Cutting hair by the moon


New Member
September 10-13 is the next time you should cut your hair if your cutting for length. Am I crazy for waiting til then or am I not the only weirdo (I mean that in the most loving way) that is doing this? I plan on cutting the last of my damage off. 2nches hopefully not more.I'm hoping this will make a lil diffrenece. Anyone else?:grin:

Correct me if I'm not spot on on the dates had it saved in my phone but I broke it and haven't been able to find the site again
I prefer this Luna chart to the Morrocco Method: LunaTips (British Standard Time - 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time)

The sites' dates are based on the holy books (Qur'an, Bible & Torah*) and the interconnected-ness of life on earth with the moon. It provides information on the type of hair you would like to grow, and the owner answers questions rather frequently. Besides hair, there are other tips of holistic healthy eating, exercise, nail beauty, etc.

I started using this website to get over my not-full, below SL but not APL hump (with general breakage, terribly frazzled ends, dry dry dry strands...) to a very full and healthy BSL - MBL in about a year. In the beginning, I trimmed for length, then I started trimming for thickness and body. For someone that is a slow grower and relies on daily medication where hair loss is the prevalent side effect, I was very happy with my results.

I tried the MM for two years and had a so-so regimen. My hair grew, but not the way that it has been lately. That doesn't mean that the MM is worthless, but look around, research, and experiment with what works for you. Also, I'm an advocate for trimming/ dusting at regular intervals, particularly those with fine strands. (Where's my boo Nonie?)

Sorry to have rambled and sounding hippie-ish, but I do hope that helps! :yep:

*Though I am not well versed on each of the Holy Books, I do believe that God reveals him/herself in the fantastic things (the planets and rotations, the DNA structure, the patterns, cycles and general perfection of nature, the emotional and hormonal that causes us to fall in love) as well as the everyday (smiling babies, delicious foods, the invention of the internet, herbs that we use as medication).
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I used to go to a stylist who did this to her daughter's hair, it was long and beautiful. But all of her clients had short hair:ohwell:, I guess this was her secret she didn't want to tell my mom:rolleyes:. So from my understanding you trim every full moon whether you need it or not?
I'm like @NappyNelle, I prefer to dust on the regular schedule I know. I've never bothered to learn about the Lunar Hair Charts because I don't fix something that isn't broken. I'm not in a hurry to grow long hair, nor am I having problems with my current I have no need to learn about something I won't be using. (My brain cannot only retain so much so I tend to only learn stuff I care about or will use. Sorry I couldn't contribute any useful info to the thread. Blame Nappynelle for calling me into a discussion I know nothing about. :p)
Nonie You know everything and have the science to back up anecdotal experiences. :lol: I like reading your take on methods like these.
OP, you are not the only weirdo. In fact when I was in my stalking stages on LHCF, I stumbled across @ NappyNelle's post that stated LunaTips was helpful in her achievement of longer, healthier hair. I did research on it and used the method. When I tried it, I used Omega 2 and I did notice new hair sprouting up and my hair was fuller. As my hair has gotten longer, I recognize that I have to dust regularly to prevent tangles. (I kept my hair in extensions and under wigs and I didn't pay much attention to dusting.) Now that I am wearing my hair without extensions, I plan on dusting every six to eight weeks to keep things nice and breezy.

Because I am cutting on Omega 4 this time (for thicker, fast growing hair), I will not dust until Thursday evening when I get off. So to sum up everything I said, you have a sidekick weirdo right here. HHG!!
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There were threads here on LHCF in 2010-2011 about trimming on the lunar and seasonal solstice schedule. I didn't do it for long enough to make a difference but I think you'd see results if you were consistent over several years.
MeowMix lol you're welcome im with you now with all this new info I gotta decide when ima cut the charts all say diffrent things. I think I'm gonna dust as planned and then cut... Idk

NaturalfienD thanks for sharing your results I'm thinkin I'm gonna go with the luna tips chart since all of ytal have had results with that...

Off to goggle.... :)
I used to go to a stylist who did this to her daughter's hair, it was long and beautiful. But all of her clients had short hair:ohwell:, I guess this was her secret she didn't want to tell my mom:rolleyes:. So from my understanding you trim every full moon whether you need it or not?
the full moon is on August 31st. I think Lucie is the expert here.
I will be cutting in September for thickness. I forgot to do it for this month already. I have been doing this for the past 4 months or so
Growing up one of my Grandmas said to cut hair with the growing moon. I never really paid it any attention and at the same time I never forgot it. Soooo, since I am trying to grow longer hair I do this. I usually go to this site: It can't hurt :ohwell:

**ignore my length, I've been cutting away hair tool damage for a year, trying to get it back even
oops Lucie it is actually Lucia I've been following her advice for a while concerning cutting by the moon.

