Cutting baby hair


New Member
The other day I cut my 5 month old sons hair low. He had too many bald spots. I was gentle and sure not to hurt him and he looks really cute. My mil and her friends have a problem and are on Facebook talking about he's too young I'm gonna mess up his hairline I should have braided his hair and let him have patches. Was I wrong for cutting his hair? Here's a pic after the cut


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Yea, you jumped the gun a bit. I don't think it will mess up his hair line since you only did it once, but my boys barber just warned me about "lining" them up. The hair looks patchy in the beginning, but it will eventually fill in. I waited till the boys were a year old. They were born with a crazy amount of hair, and sill have areas that need to grow in.

Eta: he is just ADORABLE!!!!
MrsJaiDiva said:
Yea, you jumped the gun a bit. I don't think it will mess up his hair line since you only did it once, but my boys barber just warned me about "lining" them up. The hair looks patchy in the beginning, but it will eventually fill in. I waited till the boys were a year old. They were born with a crazy amount of hair, and sill have areas that need to grow in.

Eta: he is just ADORABLE!!!!

I didn't line him up at all. I had the number one guard on the clippers and didn't cut him bald. All of his hair is there... It's just shorter
So I commented on the picture to let the ladies who had comments about my sons haircut know that I didnt line him up and that his hair is still there just shorter and that hes happy and healthy and my mil got mad and said I'm dissing her family. I don't see how that's a diss. I could have mentioned how one of her friends let's her daughters walk around with raggedy dry hair while she stays in the salon keeping her hair healthy and how my mil has been relaxing her daughters' hair since they were like 4 and keeps weaves in their hair since age 8. But I didn't go there
You haven't messed up his hair line, it's not like you plucked out his hair follicles.
His hair will be fine and will grow back.
Your son is cute.
I thought they recommended not to cut infant's hair because of soft spots and the possible exposure to the sun. I could be wrong though.
I think he'll be fine, but why is your MIL taking offense to what you do to YOUR child's hair?
...and doing it on Facebook?

I'm just confused.

He's tooooo adorable.
First of all he's too adorable! It is an old wives tale that you have to wait until one, but as long as his head is warm (it's hot as heck outside anyway) you should be fine. He looks happy and healthy so Just ignore the hens as they cackle and continue being a good mommy. :)
OP its your baby and if you saw that his hair needed to be cut then you have the right to do just that. You were careful and made sure not to hurt him and that's really all that matters. He's fine and I'm sure his scalp is fine!

Why is MIL catchin a case and on FB at that?:nono: Tell MIL to have a seat:lol:

You're son is adorable!
I'm laughing at your MIL's comment. How are you dissing her family by cutting your son's hair? It's one thing to be concerned about it causing him problems, it's another to make up some nonsense about you being disresepctful. She's lucky you were respectful enough not to block her.
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OT, but LHCF has some of the cutest babies! I always love seeing SexySin985's siggy because Savannah is adorable and so is little man in the OP (he reminds me of my brother as a baby).
What a hansome little guy! That cut really looks good on him. It can be very hard to let go of superstitions that have been passed down through the ages. Your mil will calm down after awhile, especially when your son is sporting a nice full head of hair!
So I commented on the picture to let the ladies who had comments about my sons haircut know that I didnt line him up and that his hair is still there just shorter and that hes happy and healthy and my mil got mad and said I'm dissing her family. I don't see how that's a diss. I could have mentioned how one of her friends let's her daughters walk around with raggedy dry hair while she stays in the salon keeping her hair healthy and how my mil has been relaxing her daughters' hair since they were like 4 and keeps weaves in their hair since age 8. But I didn't go there

MIL's have issues...don't let her get outta pocket. That is Your baby.
I didn't line him up at all. I had the number one guard on the clippers and didn't cut him bald. All of his hair is there... It's just shorter

Don't worry about the patchiness...I should have said my boys are 21 months, and still have areas that need to fully fill in. But I've been cutting their hair since they were a harm done! :yep:
MrsJaiDiva thankyou. I am glad that I cut his hair for now, I just never knew it was such a controversial topic. I honestly do think he's too young for a haircut.. I wanted to wait until he was two, but his hair was so unsightly. Lol. It was thinning and balding very unevenly.
Him is too cute!!!!!!

To be honest i would NOT have cut/clipped a 5 month olds hair, boy or girl. Make sure you keep him in hats when he goes outdoors.
The other day I cut my 5 month old sons hair low. He had too many bald spots. I was gentle and sure not to hurt him and he looks really cute. My mil and her friends have a problem and are on Facebook talking about he's too young I'm gonna mess up his hairline I should have braided his hair and let him have patches. Was I wrong for cutting his hair? Here's a pic after the cut

No you were not "wrong" for cutting his hair. You're his mother, you can do what you want. My son was shaved bald due to medical conditions when he was three weeks old and his hair grew just fine. Bald spots, esp on the back of the head, are pretty normal. Your mil sounds rather immature.
No you were not "wrong" for cutting his hair. You're his mother, you can do what you want. My son was shaved bald due to medical conditions when he was three weeks old and his hair grew just fine. Bald spots, esp on the back of the head, are pretty normal. Your mil sounds rather immature.

I have the same brand of MIL....when my boys were months old, she was excessively worried about the boys having hiccups, and was trying to get me to give them water (Not supposed to give infants water). She told me that she knew of someone who had DIED from having hiccups....because they KILL people you know... :rolleyes:
MrsJaiDiva said:
I have the same brand of MIL....when my boys were months old, she was excessively worried about the boys having hiccups, and was trying to get me to give them water (Not supposed to give infants water). She told me that she knew of someone who had DIED from having hiccups....because they KILL people you know... :rolleyes:

Lmao... Wow. That's hilarious. My son gets hiccups almost everyday because of laughing too hard. I'm sure if hiccups killed I wouldn't have my baby now.
We have been conditioned not to cut before 1 year, but I don't think it's that big of a deal if you do. I think Asians shave their babies' heads and their kids are still alive and kicking. It's just a cultural thing among black folks. Something about stunting their growth.

He's a cutie. Looks like a big boy. That's the number one reason why I haven't cut my son's hair yet. I would cry if he didn't look like my baby boy.
I think 5months is too young to take a clipper to a babies head/hair. I do believe it can disturb the follicle-- they're not even fully developed. Which is why you don't see hair there yet. All it takes is a little bit of rubbing to cause bald spots on a baby. That tells you how delicate their scalp is.
5 months? I am shocked you got him to stay there while you did that. I didn't cut my sons hair until he hit 2 years old and I was still nervous.'re his mother. You make the decisions you feel are best for him. I am sure no harm was done.
I'm sure it will be fine. I would have been scared to do it though because their little heads are so delicate. I don't think it will have any long term effects. Ummmm, your MIL needs to chill on the FB comments and maybe knit a blanket or something?