.

My hair has grown A LOT since then and my wash n gos are starting to look funky so I think I need a trim. I made the appointment with the same girl for Saturday and then just now chickened out and called the salon to cancel. I'm afraid she'll cut too much. I'm especially worried because the last time she was certain I had heat damage because she said my "curl pattern is too loose" in some parts.

I have not used heat since then and my hair is doing the same thing. It's just the way my hair looks but her thinking it's heat damage may cause her to cut more and I don't want that. I may be over thinking this but I don't care. What are some tips for cutting my hair myself? I tried youtube but every video is hair longer than mine and I won't be able to see the back as well as they can. Help me please. I really don't want to go to the salon.