"Remember for thickness trim/cutr on the day of the full moon, for length when the moon is growing from thin to thick/full. hth" per Lucia
I trim twice a year; when we change the clocks for daylight savings time in the spring and fall.
I made this up myself, not based on any kind of science. But theres something about it that works and i'm going to continue doing it.
Growing up one of my Grandmas said to cut hair with the growing moon. I never really paid it any attention and at the same time I never forgot it. Soooo, since I am trying to grow longer hair I do this. I usually go to this site: It can't hurt :ohwell:

:lol: My grandmother said the same thing... & read the almanac to plant her garden like her Father did before her.
she also said cut you hair in the fall it will grow back faster in spring & summer.:spinning:
she had beautiful hair.... MBL was her normal length...
oops Lucie it is actually Lucia I've been following her advice for a while concerning cutting by the moon.

"Remember for thickness trim/cutr on the day of the full moon, for length when the moon is growing from thin to thick/full. hth" per Lucia


Thanks for the expert title but Ive just been using this technique as part of my regimen after I found it on LHL and it works if you're consistent with it IMO.

I still use the lunar schedule now. There's an app for iPhone called Luan really good app.
And you don't have to trim monthly if you don't need it. The moon cycles every month but I trim every 3-4 months, that works for me now, if I trimmed monthly I'd trim too often to retain growth I'd be cutting my progress away.
You just have to find the schedule that's right for you. If your hair is damaged then trim monthly, but once it's healthier, you can stretch out the trims and find your own comfort zone. I experimented with different schedules so that I would only cut the ssk's and splits and not my progress. Once I reach goal I will maintain, I'll have to figure out how often to trim then. HTH
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Growing up one of my Grandmas said to cut hair with the growing moon. I never really paid it any attention and at the same time I never forgot it. Soooo, since I am trying to grow longer hair I do this. I usually go to this site: It can't hurt :ohwell:

**ignore my length, I've been cutting away hair tool damage for a year, trying to get it back even

I gave myself a trim yesterday since I wanted to:look: soooo I guess I'll use the farmers almanac going forward:yep:
September 10-13 is the next time you should cut your hair if your cutting for length. Am I crazy for waiting til then or am I not the only weirdo (I mean that in the most loving way) that is doing this? I plan on cutting the last of my damage off. 2nches hopefully not more.I'm hoping this will make a lil diffrenece. Anyone else?:grin:

Correct me if I'm not spot on on the dates had it saved in my phone but I broke it and haven't been able to find the site again

I cut by the moon but I've already done that for the summer! As I'm always in protective style, I just search and destroy by the moon for the rest of the year too :look: People can say it doesn't work, but I'll keep on cutting by the moon and growing long strong and fast. I have older relatives who do and their hair is long it is what it is.
oops @Lucie it is actually @Lucia I've been following her advice for a while concerning cutting by the moon.

"Remember for thickness trim/cutr on the day of the full moon, for length when the moon is growing from thin to thick/full. hth" per Lucia

Exactly. You don't have to do it at every moon but when you do, you make sure to choose your moon. From what I understand... the full moon is good for thickening with the new moon good for length. This is just the basic cutting calendar.

For the advanced you can compare that to the morrocco method to see any conflicting days.

And if you want to go a step further there's a final step...looking at the moon aspects (I only do this for trims instead of search and destroys)
then there's the whole cutting on the type of moon but I'm sure I'm getting super advanced as every month goes through every sign (yes from Aquarius to Capricorn).

It's better to cut at fertile times like cancer, pisces
It talks about that here I just make sure both line up when I do it That's advanced you can just cut by the moon full or new but the addition makes it work better. You can go here for instance today 8 29 it says the moon is in aquarius (I realize the sign this month is virgo but that has nothing to do with what aspect of the signs the moon is in).

To see how to use advanced for trims (again I trim once or twice a year with dusting in between):

So my last trim was in June June 20-21Summer Solstice — are the best dates to cut for summer (morroco method optimum time)

But which day? Well if you look at

These days match up.

But then if you go here

For those two days you can find out the perfect day between those two days (in order to get it at the fertile time). I can't remember which day but one of them fell in cancer so I cut it.

I noticed a growth spurt for this.

I will say though...if I'm dusting I just use morroco and compare to hair boutique staying on the new moon and KIM without the extra addition which I do only once or twice a year when I need a trim (I call dusting 1/8 to 1/4 an inch and triming 1/2-1 inch or more...I trim to catch up layers and most are caught up by now)